
CollectionABDUA University of Aberdeen, Human Culture Collection
Object NameFigure
Mummy Cover
Mummy board
Object NumberABDUA:21781
Other NumberB96+4;TH139
Other Number Typeold number; collection number
PeriodDynasty 21
Brief DescriptionEgyptian mummy cover in wood. This would have been placed directly over the mummy and both then placed in a wooden coffin. The cover has very clear, painted hieroglyphs (Osiris, Mistress of the House, Singing Woman of Amon, Mut-Im -?-Ha ) which are typical of those found at Karnak. It has been broken across the chest and repaired, and parts of the hands missing, probably pulled off for sale as tourist trinkets in the nineteenth century. Some areas varnished, possibly in nineteenth century.
DimensionsL: 1640 mm W(at shoulder): 470 mm
Materialswood, paint
Completeness Notebroken, repaired, hands missing
Techniquecarved painted
Object Production Date1064 BC-940 BC
Place KeyAfrica, Egypt
Association Type Placefindspot
Field CollectorThomson, Alexander Mr
Publication NoteLEMUR Database. (MS) Catalogue of Thomson of Banchory Museum (Catalogue of Miscellaneous articles as arranged in Old Museum, 1847-48), Item 139, p175
Aquisition SourceChrist's College, Aberdeen
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