
CollectionABDUA University of Aberdeen, Human Culture Collection
Object NameLithics
Object NumberABDUA:102466
Other NumberTT/9/13
Other Number TypeTreasure trove
PeriodMid-Late Neolithic
Brief DescriptionMAS 2007-6 Trench 3, Context 3/2, Pot 02, SF 24, 21, 17, 20, 19, 6, 9, 10, 14, 11, 15, 16, 5, 22, 29, 18. Body, rim sherds and several small fragments of a carinated bowl. Dark brown throughout, gritty coarse fabric, large frequent granular inclusions of quartz. Upright neck with very uneven rounded rim, very gentle and rounded carination, very uneven surface.
Place KeyEurope, Scotland, North East, Aberdeenshire, Kintore, Midmill
Field CollectorMurray Archaeological Services Ltd.
Publication NoteMIDMILL INDUSTRIAL ESTATE KINTORE ABERDEENSHIRE Archaeological Evaluations and Excavations Carried out 2007-2012 by Murray Archaeological Services Ltd Report No: MAS 2013-10 H K Murray and J C Murray
Aquisition SourceQ&LTR
Aquisition Date14/08/2013
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