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UNIVERSITY 1451 - Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health papers
1 - Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health
2 - John Boyd Orr papers
3 - John Boyd Orr collection of books
4 - Dr David Cuthbertson papers
5 - Kenneth Lyon Blaxter papers
6 - Professor William Philip Trehearne James papers
7 - Professor Peter Morgan papers (no papers have been deposited)
8 - Carnegie Dietary Survey papers
9 - Material relating to other dietary surveys and nutritional experiments
10 - David Lubbock papers
1 - Typescripts and Papers
2 - Papers, publications and articles collected and related to the work and activities of David Lubbock
3 - Correspondence on Carnegie Survey and subsequent surveys
4 - Proposals for a Boyd Orr Centre for World Affairs
5 - Robert Wenlock Papers on Food and Nutrition Programme in Zambia and Correspondence between Robert Wenlock, David Lubbock and E Mumbwe
6 - Second World War correspondence and papers
7 - Letters, correspondence and other papers from 1945
1 - Letter to David Lubbock from Walter Elliott
2 - Letter to David Lubbock from Frank McDougall concerning the Food and Agricultural Organisation conference
3 - Letter to David Lubbock from Lord Strathcona
4 - Letter to David Lubbock concerning appointment to staff of Food and Agricultural Organisation
5 - Termination of Food and Agricultural Organisation contract
6 - Letter to David Lubbock from Jean Cuthbertson concerning birth of son
7 - Letter to David Lubbock from F Tisdall
8 - List of guests for Food and Agricultural Organisation function
9 - Letter to David Lubbock from F W Dobbs [tutor]
10 - Letter to David Lubbock from Aidan Crawley, MP
11 - Letter to David Lubbock from J Latsky
12 - Letter to David Lubbock from UNESCO House, Paris
13 - Letter to David Lubbock from Aidan Crawley, MP
14 - Cable to David Lubbock from Gove Hambridge
15 - Letter to David Lubbock from J Verzar
16 - Letter to David Lubbock from J G Hawtrey concerning a dinner for F W Dobbs
17 - Letter to David Lubbock from F W Dobbs
18 - Letter to David Lubbock from H Shapley, Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace
19 - Letter to David Lubbock from Lord Horder
20 - Letter to David Lubbock from Lord Horder
21 - Letter to David Lubbock from I Leitch concerning Marie de Regel
22 - Letter to David Lubbock from Marie de regel concerning job with I Leitch
23 - Letter to David Lubbock from K Burnett, Food and Agricultural Organisation office, Cairo concerning regional conference in Beirut
24 - Letter to David Lubbock from F G Boudreau
25 - Letters to David Lubbock from George Allen and Unwin Limited
26 - Letter to David Lubbock from John Boyd Orr
27 - Letter to David Lubbock from F l McDougall, Food and Agricultural Organisation, suggesting changes to his book "The white man's dilemma"
28 - Letter to David Lubbock from K K P N Rao, Food and Agricultural Organisation Nutrition Division concerning Columbia
29 - Letter to David Lubbock from H K Stiebeling
30 - Letter to David Lubbock from Maurice King [World Health Organisation], Indonesia
31 - Letter to David Lubbock from Maurice King, [World Health Organisation], New Delhi, India
32 - Draft application from David Lubbock for post of Director of the Rowett Research Institute
33 - Application from David Lubbock for post of Director of the Rowett Research Institute
34 - Application from David Lubbock for post of Director of the Rowett Research Institute
35 - Letter to David Lubbock from R C Garry concerning appointment of K L Blaxter
36 - Letter to P Lamour from Hoffman
37 - Letter to David Lubbock from J G Patton
38 - Memorandum to David Lubbock from D H Luzongo concerning Food and Agricultural Organisation works
39 - Memorandum to David Lubbock from C Pevitt [John Farquharson Limited] concerning publication of book on Boyd Orr
40 - Memorandum to David Lubbock from C Pevitt
41 - Memorandum to David Lubbock from Robert Jackson, Under Secretary General, UNROB [United Nations Relief Operations in Bangladesh?]
42 - Letter to David Lubbock from Robert Jackson
43 - Letter to David Lubbock from J F Sleeman, University of Glasgow
44 - Letter to David Lubbock from Lord Netherthorpe
45 - Letter to David Lubbock from K Alexander
46 - Letter to Sir Harold [?] from David Lubbock
47 - Letter to Sir Harold [?] from David Lubbock - draft copy
48 - Letter to David Lubbock from Alick Buchanan-Smith
49 - Letter to David Lubbock from A G Mezerik, editor of International Review Service
50 - Programme for anniversary lunch for Avrham Mezerik
51 - Letter to David Lubbock from Celia Petty [University of London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine]
52 - Letter to David Lubbock from Celia Petty
53 - Letter to David Lubbock from Celia Petty
54 - Letter to David Lubbock from Lady Ritchie-Calder concerning Celia Petty
55 - Letter to David Lubbock from Celia Petty concening Lubbock memoirs
56 - Letter to David Lubbock from Celia Petty
8 - Correspondence and papers concerning publication "From the old world to the new" and Rowett Archive
9 - Obituaries and biographical Material
10 - Oral History audio tapes and transcripts of David Lubbock recorded by Jean James
11 - Dr Douglas Harvey papers
12 - Economic Advisory Council committee papers
13 - Food and Agriculture Organisation conference and committee papers
14 - International Union of Nutrition Societies
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