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UNIVERSITY 1451 - Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health papers
1 - Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health
1 - Nutrition abstracts and reviews
2 - Collected papers and publications by the Rowett Research Institute
3 - Rowett Research Institute Annual Reports of Studies in Animal Nutrition and Allied Sciences
4 - Wages and salaries books for Rowett Research Institute, Strathcona House and Duthie Farm
5 - Papers and technical communications by the Commonwealth Bureau of Animal Nutrition
6 - Collection of books and pamphlets published by/or relating to Rowett Research Institute and the Agricultural and Food Research Service
7 - Collection of photographic slides - includes views of buildings, people and events, portraits, staff,and experimental work
8 - Thesis produced at Rowett Institute
1 - Allcroft, W.M.O. "Some biochemical studies on the composition of the blood of the bovine, with special reference to the changes occurring at differemt stages of the growth an reproductive cycles."
2 - Anderson, E.J.M. "A study of the natural immunity reactions of animal sera."
3 - Cruickshank, E.M. "Investigations on the factors affecting the mineral content of pastures."
4 - Cunningham, I.J. "The role of copper in animal nutrition."
5 - Cunningham, I.J. "The role of copper in animal nutrition."
6 - Dennehy, M.W. "Dietary factors in carbohydrate metabolism."
7 - Harvey, D. "Cod liver oil and the lactating animal."
8 - Henderson, J.M., "The influence of ultra-violet light on the mineral metabolism of growth and lactation."
9 - Henry, K.M. "The absorption and metabolism of carbohydrates in the fowl."
10 - Macowan, M. "Studies in the physiology of the domestic fowl."
11 - McDougall, E.J. "The influence of the autonomic nerves on the absorption of glucose."
12 - McKenzie, K. "The biochemistry of aluminium."
13 - Magee, H.E. "The influence of food on the respiratory exchange of the ruminant."
14 - Moir, G.A. "The chlorine requirements of farm animals with especial reference to the effect of chlorine on the metabolism of the pig."
15 - Owen, E.C. "The metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in man."
16 - Reid, E. "On the absorption of foodstuffs from the alimentary canal."
17 - Strand, R. "Observations on the carbohydrate metabolism of the sheep with special reference to lactic acid."
18 - Taylor, W. "A contribution to the study of lactation."
19 - Tocher, J.F. "Variations in the composition of milk"
20 - Pemberton, J. "Some signs of Malnutrition"
9 - Special publications, commemorative issues and memorablia associated wih the Rowett Research Institute
10 - Collected papers and theses from the Enzymology Department during the term of G A Levvy as head of Department
11 - Minute Books of the Rowett Research Institute
12 - Strathcona House minute books and papers
13 - Newspaper cuttings and press reports recording events and activities associated with the Rowett Research Institute - including visits, ceremonies, publications and reviews
14 - Papers and correspondence between J C R Yeats and J N Aitken relating to the development of the Reid Library
15 - Papers and articles recording the historical development of Rowett Research Institute
16 - Lectures, papers and historical display material prepared by Honorary Archivist Walter Duncan recording the development of the Rowett Research Institute
17 - Publications, lectures and memorabilia associated with Walter Elliot during his time at the Rowett and in his subsequent political and scientific career
18 - Framed and mounted photographs and portraits of staff groups, individuals, buildings and other memorabilia associated with the Rowett Research Institute
19 - Books and articles written by or about individuals associated with the Rowett Research Institute or drawing upon work undertaken at the Institute
20 - Papers, correspondence and press cuttings relating to Founders' Day dinners, special occasions and other events held in honour of individuals associated with the Rowett Research Institute
21 - Maps and architects' plans of the grounds and buildings on the site of the Rowett Research Institute
22 - Biographical notes relating to portraits displayed in Strathcona House with details of artists
23 - Correspondence, sketches and notes on the Rowett Research Institut coat of arms and motto
24 - Papers, notes and references of Dr Isabella Leitch on basal metabolic rate
25 - Biographical information, press articles and obituaries on individuals associated with the Rowett Research Institute
26 - Papers on diet, nutrition and other wartime studies at the Rowett Research Institute and other research stations
27 - Papers of Lipid Biochemistry Department and logbooks of Walter Duncan
28 - Miscellaneous items relating to the Rowett Research Institute
29 - Collected Papers of Rowett Institute
30 - Biochemistry Department experimental records
31 - Farm experimental records
32 - Kenya Experiments
33 - Metabolism Department experimental records
34 - Physiology Department experimental records
35 - Abstracts
36 - Further biographical/obituary material
37 - Rowett Institute newsletter
38 - Rowett Institute newsletter and Rowett Reviews
39 - Correspondence relating to Rowett estimates
40 - Founders' Day Dinners, Receptions and Trust
41 - Founders' Day Reception, Dinners, list of guests, some newspaper reports
42 - Fraser Trust Papers
43 - Estimates/applications for grant-in-aid of maintenance expenditure and correspondence with Rowett Research Institute
44 - Sir David Cuthbertson portrait presentation
45 - Opening of Charles Alexander Wingof the Reid Library by Rt Hon William Ross, PC MP
46 - Opening of new Biology Wing
47 - John Quiller Rowett fund:correspondence and accounts.
48 - Rowett Golden Jubilee papers
49 - Governing Body Constitution, Registration of Companies including correspondence with Major Rowett
50 - Architect's plans for projected Rowett Research Institute International Nutrition Centre produced by Mackie, Ramsay and Taylor, Aberdeen
51 - Lands and buildings files
52 - Estates files - Land and buildings files continued
53 - Reid Library files
54 - Reid Library files
55 - Strathcona House files
56 - Search for encumbrances, title deeds RRI property, valuation roll.
57 - Records of staff having Tetanus Innoculations and Rowett Research Institute Accident Books
58 - Correspondence about and reaction to the 1964 typhoid outbreak in Aberdeen
59 - Radiological Protection Services Reports and firewatching rotas
60 - Photographs and posters of Rowett Research Institute
61 - Photocopies of newspaper articles about Rowett from public libraries
62 - Staff Information
63 - Miscellaneous
64 - Early archive lists
65 - Photographs of official opening, buildings, staff and events
66 - Photographs of individual staff, departments and various groups and events
67 - Photographs of presentations, retirals, staff, sports clubs and others
68 - Photographs of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher visit
69 - Photographs of buildings and aeriel views
70 - Photographs of Founders' Day celebrations and the Governing Body
71 - Photographs of special occasions including official openings and visits by dignitaries
72 - Photographs of staff at work
73 - Miscellaneous historical material including ephemera from the Institute's opening ceremony and press cuttings
74 - Duthie experimental stock farm accounts 1931-1962 and Duthie-Craibstone Farm accounts 1943-1952
75 - Rowett Research Institute Annual Accounts 1921 - 1956 and Report of the Governing Body and Consolidated Financial Statements 1984-1995
76 - Videos/Films
77 - Sound tracks
78 - 16mm films
79 - Photographs of the Institute, staff, presentations and events
80 - Duthie Farm photos
2 - John Boyd Orr papers
3 - John Boyd Orr collection of books
4 - Dr David Cuthbertson papers
5 - Kenneth Lyon Blaxter papers
6 - Professor William Philip Trehearne James papers
7 - Professor Peter Morgan papers (no papers have been deposited)
8 - Carnegie Dietary Survey papers
9 - Material relating to other dietary surveys and nutritional experiments
10 - David Lubbock papers
11 - Dr Douglas Harvey papers
12 - Economic Advisory Council committee papers
13 - Food and Agriculture Organisation conference and committee papers
14 - International Union of Nutrition Societies
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