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UNIVERSITY 1437 - University of Aberdeen Department of Natural History: lantern slides
1 - Lantern slides of or relating to oestology, arachnids, cestoda, trematoda, nematoda, reptiles and mammals
2 - Lantern slides of or relating chiefly to animal and human anatomy
1 - Anatomical slides concerning animals, including humans and molluscs.
2 - Anatomical slides, most of which concern human illnesses
3 - Anatomical slides, mainly concerned with polychaeta (especially their parapodium), bombinators (toads), triton taeniatus (common striped newt) and drosophila (fruit fly).
4 - Anatomical slides, most of which either concern Drosophila (fruit fly), gypsy moths or human population statistics.
5 - Anatomical slides, several of which are concerned with chromosomes and Drosophila.
1 - Slide showing two drawings of unknown organisms labelled 'A' and 'B'
2 - Slide showing flowchart concerning sperm (no title).
3 - Slide showing microscopic photographs of eight unknown organisms.
4 - Slide showing four diagrams of cells; one of which has polar bodies on exterior.
5 - Slide showing extract from a textbook including a chart and explanatory figure regarding 'the results of transplantation of eye disks in Drosophila.'
6 - Slide showing graph with one curve demonstrating 'An Ideal Distribution of the Extremely Asymmetrical Form'
7 - Slide showing slide relating to sperm.
8 - Slide showing two rows of symbols; one row assigned to PI, the other FI.
9 - Slide showing squared table with each square numbered and labelled with several variations of the term RRSSTT.
10 - Slide showing a diagram concerning male and female genders and the codes P, F1, F2 and CLB.
11 - Slide showing a table of 'frequency of mutation at different loci in the X chromosome of Drosophila Melanogaster' (fruit fly).
12 - Slide containing a description of an experiment with male and female chromosones, based on the Goldschimdt equation.
13 - Slide showing a drawing of male and female Bonellia, an echiuran worm.
14 - Slide showing a diagram demonstrating 'elimination of X chromosome at an early cell division'.
15 - Slide showing a diagram demonstrating 'method for the detection of induced translocation'.
16 - Slide showing six diagrams labelled A to F demonstrating 'the main stages of mitosis'.
17 - Slide showing two sets of diagrams showing different mutations of Drosophila Melanogaster [fruit fly].
18 - Slide showing a diagram of hens and cockerels demonstrating mutations resulting in rosecomb and single combs on the birds' heads.
19 - Slide showing table demonstrating 'Genetics in relation to clinical medicine'.
20 - Slide showing negative graph extracted from book demonstrating the 'Mean score in group of families of different sizes.'
21 - Slide showing six drawings of 'mutants of Drosophila Melanogaster' (fruit fly).
22 - Slide showing three diagrams concerning chromosomes, spindle attachments and anaphase.
23 - Slide showing nine diagrams demonstrating the 'End of pachytene and metaphase configurations of a pair of chromosomes differing in respect of a single inversion.'
24 - Slide showing two line graphs each with four lines which concern a chemical equation Ng2HPO4/100 cc[s] Medium.
25 - Slide showing eight drawings of unknown organism.
26 - Slide showing ten photographs of 'the effects on development of a mutation in the house mouse.'
27 - Slide showing two photographs of the 'Secondary sexual differences in confirmation, comb form, plummage form and color in domestic fowls.'
28 - Slide showing diagram concerning hens and cockerels showing the 'Interaction of factors for comb form.'
29 - Slide showing a four-by-four table containing 16 images of unidentified flies.
30 - Slide showing hierarchical diagram of fruit flies showing 'operation of inheritance involving a deficiency'.
31 - Slide showing drawing of what appears to be two calves with their umbilical cords attached to an oversized membrane.
32 - Slide showing three diagrams showing 'the cellular structure of the testis' of a rat.
33 - Colour tinted slide showing the 'intercrossing of hybrid with his pure ancestral forms'.
34 - Slide showing two hierarchical diagrams demonstrating the results of crossing 'dextral female with sinistral male and sinistral female with dextral male'.
35 - Slide showing a chart demonstrating 'testis size and hybrids between race A and race B of drosophila pseudoobscura'.
36 - Slide showing ten diagrams illustrating various arrangements of chromosomes of unknown organism.
37 - Slide showing a symbollic hierarchical chart illustrating the results of the crossing of two fruit flies.
38 - Slide showing four diagrams demonstrating 'the first meiotic division in Oenothera lamarckiana'.
39 - Slide showing diagram of 'The XY Sex-Determining Mechanism'.
40 - Slide showing hierarchical chart of the crossing of black rosecomb and white singlecomb hens/cocks.
41 - Slide showing five pairs of equations relating to genetic combinations of X and Y chromosomes.
42 - Slide showing hierarchical chart of 'Erythroblastosis Foetalis'.
43 - Slide showing 16 diagrams of 'Permanent Hybrids' of the Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly).
44 - Slide showing chart indicating various relationships from 'self-fertilisation' to 'second cousins'.
45 - Slide showing diagrammatic drawings of 'Cross between splashed white and black fowls, giving in F1, blue Andalusian.'
46 - Slide showing 'diagram illustrating assortment of two mutant characters, vestigial and ebony'.
47 - Slide showing 'diagrammatic representation of nuclear division in a species with four similar chromosomes'.
48 - Slide showing four sets of diagrams relating to chromosomes of drosophila melanogaster (type of fruitfly).
49 - Slide showing nine diagrams showing the process of an egg being fertilised and dividing into two.
50 - Slide showing nine microscopic photographs of unknown organisms.
51 - Slide showing three sets of diagrams demonstrating 'inheritance of white eye colour in Drosophila'.
52 - Slide showing three sets of diagrams showing 'independent inheritance of two pairs of characters in drosophila'.
53 - Slide showing diagram of 'sex-linked inheritance in Drosophila' i.e. the fruit fly.
54 - Slide showing diagram of 'sex-linked inheritance in Drosophila' i.e. the fruit fly.
55 - Slide showing hierarchical diagram of what appear to be guinea pigs.
56 - Slide showing hierarchical chart of cattle, demonstrating the crossing of the colours red and white in the Shorthorn breed.
6 - Anatomical and botanical slides, many concerned with genetics.
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