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UNIVERSITY 1437 - University of Aberdeen Department of Natural History: lantern slides
1 - Lantern slides of or relating to oestology, arachnids, cestoda, trematoda, nematoda, reptiles and mammals
1 - 'Oestology'
2 - 'Arachnids & Acarina'
1 - Slide showing diagramatic images of different species of insect.
2 - Slide showing photograph of 'Spiders and Their Habits'.
3 - Slide showing photograph of 'Spiders and Their Habits'.
4 - Slide showing photograph of scorpion.
5 - Slide showing 'Opiliones'.
6 - Slide showing 'Rhagodes sp., ventral view'.
7 - Slide showing 'Mouth-parts of Phalangium'.
8 - Slide showing 'Uropygi'.
9 - Slide showing 'Oligolophus spinosus'.
10 - Slide showing 'Chernes'.
11 - Slide showing 'Chelifer cyrneus' and 'Chiridium museorum'.
12 - Slide showing 'Buthus afer'.
13 - Slide showing the 'view of internal anatomy of Buthus'.
14 - Slide showing 'transverse section through the body of Euscorpius italicus'.
15 - Slide showing 'dorsal view of Buthus occitanus'.
16 - Slide showing diagram of 'Buthus occitanus'.
17 - Slide showing 'Chelonethi'.
18 - Slide showing image from 'Spiders and Their Habits' series.
19 - Slide showing 'Amblypygi'.
20 - Slide showing image of 'Limulus polyphemus'.
21 - Slide showing image of 'gills of a King-crab'.
22 - Slide showing drawing of 'Pentastomum denticulatum'.
23 - Slide showing diagram of 'Phalangid'.
24 - Slide showing image of 'Pentastomum constrictum'.
25 - Slide showing diagram of unknown simple organism.
26 - Slide showing image of 'Lycosa hellenica (female) and coccoon'.
27 - Slide showing two scorpions attacking each other outside a burrow.
28 - Slide showing diagram of the 'Cape scorpion (uroplectes insignis)'.
29 - Slide showing line diagram of 'Indian scorpion (scorpio swammerdami)'.
30 - Slide showing photograph of 'crab spider' on a branch.
31 - Slide showing two similar diagrams of unknown insect.
32 - Slide showing diagram of three views of dragon fly.
33 - Slide showing drawing of an unknown winged insect climbing.
34 - Slide showing diagram of unknown insect.
3 - 'Cestoda, Trematoda, Nematoda'
4 - 'Reptiles'
5 - 'Mammals'
6 - 'Mammals'
2 - Lantern slides of or relating chiefly to animal and human anatomy
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