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UNIVERSITY 1437 - University of Aberdeen Department of Natural History: lantern slides
1 - Lantern slides of or relating to oestology, arachnids, cestoda, trematoda, nematoda, reptiles and mammals
1 - 'Oestology'
1 - Slide showing four images, consisting of 'Geophilomorphe', 'Scolopendromorphe', 'Lithobiomorphe', 'Scutigeromorphe'.
2 - Slide showing etching of 'Sea-Scorpions'.
3 - Slide showing photograph of 'Skeleton of Pariasaurus Bainii'.
4 - Slide showing 'Development of the Horse'.
5 - Slide showing 'Sea-Serpents'.
6 - Slide showing illustrative images of the evolution of a hooved animals' 'Fore-foot', 'Hind-foot', 'Fore-arm', 'Leg', 'Upper molar' and 'Lower molar'.
7 - Slide showing photograph of fossil of 'Dipterus'.
8 - Slide showing engraving of unmarked fossil.
9 - Slide showing image of skeleton of unmarked reptile.
10 - Slide showing line drawing of 'Labyrenthoden Skeleton'(?)
11 - Slide showing photograph of 'Ichthyosaurus Communis'
12 - Slide showing engraving of skull, 'Hyperodapedon gordoni' (Huxley)
13 - Slide showing drawing of skeleton of 'Menopoma Alleghaniensis' (from Claus)
14 - Slide showing drawing of 'Ichthyosaurus Platyodon'
15 - Slide showing engraving of 'Megalosaurus Bucklandi'
16 - Slide showing engraving of 'Old Red Sandstone Fishes'
17 - Slide showing photograph of skeleton of unknown hooved animal
18 - Slide showing photographs of 'Later stages in the evolution of the feet (horse)'
19 - Slide engraved image of skull of 'Niata Ox'
20 - Slide shows drawing of the 'Right fore-foot of a calf'
21 - Slide shows line drawing of 'Ctenacanthus Costellatus'
22 - Slide shows photograph of two leg bones of a hooved animal (equine).
23 - Slide shows photographs of horse fore-feet and hind-feet bones.
24 - Slide shows drawing of four different skeletal animal feet.
25 - Slide shows photograph fore- and hind-leg of skeleton of horse(?)
26 - Slide shows drawing of 'Some early Mammals'.
27 - Slide showing photograph of skull of unknown animal.
28 - Slide showing photograph of museum exhibition space with large full dinosaur skeleton.
29 - Slide showing painting of 'A Large Herbivorous Dinosaur'
30 - Slide showing diagram of 'Wing of Reptile, Mammal and Bird'.
31 - Slide showing photograph of flock of ostriches.
32 - Slide showing drawing of scene with small dinosaur and birds amongst ferns.
33 - Slide showing painting of two dinosaurs with long necks.
34 - Slide showing photograph of palm trees on sandy ground.
35 - Slide showing drawing of'Stegosaurus.
36 - Slide showing drawing of 'Flying Lizards'.
37 - Slide showing drawing of 'Group of Small Flying Dragons or Pterodactyls'.
38 - Slide showing 'Mangrove Strut Roots'
39 - Slide showing photograph of mangrove bush and roots.
40 - Slide showing photograph of large brick building on waterfront.
41 - Slide showing photograph of scale model long necked dinosaur.
42 - Slide showing line drawing of 'Cladofelache Fyleri' (fish).
2 - 'Arachnids & Acarina'
3 - 'Cestoda, Trematoda, Nematoda'
4 - 'Reptiles'
5 - 'Mammals'
6 - 'Mammals'
2 - Lantern slides of or relating chiefly to animal and human anatomy
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