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SCA SK - Schottenkloester (Scots Benedictine Abbeys in Germany)
1 - Pre 1515 Schottenklöster documents
2 - Pre 1515 non-monastic material
3 - Ratisbon
4 - Abbot Placid Fleming period
5 - Abbots Stuart and Baillie
6 - Abbots Bernard Stuart, Gallus Leith and Arbuthnot
7 - Ratisbon
1 - Government documents
2 - Correspondence with Scotland
3 - Correspondence with Scotland
4 - German documents
5 - Correspondence with Scotland
6 - Letters
7 - Correspondence with Scotland
8 - Ratisbon documents
9 - Administration
10 - Administration
11 - Transcripts of documents
12 - Draft documents
13 - Notes
14 - Notes
15 - German documents on Ratisbon
16 - Reclamations du Gouvernement de sa Majeste le Roi de Baviere
17 - Reclamations du Gouvernement de sa Majeste le Roi de Baviere
18 - Memorial on the Threatened Seizure by the Bavarian Government of British Property situated at Ratisbon
19 - Seminarians' certificates
20 - Seminarians' certificates
1 - Certificate of baptism for James Davidson
2 - Certificate of baptism for James Kelman
3 - Certificate of baptism for George Mitchell
4 - Testimonial from schoolmaster for George Mitchell
5 - Testimonial of attendance at Sunday evening school for George Mitchell
6 - Testimonial for George Mitchell
7 - Certificate of baptism for John Shaw
8 - Certificate of baptism for John Wiseman
9 - Certificate of confirmation for James Kelman
10 - Certificate of confirmation for James Davidson
11 - Certificate of confirmation for John Shaw
12 - Certificate of confirmation for James Duncan
13 - Certificate of confirmation for John Wiseman
14 - Note of birthdays and ages of some students
15 - List of students with place of origin
16 - Wrapper
21 - Documents from the Blairs Letters
8 - Historical manuscripts
9 - Monasticum Scoticanum
10 - Transcripts of Monasticum Scoticanum
11 - Transcripts of Monasticum Scoticanum
12 - Monasticum Scoticanum: Brockies notes and transcripts
13 - Abbey of St James, Wurzburg
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