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SCA LS - Lectures and Sermons
1 - Identified collections of academic notes
2 - Devotional and spiritual
1 - Practice of the presence of God written in French by an eclesiastick and translated into English by a person of quality
2 - [8 articles bound as one]
3 - [15 articles bound as one]
4 - [Prayers]
5 - [Prayers]
6 - Reflexions spiritueles
7 - Christian prayers
8 - The exercises of a penitent soule
9 - [Prayers]
10 - Some short spiritual and holy letters written by Petrucci Bishop of Iesi, with some ejaculatory acts of diverse virtues, all very helpful to advance one towards perfection
11 - Of the one thing necessary in the exercises of a spiritual life
12 - Instructions for confession
13 - [Daily scripture passages and commentary]
14 - Prayers taken out of severall authors Be L L in anno 1686 for my proper use
15 - The life of St. Margaret. Queen of Scotland
16 - An Cath Spioradail [spiritual combat]
17 - On humility
18 - Rules of life for a christian who desires to live holily and to die happily
19 - Extracts from the ascetical directory of the Rev Father J B Scaramelli S J
20 - [Devotional items]
21 - Della Maniera Di Meditare Instruzione Pratica Di Un Sacerdote Della Compagnia di Gesu
22 - [Meditations and spiritual exercises for Christmas]
23 - [Two spiritual letters]
24 - Some rules to be observed by those who lead a secular life and who aim at christian perfection
25 - [Draft prayer for a departed soul]
3 - Theological
4 - Instructional
5 - Religious Controversy
6 - Sermons
7 - Philosophy
8 - Natural Philosophy
9 - Various subjects
10 - Poetry
11 - Music
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