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SCA LS - Lectures and Sermons
1 - Identified collections of academic notes
2 - Devotional and spiritual
3 - Theological
4 - Instructional
5 - Religious Controversy
6 - Sermons
7 - Philosophy
8 - Natural Philosophy
9 - Various subjects
10 - Poetry
11 - Music
1 - Vesperale novum pro dominicis et festis
2 - Margaret Glennie her musick book
3 - Scottish music
4 - Music Book
5 - Music
6 - Music
7 - [Violin tunes, mainly Scottish]
8 - [Words set to music]
9 - [Latin hymns with music in parts]
10 - [Latin hymns and litanies with music, in parts]
11 - Manuscript music: organ no.2
12 - [Music manuscript]
13 - [Music manuscript]
14 - [Bundle of music]
15 - [Part books]
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