Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse SCA CA - Colleges AbroadSCA CA - Colleges Abroad
Expand 2 - Scots College, Douai2 - Scots College, Douai
Expand 3 - Scots College, Rome3 - Scots College, Rome
Collapse 4 - Scots College, Spain [Madrid and Valladolid]4 - Scots College, Spain [Madrid and Valladolid]
Expand 1 - Political and concerning Colonel Semple1 - Political and concerning Colonel Semple
Expand 2 - Colonel William Semple2 - Colonel William Semple
Expand 3 - Political concerning Colonel William Semple3 - Political concerning Colonel William Semple
Expand 4 - Political and financial concerning Colonel William Semple4 - Political and financial concerning Colonel William Semple
Expand 5 - Colonel William Semple: Political and Financial5 - Colonel William Semple: Political and Financial
Expand 6 - Colonel William Semple 16316 - Colonel William Semple 1631
Expand 7 - Colonel William Semple7 - Colonel William Semple
Expand 8 - Colonel Semple's Will8 - Colonel Semple's Will
Expand 9 - Colonel Boyd; Scottish Regiments in Foreign Armies9 - Colonel Boyd; Scottish Regiments in Foreign Armies
Expand 10 - Documents regarding Colonel William Semple and his wife10 - Documents regarding Colonel William Semple and his wife
Expand 11 - Documents concerning the first years of existence of the Scots College in Madrid11 - Documents concerning the first years of existence of the Scots College in Madrid
Expand 12 - Mission and College Affairs12 - Mission and College Affairs
Expand 13 - Mission and College Affairs13 - Mission and College Affairs
Expand 14 - College Administration, Politics14 - College Administration, Politics
Expand 15 - College Administration15 - College Administration
Expand 16 - Rules of the Scots College, Madrid16 - Rules of the Scots College, Madrid
Expand 17 - College Administration, Hugh Semple17 - College Administration, Hugh Semple
Expand 17a - A History of the Life and Times of Hugh Semple, S.J.17a - A History of the Life and Times of Hugh Semple, S.J.
Expand 18 - College Affairs, George Blakhall, Hugh Semple's Undated Letters18 - College Affairs, George Blakhall, Hugh Semple's Undated Letters
Expand 19 - George Blackhall Correspondence, etc.19 - George Blackhall Correspondence, etc.
Expand 20 - Cuental Con El Herno Lovento20 - Cuental Con El Herno Lovento
Expand 21 - Undated Documents: George Blackhall21 - Undated Documents: George Blackhall
Expand 22 - College Finances, etc., William Grant as Rector22 - College Finances, etc., William Grant as Rector
Collapse 23 - College Administration, etc. Rectors: J. Anderson 1665-1668, J. Allamirano 1668-168123 - College Administration, etc. Rectors: J. Anderson 1665-1668, J. Allamirano 1668-1681
1 - Censo a favor de las Mensai de S. Elldefonso de Diuna ca sos Hered. Del Curaca Antigola
2 - Obligacion y cesion a favor de Zidro Lopez de Agiular contra el Padre Guillermo Grant y el Padre Diego Anderson, Administradores del Collegio de los escoceses deste Villa
3 - Clausula del Patres?de los ingleses se S. Jorge
4 - Rendam. Que otorgo el Pe Diego Anderson de la Compania de Jesu de la casa del Seminario de escoceses?a favor del Don Guillermo Gascard
5 - Poder, Father Anderson
6 - Pide la Reserva de todos los descuentos del Juro de seiscien?
7 - Protesta sobre el Patro Inato de la Igla Quetriz El Pe Diego Anderson
8 - Cedula del Rey de los 6000mrs que el seminario tiene de cada ano sobre el lo uno por ciento en Md
9 - Finiquito a favor del P. Diego Anderson Rector del Collegio
10 - Cora este permisso contradolo por los puertas per su mano? legal document concerning the college
11 - Carta de pago contra el collegio escoceses
12 - Legal document
13 - Licencia del ordinario y P. Rr del seminario paraque los capellanes dela condesa de Sartoga digam missa en ma Iglesia mientras, que no se les senala Capilla
14 - Letter enclosed with above beginning: Loc capellanes de las Capellanias de Sa Sa Condesa de Sartoga
15 - Y el certificar enla constaduria de realciones que avia vacado la merced?
16 - Orden de Destierro contra El D. Diego Linze, cretendiente Arzobispo
17 - Domande della Sag. Congregne di Propaganda Fide al Nunzio di Spagna, per la relazione dello Stato del Collegio di Scozzesi, plus riposte, plus copy of Semple's Will
18 - Carta q. escribe atada la orden de Pred. Fr. Joan Thomas de Rocaberti Mno. Gen. para q. se celebre Sta Margarita de Castello de N. Ond. A 13 Apr 175, printed document
19 - Ca. escrit que lorgo el pe Anto del Maro procurator general del Collegio Inperial de la Comp. de Jesu?finances
20 - Petition on behalf of the college
21 - Legal document concerning finances
Expand 24 - Letters patent of Charles II Conferring a Baronetcy on James Cunningham of Cadiz24 - Letters patent of Charles II Conferring a Baronetcy on James Cunningham of Cadiz
Expand 25 - College Administration, Archdean of Carthagena. Rectors: Allamirano, Loyase, Guerrero, Munichica25 - College Administration, Archdean of Carthagena. Rectors: Allamirano, Loyase, Guerrero, Munichica
Expand 26 - Plea with Archdean of Carthagena26 - Plea with Archdean of Carthagena
Expand 27 - College Administration. Rectors: Munichica, Antonius Rada27 - College Administration. Rectors: Munichica, Antonius Rada
Expand 28 - College administration28 - College administration
Expand 29 - Documents: Undated and Miscellaneous29 - Documents: Undated and Miscellaneous
30 - Loan from the Ontiveros family and its repayment
31 - Loan from the Riva family and its repayment
32 - Loan from the Riva family and its repayment
33 - Loan from the Riva family and its repayment
34 - Loan from the Prado family of Marmot and its repayment and redemption
35 - Loan from the Prado family of Marmot and its repayment and redemption
36 - Loan from the Prado family of Marmot and its repayment and redemption
37 - Loan from the Prado family of Marmot and its repayment and redemption
38 - Loan from the Jesuit College at Llerena to the Scots College, Madrid
Expand 39 - College Finances39 - College Finances
Expand 40 - College Finances40 - College Finances
Expand 41 - College Finances41 - College Finances
Expand 42 - Camock Family Affairs42 - Camock Family Affairs
Expand 43 - College Administration43 - College Administration
Expand 44 - College Administration: Fr William MacGill's Correspondence44 - College Administration: Fr William MacGill's Correspondence
Expand 45 - Letters: Rector at Douay to Rector at Madrid45 - Letters: Rector at Douay to Rector at Madrid
Expand 46 - College Finances46 - College Finances
Expand 47 - Finances: Madrid College and students it supported at Douay47 - Finances: Madrid College and students it supported at Douay
Expand 48 - Rector of Douay to Rector of Madrid48 - Rector of Douay to Rector of Madrid
Expand 49 - Rector of Douay and Dinant to Rector of Madrid49 - Rector of Douay and Dinant to Rector of Madrid
Expand 50 - Madrid College and the Jesuits50 - Madrid College and the Jesuits
Expand 51 - Madrid College: Expulsion of Jesuits51 - Madrid College: Expulsion of Jesuits
Expand 52 - Undated documents52 - Undated documents
Expand 53 - Cataloguing Miscellania53 - Cataloguing Miscellania
54 - Notes and Accounts
Expand 55 - Letters to John Geddes55 - Letters to John Geddes
Expand 56 - Letters to John Geddes56 - Letters to John Geddes
57 - Memorial to the Minister of Grace and Justice
Expand 58 - Royal Cedula and Letters Patent58 - Royal Cedula and Letters Patent
59 - Rules for the Scotch College of Valladolid
Expand 60 - Letters and documents60 - Letters and documents
61 - Exercitationes Latinae, Graecae et Hebraicae
Expand 62 - Correspondence62 - Correspondence
63 - Narrazn delas Alajas ql se encontraron en el escaparaton de este de Pocito Recolexn Dominica
Expand 64 - College Masses64 - College Masses
Expand 65 - Political correspondence65 - Political correspondence
66 - Transcripts of Registers
Expand 67 - Lists of students67 - Lists of students
Expand 68 - Historical notice of the Scottish College at Madrid and Valladolid68 - Historical notice of the Scottish College at Madrid and Valladolid
Expand 69 - Bishop Kyle: Madrid College69 - Bishop Kyle: Madrid College
70 - Regulae Hibernorum Collegii seu Seminarii Salamanca
71 - Instruccion Necessaria sobre el Punto de Confessores Solicitantes
72 - Lacreacion delos Vales Rs osea Papal Moneda ebio hi Origen en Espana por el Ano a 1780
73 - Colegio Ingles del Ano de 1595
Expand 74 - Printed pamplets74 - Printed pamplets
75 - Miercoles Santo - Semana Santa
76 - Papel Curioso: La Ancianidad Remorada y Caralla Resucitado
77 - Noticias de Portugal sobre la Caida de Carvallo Primer Ministro de Estado
78 - Razon del Origen y Excelencias de Algunas Linages
79 - Discharge of a Rent
80 - The Admirable Crichton
81 - Notebook
82 - Transcripts of papers relating to Colonel Semple
Expand 83 - Alexander Cameron83 - Alexander Cameron
84 - Copies of Spanish letters
Expand 85 - Miscellaneous transcripts85 - Miscellaneous transcripts
86 - Draft history of College
Expand 87 - Diary87 - Diary
88 - Royal Scots College, Valladolid, library catalogue
Expand 89 - Documents89 - Documents