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SCA BL - Blairs Letters
1 - Correspondence mainly to Scots Colleges, Paris and Rome
2 - Correspondence: general mission
3 - Correspondence: general mission
4 - Correspondence: general mission
5 - Correspondence: general mission
1 - Aquado - Bremner
2 - Bringas, F
3 - Bringas, F
4 - Brown - Bryant-Barrett
5 - Cameron, Bishop Alexander
6 - Cameron, Alexander (Valladolid) - Carmichael
7 - Carruthers - Chisholm
8 - Cleghorn - Downie
9 - Farquharson
10 - Forbes - Fraser
11 - Gandolphy - Gordon, A
12 - Gordon, Charles
13 - Gordon, E - Gordon, James
14 - Gordon, John - Gordon, William
15 - Gough - Knie
16 - Langdale - MacLachlan
17 - MacPherson - Mazzoni
18 - Menzies - Pearey
19 - Pearson - Saunders
20 - Scott - Sharp
21 - Sherburne - Stourton
22 - Stuart - Truegas
23 - Vaublanc - Wilson, and Bishop Cameron [Chancellor of the Legion of Honour]
24 - Adam - Bramston
25 - Bringas - Caley
26 - Cameron, Bishop Alexander - Carmichael
27 - Carruthers - Curran
28 - Davidson - Forbes, J
29 - Forbes, Lachlan - Glendonwyn
30 - Gordon, A - Gordon, James
31 - Gordon, John - Gray
32 - Grieve - Kelman
33 - Laine - MacDonald
34 - MacDonell - MacPherson
35 - MacSherry - Maxwell
36 - Menzies - Orr
37 - Paterson - Rattray
38 - Reid - Roche
39 - Scott, Andrew
40 - Scott, H - Sharp
41 - Shaw - Strobach
42 - Stuart - Turnbull
43 - Watson - copy
44 - Anstruther - Drummond
45 - Findlay - Grieve
46 - Herries - Menzies
47 - Nangle - Suite
48 - Abercromby - Brown
49 - Cameron, Bishop Alexander - Cameron, R
50 - Carmichael - Clark
51 - Coverly - Fergus
52 - Fife - Fraser
53 - Galloway - Gordon, A
54 - Gordon, Charles
55 - Gordon, G - Gordon, James
56 - Gordon, John - Graham
57 - Grant - Linihan
58 - MacDonald
59 - MacDonell - MacNab
60 - MacPherson - Maxwell
61 - Menzies - Nangle
62 - Paterson - Poynter
63 - Rattray - Reid
64 - Reith - Scott
65 - Sharp - Shiel
66 - Sinnott - Thomson
67 - Troy - Anonymous
68 - Addison - Badenoch
69 - Balfour - Byrne
70 - Cameron, Bishop Alexander - Cameron, Clementina
71 - Campbell - Corri
72 - Coverley - Finlay
73 - Forbes - Galloway
74 - Geddes - Gordon, A
75 - Gordon, Charles
76 - Gordon, F - Gordon, James
77 - Gordon, John - Gordon, W
78 - Grant - Halley
79 - Hamilton - Kyle, Alexander
80 - Kyle, James - MacDonald, A
81 - MacDonald, James - MacEachen
82 - MacIntosh - MacNally
83 - MacPherson - Meade
84 - Menzies, J
85 - Menzies, J
86 - Milne - Owen
87 - Paterson - Ramsay
88 - Rattray - Rimmer
89 - Robertson - Scott
90 - Sharp - Shiel
91 - Sinnott - Stewart, A
92 - Stewart, M - Thomson
93 - Wallace - Anonymous
94 - Allan - Brown
95 - Cameron - Catolani
96 - Caven - Farquharson
97 - Forbes - Gordon, A
98 - Gordon, Charles - Gordon, G
99 - Gordon, James - Gordon, John
100 - Gordon, Lewis - Kyle
101 - Laffan - MacIntosh
102 - MacLachlan - Mathison
103 - Menzies, J
104 - Moir - Ralston
105 - Reid - Selby
106 - Sharp - Simpson
107 - Sinnott - Taylor
108 - Thomson - Anonymous
109 - Alexander - Bremner
110 - Bruce - Carmichael
111 - Carruthers - Deans
112 - Desjardins - Farquharson
113 - Forbes - Gordon, A
114 - Gordon, Charles - Gordon, G
115 - Gordon, James - Gradwell
116 - Grant - Legin
117 - Leslie - MacDonell
118 - MacGregor - MacLachlan
119 - McNab - Mellis
120 - Menzies - Murdoch
121 - Murphy - Picken
122 - Poynter - Reid
123 - Robertson - Sharp
124 - Sherburne - Tresvaux
125 - Villele - Anonymous
126 - Ainslie - Baldwin
127 - Bennet - Cameron, Alexander
128 - Cameron, H - Carmichael
129 - Carruthers - Doyle
130 - Duff - Fitzjames
131 - Forbes - Gordon, A
132 - Gordon, Charles
133 - Gordon, Charles
134 - Gordon, George - Gordon, James
135 - Gordon, John - Grey
136 - Griffiths - Leslie
137 - Lingard - MacEachen
138 - MacGregor - MacLachlan
139 - MacLean - Mellis
140 - Menzies - Ogilvie
141 - Paterson, Alexander
142 - Philips - Rauzan
143 - Reid
144 - Revenga - Sharp, James
145 - Sharp, John - Strain
146 - Stuart - Ministre des Finances
147 - Arnott - Bringas
148 - Burke - Christie
149 - Connoway - Dick
150 - Dobie - Forbes, Peter
151 - Forbes, W - Gordon, C
152 - Gordon, Duchess of - Gordon, James
153 - Gordon, John - Lynch
154 - MacCauley - MacKenzie
155 - MacLachlan - Menzies
156 - Milne - Reardon
157 - Reid
158 - Rianosporza - Sharp
159 - Sheldon - Stronach
160 - Stuart - Anonymous
161 - Anonymous and Institutions
162 - Alex MacCauley - Calder
163 - Cameron - Carmichael
164 - Carruthers - Dunn
165 - Errington - Frere
166 - Gairdner - Gordon, A
167 - Gordon, Charles
168 - Gordon, George - Gordon, James
169 - Gordon, John - Kirby
170 - Langan - MacDonald, N
171 - MacDonald, Ranald - MacDonell
172 - MacEachen - MacLachlan
173 - MacLeod - Mathison
174 - Menzies - Murdoch
175 - Paterson - Pole
176 - Polignac - Reardon
177 - Reid, William (Edinburgh)
178 - Reid, William (Edinburgh) - Reid, William (Kempcairn)
179 - Renton - Savage
180 - Scott
181 - Sharp
182 - Sinnott - Skinner
183 - Smith - Trotter
184 - Walker - Anonymous
185 - Badenoch - Cameron
186 - Carmichael - Errington
187 - Forbes - Gordon, A
188 - Gordon, Charles - Gordon, George
189 - Gordon, James
190 - Gordon, John - Hamilton
191 - Hannah - MacCauley
192 - MacDonald
193 - MacGarry - Menzies
194 - Middleton - Patterson
195 - Poynter - Ryan
196 - Scott
197 - Sharp - Strain
198 - Stuart - Thomson
199 - Williamson - Aberdeen Fire and Life Assurance Office
200 - Amherst - Cameron
201 - Carmichael - Carruthers
202 - Caven - Fery
203 - Forbes, John
204 - Fowlie - Gibbons
205 - Gillis - Gordon, Charles
206 - Gordon, James - Gordon, W
207 - Grant - Lee
208 - Lister - MacDonald
209 - MacGonigle - Mathison
210 - Menzies - Murphy
211 - Paterson, Bishop
212 - Paterson, Bishop
213 - Reid - Ryan
214 - Scott, A
215 - Sentence - Tuite
216 - Wallace - Wyness
217 - Anderson - Bremner
218 - Brotherton - Carruthers
219 - Caven - Fery
220 - Forbes - Gibbons
221 - Gillis - Gordon, Charles (Aberdeen)
222 - Gordon WS, Charles - Gordon, George
223 - Gordon, James - Gordon, John
224 - Gordon, Lewis - Hepburn
225 - Hunton - MacCartney
226 - MacDonald - MacGregor
227 - MacHattie
228 - MacIntosh - MacPherson
229 - McQuade - Murdoch
230 - Newcastle - Paterson
231 - Paul - Savage
232 - Scott
233 - Shand - Sinclair
234 - Sinnott - Stuart, R
235 - Stuart, W - Thomson
236 - Thurburn - Anonymous
237 - Arbuthnot - Capelle
238 - Carmichael - Chisholm
239 - Coleman - Forbes
240 - Frazer - Gordon, Charles (Aberdeen)
241 - Gordon, George - Graham and Co, Gordon
242 - Gradwell - Jeffryes
243 - Innes - Lovi
244 - MacDonald - MacGowan
245 - MacHattie - MacLachlan
246 - MacNally - Noel
247 - Paterson - Reid
248 - Reith - Scott
249 - Sharp - Stuart
250 - Thomson - Anonymous
6 - Correspondence: end section of letters to Northern District priests and Bishop Kyle
7 - Correspondence to Paul MacLachlan and to Blairs
8 - Correspondence to Paul MacLachlan and to Blairs
9 - Kyle Letters and Kyles Jubilee
10 - Undated correspondence
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