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SCA BL - Blairs Letters
1 - Correspondence mainly to Scots Colleges, Paris and Rome
2 - Correspondence: general mission
1 - Burnet - Dempster
2 - Douglas - Hume
3 - Innes, Lewis - Innes, T
4 - Innes, Walter
5 - Innes, Walter
6 - Innes, Walter - Leslie, William Lewis
7 - Leslie, William
8 - Leslie, William
9 - Leslie, William - More
10 - Nicolson
11 - Ogilvie - Strachan
12 - Wallace
13 - Wallace
14 - Wauchop - Whyteford
15 - unsigned
16 - Clerk - Fleming
17 - Innes - Ogilvie
18 - Perth - Strathallen
19 - Wallace - Whyteford
20 - Adamson - Cook
21 - Crichton - Fleming
22 - Forbes
23 - Jameson - Innes, T
24 - Innes, Walter
25 - Leslie, Canon - Leslie, William
26 - Leslie, William
27 - Leslie, William
28 - Letus - Monro
29 - Nicolson
30 - Ogilvie - Perth
31 - Stuart - Wallace
32 - Whyteford
33 - Whyteford
34 - unsigned
35 - Adamson - Clerk
36 - Dunbar - Innes, Augustin [Walter]
37 - Innes, Lewis - Innes, T
38 - Innes, Walter - Kennedy
39 - Leslie - Norfolk
40 - Perth - Wallace
41 - Whyteford
42 - unsigned
43 - Adamson, G
44 - Adamson, G - Adamson, J
45 - Bannerman - Bruce
46 - Carnegy
47 - Carnegy
48 - Chisholm - Dunne
49 - Fleming - Gordon
50 - Hay - Innes, J
51 - Innes, Lewis
52 - Innes, T
53 - Innes, Walter
54 - Innes, Walter
55 - Innes, Walter
56 - Irvine
57 - Irvine
58 - Jameson - Leslie, A
59 - Leslie, William
60 - Leslie, William
61 - More - Nicolson
62 - Perth - Wallace
63 - Whyteford - Witham
64 - unsigned
65 - Breun - Fleming
66 - Forbes - Nicolson
67 - Perrot - Whyteford
68 - Adamson - Gordon
69 - Innes, L - Innes, T
70 - Innes, Walter - More
71 - Nicolson - Perth
72 - Strachan - Whyteford
73 - unsigned
74 - Adamson - Fletcher
75 - Forbes - Gordon
76 - Hacket - Irvine
77 - Laghet - Mary, Dowager Queen
78 - Nicolson - Strachan
79 - Whyteford - Witham
80 - unsigned
81 - Adamson - Boileau
82 - Carnegy
83 - Carnegy
84 - Charteris - Gordon, A
85 - Gordon, James
86 - Gordon, James
87 - Gregory - Innes, Lewis
88 - Innes, T - Irvine
89 - Leslie - Sharp
90 - Short - Whyteford
91 - unsigned (1)
92 - unsigned (2)
93 - Adamson - Carnegy
94 - Carnegy
95 - Drummond - Duchess of Gordon
96 - Gordon, James
97 - Gordon, James
98 - Gordon, James
99 - Gordon, John - Innes, C
100 - Innes, L
101 - Innes, L - Innes, W
102 - Irvine
103 - Irvine
104 - Leslie
105 - MacGregor - Wauchope
106 - Whyteford
107 - unsigned
108 - Adamson - Carnegy
109 - Drummond - Duchess of Gordon
110 - Gordon, James
111 - Gordon, James
112 - Gordon, James
113 - Gordon, James
114 - Gordon, James
115 - Gordon, John - Innes, Lewis & T (jointly)
116 - Innes, C - Innes, Lewis
117 - Innes, T
118 - Innes, T
119 - Irvine, J
120 - Irvine, J
121 - Leslie - Nicolson
122 - Perth - unsigned
123 - Adamson - Caprera
124 - Carnegy
125 - Carnegy
126 - Caryl - Fowler
127 - Gordon, James (Bishop)
128 - Gordon, James (Bishop)
129 - Gordon, James - Innes, J
130 - Innes, Lewis
131 - Innes, T
132 - Innes, Walter - Jenkin
133 - Leslie - Naselli
134 - Nicolson - Perth
135 - Reid - Stuart
136 - Stuart
137 - Tamburini - Willman
138 - Whyteford
139 - unsigned
140 - Adamson - Carnegy
141 - Carnegy
142 - Cusack - Fraser
143 - Gordon, Bishop - Gordon, R
144 - Innes - More
145 - Nicolson
146 - Stuart
147 - Stuart
148 - Wallace - unsigned
149 - Bayard - Robison
150 - Anderson
151 - Carnegy
152 - Carnegy
153 - Drummond - Gordon
154 - Gonzales, H - Innes
155 - Irvine - Smith
156 - Stuart
157 - Tamburini - Wallace
158 - unsigned
159 - Carnegy
160 - Carnegy
161 - Carnegy - Gordon, G
162 - Gordon, Bishop James
163 - Gordon, R - Innes, Walter
164 - Irvine - Strachan
165 - Stuart
166 - Stuart
167 - Wallace - unsigned
168 - Carnegy - Gordon
169 - Innes
170 - Irvine - Smith
171 - Stuart
172 - Wallace - unsigned
173 - Bower - Carnegy
174 - Dunbar - Fraser
175 - Gordon
176 - Innes, G - Innes, T
177 - Innes, Walter - Maurin
178 - Nicolson - Smith
179 - Stuart
180 - Strachan - unsigned
181 - Bayard - Carnegy
182 - Douglas - Gordon
183 - Gualteri - Innes, Lewis
184 - Innes, T - Innes, Walter
185 - Irvine - Perth
186 - Stuart
187 - Wallace - unsigned
188 - Baillie - Carnegy
189 - Carnegy
190 - Clement - Gordon
191 - Innes, C - Innes, Lewis
192 - Innes, T
193 - Innes, Walter - Shand
194 - Stuart
195 - Wallace - unsigned
196 - Bayard - Gordon
197 - Grant - Innes, Lewis
198 - Innes, T
199 - Irvine - Whyteford
200 - Abercromby - Burke
201 - Carnegy
202 - Carnegy
203 - Clanranald
204 - Fleming
205 - Forbes - Gordon, Bishop James
206 - Gordon, John - Gordon, R
207 - Innes, J - Innes, Lewis
208 - Innes, Lewis
209 - Innes, T - McNair
210 - Nairne - Paterson
211 - Perth - Strachan
212 - Stuart
213 - Traquair - unsigned
214 - Bower - Fleming
215 - Gordon - Gray
216 - Innes
217 - Kilsyth - unsigned
218 - Abercromby - Carnegy
219 - Clanranald - Duguid
220 - Fleming - Godefridus
221 - Gordon - Kennedy
222 - Leith - Nithsdale
223 - Nouilles - Wallace
224 - Fleming - Gordon
225 - James III - Wallace
226 - Bennet - Carnegy
227 - Clanranald - Gordon
228 - Innes, C - Nithsdale
229 - Paterson - Strachan
230 - Stuart, M - Stuart, W
231 - Stuart, W
232 - Stuart, W
233 - Stuart, W
234 - Wallace
235 - Wallace
236 - Baillie
237 - Bute - Innes, C
238 - Innes, T
239 - Leslie - Smith
240 - Strachan - Zambechini
241 - Baillie - Carnegy
242 - Cervioni - Innes, Lewis
243 - Innes, T
244 - Innes, T
245 - Leith - Sandison
246 - Smith
247 - Strachan - Stuart
248 - Tamburini - Vestra
249 - Baillie - Gordon
250 - Grant - Innes, Lewis
251 - Innes, T
252 - Innes, T
253 - James III - Linton
254 - Maitland - Sharp
255 - Smith
256 - Smith
257 - Spada - Stuart
258 - Wallace - Whyteford
259 - Abercromby - Campbell
260 - Carnegy, C - Carnegy, J
261 - Christy - F
262 - Gordon
263 - Grant - Innes, R
264 - Innes, T
265 - Innes, T
266 - La Caille - Sacropanti
267 - Smith
268 - Smith - Strachan
269 - Stuart
270 - Stuart
271 - Tabourin - Whyteford
272 - Baillie - Christy
273 - Clanranald - Fife
274 - Godefridus - Innes, Lewis
275 - Innes, T
276 - Innes, T
277 - James III - Sharp
278 - Smith - Strachan
279 - Stuart
280 - Tabourin - Wallace
281 - Whyteford
282 - Baillie - Carnegy
283 - Clanranald - Godsman
284 - Gordon
285 - Grant - Innes, Louis
286 - Innes, T
287 - Innes, T
288 - Inverness - Leith
289 - McFie - Nairne
290 - Paterson - Sharp
291 - Smith - Strachan
292 - Smith
293 - Stuart
294 - Stuart
295 - Wallace
296 - Wood - Whyteford
297 - Whyteford
298 - unsigned
299 - S de St Antoine - S de St. Charles
300 - Drummond - Gordon
301 - Grant - Hardouin
302 - Innes, C - Innes, L
303 - Innes, T
304 - Innes, T
305 - Inverness - Mayes
306 - Mouat - Sinclair
307 - Smith
308 - Smith
309 - Stuart
310 - Wallace - Whyteford
311 - Bute, Lady - Gordon
312 - Innes, C - Innes, Lewis
313 - Keith - Mayes
314 - Perth - Shand
315 - Smith
316 - de la Via, Cardinal - Whyteford
317 - Andrew - Baillie
318 - Carnegy
319 - Carnegy
320 - Clanranald - Graham
321 - Innes, Lewis
322 - Innes, T
323 - Innes, T
324 - Innys - Petra
325 - Smith - Stuart
326 - Wallace - Young
327 - Arbuthnot - Fraser
328 - Gordon - Leith
329 - MacDonald - Strachan
330 - Stuart
331 - Targny - Whyteford
332 - Campbell - Innes, T
333 - Middleton - Wallace
334 - Baillie - Gordon
335 - Innes - Savary
336 - Smith - Wallace
3 - Correspondence: general mission
4 - Correspondence: general mission
5 - Correspondence: general mission
6 - Correspondence: end section of letters to Northern District priests and Bishop Kyle
7 - Correspondence to Paul MacLachlan and to Blairs
8 - Correspondence to Paul MacLachlan and to Blairs
9 - Kyle Letters and Kyles Jubilee
10 - Undated correspondence
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