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SCA BC - Blairs Charters
1 - Ogilvie Papers
2 - Hay of Rannes Papers
3 - Elphinstone Papers
4 - Lands of Coutfauld (Coltfield): Falconer and Brodie Papers
5 - Lands of Gask: Fordyce, Innes of Breda, Robinson Papers
6 - Tulloch of Tannachie Papers
7 - Abernethy, Lords of Saltoun Papers
8 - Dunbar Papers
1 - Crown charter by James II in favour of Alexander de Dunbar of fifth part of the lands of barony of Burmukty, Elgin on resignation of same by Thomas Lask
2 - Special retour of inquest in favour of James Dunbar of Cumnok, kt as heir to his father Alexander Dunbar of Westfield, Fochabers and Aldcasch and fourth part of lands of Querelwood and Lungate in the sheriffdom of Elgin
3 - Tack by Robert, abbot of Puscarden and convent of the same in favour of James Dunbar of Cumnock, kt, in recompense for his activities on their behalf of twa coblis of Spey for his lifetime for annual payment of 10 merks Scots and two barrels of salmon
4 - Special retour of inquest in favour of Alexander Dunbar of Cumnok as heir to his father James Dunbar of Cumnok in the lands and barony of Westfield and superiority of the lands of Auldcasche
5 - Special retour of inquest in favour of Alexander Dunbar of Cumnock as heir to his father James Dunbar of Cumnock in the lands of Mownes and Goldfurd etc, Nairn
6 - Notarial instrument recording infeftment of Alexander Dunbar of Conye, son and heir of late James Dunbar of Conye in two roods of land in the burgh of Forres
7 - Charter by James Dunbar, son and heir of late John Dunbar, burgess of Forres in favour of [ ] Dunbar, son of Alexander Dunbar of Cumnok, kt of property in burgh of Forres
8 - Tack by Mr James Dundas, chanter of Moray in favour of John Dunbar of Mochrumpark of teind sheaves of lands of Kilboyak in sheriffdom of Elgin and Forres
9 - Katherine Dunbar, Lady Burgie to her son in law Hay of Rannes
10 - Inventar of the wreittes producit for Robert Dunbar of Burgie
11 - Assignation by Patrick Campbell to Robert Dunbar of Burgie
12 - Sasine of lands and tenement in Banff in favour of Walter Dunbar, junior
13 - Charter by Marjorie and Magdalin Dunbar and their spouses of the lands of Newtoun in favour of Mr Gavin Dunbar
14 - Precept for infefting Magdalin Dunbar as heir to Janet Dunbar, daughter to Mr James Dunbar of Newtoun in the half of the quarter lands of Newtoun
15 - Precept for infefting Magdalin Dunbar as heir to Agnes Dunbar, daughter of Mr James Dunbar of Newtoun in the half of the quarter lands of Newtoun
16 - Precept for infefting Madeleine Dunbar as heir to Isabella Dunbar in a quarter of the lands of Newtoun and Gradoche
17 - Precept from Chancery in favour of Marjory Dunbar as heir portioner to the late Janet Dunbar, her sister daughter of the late Mr James Dunbar of Newtoun in half of a quarter of Newtoun and Gradoch
18 - Sasine of quarter lands of Newtoun and Gradoch in favour of Marjorie Dunbar as heir to Janet Dunbar
19 - Contract between Robert Dunbar of Eisterbin and Elizabeth Tulloch, his wife regarding the lands of Eiterbin
20 - Decreet in probation: Dunbar of Asleisk against Dunbar and heirs
21 - Crown charter un favour of Robert Dunbar of Burgie of the lands of Over and Nethir Hempriges
22 - Sasine of Francis Brodie in 2 ploughs of land in Torrie as granted by Thomas Dunbar of Grange
23 - Tack by Mr George Dunbar in favour of Margaret Colate giving rights on the Water of Findhorn
24 - Sasine of William Mackintosh and Jean Dunbar his wife in an annualrent of 20 bolls of victual further to the marriage contract granted by George Dunbar of Stirchel
25 - Sasine of Mr George Dunbar in a sixth of the lands of Gradoch as granted by deceased Alexander Dunbar of Inchbrok
26 - Disposition by David Dunbar, burgess of Elgin to Robert McKean
27 - Copies of documents concerning the Dunbars
9 - Lands of Struthers and Hempriggs
10 - Innes Papers
11 - Gordon Papers
12 - Urquhart Papers
13 - Calder Papers
14 - Sinclair, Earls of Caithness Papers
15 - Forbes of Pitsligo Papers
16 - Gaderer Papers
17 - Lands of Glassauch Papers
18 - Hill: East Grange Papers
19 - Ord of Findochty Papers
20 - Stewart, Lord Ochiltree Papers
21 - Sutherland/Duff and the Lands of Braco Papers
22 - Inverness and the north Papers
23 - Church documents and Papers
24 - North East County Papers
25 - North East Burgh Papers
26 - Miscellaneous Papers
27 - Rose of Montcoffer Papers
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