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SCA BC - Blairs Charters
1 - Ogilvie Papers
2 - Hay of Rannes Papers
3 - Elphinstone Papers
4 - Lands of Coutfauld (Coltfield): Falconer and Brodie Papers
5 - Lands of Gask: Fordyce, Innes of Breda, Robinson Papers
6 - Tulloch of Tannachie Papers
7 - Abernethy, Lords of Saltoun Papers
8 - Dunbar Papers
9 - Lands of Struthers and Hempriggs
10 - Innes Papers
11 - Gordon Papers
12 - Urquhart Papers
13 - Calder Papers
14 - Sinclair, Earls of Caithness Papers
15 - Forbes of Pitsligo Papers
16 - Gaderer Papers
17 - Lands of Glassauch Papers
18 - Hill: East Grange Papers
19 - Ord of Findochty Papers
20 - Stewart, Lord Ochiltree Papers
21 - Sutherland/Duff and the Lands of Braco Papers
1 - Charter with consent of C(h)ristian Duff, his spouse, and James, his heir, in favour of Marion his daughter of one rood of land in the burgh of Elgin
2 - Notarial instrument recording agreement between Mr Gavin de Dunbar, dean of Moray and David Balfour de Caraldstoun as prolocutors for William Sutherland and Cristian Sutherland concerning lands
3 - Letters testimonial recording resignation into his hands by Andrew Forsythsoun of various lands in Forres in which he infefted Megota Logy, mother of said Andrew
4 - Letters testimonial as in BC21/3 sasine given to Megota Logy and Thomas Archibaldson, her husband
5 - Charter in favour of James Sutherland alias Geretene, burgess of same of his house called 'the hech hous' in the burgh of Elgin
6 - Tack in favour of Alexander Adamson, fiar of Braco of the lands of Ranes and others
7 - Service of William Duff of Braco as heir to his father, deceased James Sutherland
8 - Implementation by letters of horning to Hugh Ross and James Sutherland to hand over to William Duff the estate of James Sutherland
9 - Special charge to enter heir Duff against Sutherland
10 - Precept of clare constat directing his baillies to give sasine to Margaret Duff and Patrick Duff as heirs to Alexander Duff of Braco, deceased
11 - Inventory of title deeds belonging to the house of Sir James Duff of Kinstair, delivered unto Sir James by William Rose at Moncoffer
22 - Inverness and the north Papers
23 - Church documents and Papers
24 - North East County Papers
25 - North East Burgh Papers
26 - Miscellaneous Papers
27 - Rose of Montcoffer Papers
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