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MS 997 - Papers relating to Duff family of Duff House, William Rose of Montcoffer, factor and Hay of Rannes (Lumley-Smith papers)
1 - Letters and papers relating to family of Duff
2 - Letters and papers relating to James Duff, 2nd Earl Fife and William Rose, his factor
1 - List of Justices of the Peace residing in the County of Banff
3 - Letter: Alexander Robertson, Manse of ‘Rain’ to Alexander Gordon of Aberdour, ‘Fyvy’
4 - Account of travelling expenses between Moncoffer and Aberdeen
5 - Letter: Alexander Adamson to William Rose, Montcoffer
6 - Bond and obligation (copy): Lord Fife to William Rose, factor
7 - Letter: William Gordon, Quebec to Captain Duncan Urquhart
8 - Letter: Robert Innes, Banff to William Rose, Duff House
9 - Memorandum on Banffshire election
10 - Letter to William Rose, Montcoffer
11 - Letter: Alexander Stronach, Knock to William Rose, Montcoffer
12 - Receipt of Lord Fife by John Grant, surveyor
13 - Letter: J. Fife [Dowager Lady Fife], Rothiemay to W. Rose, Montcoffer
14 - Extract: Grant of Certain Church-Revenues
15 - Extract of Letters of Horning and Caption: Angus Gun in Ferniebrae against William Morison
16 - Letter: Alexander Dirom, Banff to William Rose, Duff House
17 - Letter (in verse): Charles Burney, Mar Lodge to Mrs Rose
18 - Letter: Reverend Patrick Rose, Arbroath to William Rose, Edinburgh
19 - Letter: Lord Fife to William Rose, Edinburgh
20 - Letter: William Taylor, Edinburgh to William Rose, Banff
21 - Letter: James Porter, Banff to William Rose
22 - Letter: Alexander Stronach, Knock to William Rose, Montcoffer
23 - Account: Messrs. Jopp and Allardyce to Mrs Rose, Montcoffer
24 - Petition: Francis Cantly, gardener of Balveny, to Banffshire Justices of the Peace
25 - Letter: James Duff, Sheriff Clerk, Banff to William Rose, Montcoffer
26 - Circular letter: Archibald Duff to William Rose
27 - Bill of Exchange
28 - Account: Messrs. Jopp and Allardyce to William Rose
29 - Letter: J. Fife to William Rose
30 - Letter: James Thomson, Balveny to William Rose, Montcoffer
31 - Receipted account for freight of goods to Leith
32 - Letter: William Reaper, Macduff to Lord Fife
33 - Letter William Reaper, Macduff to Lord Fife
34 - Letter: William Reaper, Macduff to Lord Fife
35 - Letter: James Gordon, Portsoy to William Rose, Montcoffer, Banff
36 - Letter: George Robinson to William Rose
37 - Letter: Francis Garden, Montrose to Lord Fife
38 - Letter: Mrs and Miss Dirom, Banff to Mr and Mrs William Rose
39 - Letter: George Duff, Courageux, Spithead to Lord Fife
40 - Letter: Alexander Duff, Housedale to William Rose, Montcoffer
41 - Letter: Lord Fife to William Rose
42 - Letter: Ralph King, Forres to Lord Fife
43 - Letter: John Forbes, Inverernan to Lord Fife
44 - Letter: John Ramsay, Straloch to Lord Fife
45 - Letter: John Ramsay, Straloch to Lord Fife
46 - Letter: James Chalmers to Lord Fife, Whitehall
47 - Letter: A. Brodie to Lord Fife
48 - Letter: A. Brodie to Lord Fife
49 - Petition for custom house at Banff
50 - Letter: Miss Mary Rose to Mrs Rose
51 - Letter: George Robinson to Lord Fife
52 - Account of travelling expenses of James Rose from Utrecht to Banff and home to Montcoffer
53 - Letter: James Porteous, Aberchirder to William Rose, Montcoffer
54 - Letter: A. Leith, Glenkindy, per Alex Keith to William Rose, Montcoffer
55 - Tax Return form for parish of King Edward
56 - Letter: Sir Ralph Abercromby, La Valette to Major Wemyss, Commanding 48th Regiment
57 - Letter: Sir William Forbes of Forbes, Hunter & Co., Edinburgh to William Rose
3 - Letters and papers
4 - Papers and correspondence relating to Andrew Hay and family
5 - Collection of papers and copies of manuscripts, some relating to branches of the Duff family
6 - Typescript of book on second Lord Fife and transcripts of letters
7 - Collection of genealogical papers and charts, printed pamphlets and legal correspondence
8 - Photographic reproductions of manuscripts relating to the House of Stuart and Jacobite affairs
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