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MS 471 - David Skene. M.D.: Descriptions of Botanical Specimens
1 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Monandria and Diandria
2 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Triandria
3 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Tetrandria
4 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Pentandria
5 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Hexandria
6 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Octandria
7 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Decandria
8 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Polyandria
9 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Didynamia
10 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Tetradynamia
11 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Monadelphia, Diadelphia and Polyadelphia
12 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Syngenesia
13 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Gynandria
14 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Monoec:, Diaec: and Polygamia
15 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Gramina in meo horto sicco
16 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Fucus
17 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Ulva, undated
18 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: 'Ex vita reverendi viri Joannis Forbesii...
19 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: De lichenibus umbilicatis in horto meo sicco
20 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Lichenes
21 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Jurgermannia
22 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Ulva
23 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Jurgermannia
24 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Ulva
25 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Conferva
26 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Tremella
27 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Fuci
28 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Chara
29 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Fuci
30 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Tremella Mesenterica
31 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Calocera Vicosa
32 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Algae
33 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Musci
34 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Filices
35 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Musci
36 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Filices
37 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: [Lichenes]: scyphiferi, fructilosi and filamentosi
38 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Letter from Lady Forbes to David Skene
39 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Letter from Lady Forbes to David Skene
40 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Botany notes
41 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Diandria
42 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Filices
43 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Systema Tournefortianum
44 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Systema Raii
45 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Unnamed Botanical System
46 - Papers of David Skene: Botanical Descriptions: Flores compositi ligulati
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