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MS 4038 - Dingwall-Fordyce of Brucklay, Aberdeenshire, papers
1 - Title deeds and related writs
2 - Papers of the Dingwall Fordyces of Brucklay
3 - Other family members
4 - Estate management papers
1 - Factory accounts and cash books
2 - Estate ledgers
3 - Rentals
4 - Other accounts
1 - Shevado accounts
2 - Farm ledger
3 - Farm ledger
4 - Farm ledger
5 - Rents collection book
6 - Rents collection book
7 - Scroll cash book
8 - Brucklay estates acreage book
9 - Estate repairs ledger
10 - Account book
11 - Forestry accounts
12 - Sawmill records
13 - Forestry accounts
14 - Market gardens book
15 - Contract book
16 - Cash account book
17 - Aden estates rent book no.3
5 - Factors' correspondence
6 - Memorandum books
7 - Estate contents and descriptions
8 - Estate legal matters and cartularies
9 - Leases, reports, and other management papers
5 - Maps and plans
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