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MS 3655 - Papers of John Hastie Speirs MA (Aberdeen, 1928), BA (Cantab.), scholar of Scottish and English literature
1 - Correspondence: personal and professional
2 - Manuscript and typewritten drafts
1 - List: published works/reviews by John Speirs
2 - Notes: Dickens
3 - 'The imaginativeness of Dickens'
4 - 'The Scottish novel: Galt, Scott and Stevenson'
5 - Draft notes: 'The Scottish Novel'
6 - 'The Scottish Novel: Galt, Scott and Stevenson
7 - 'The Merchant of Venice'
8 - Shakespeare, lecture notes
9 - 'The earlier plays of Shakespeare'
10 - 'Shakespeare: Dramatic poet'
11 - 'Shakespeare's plays'
12 - 'Eliot, Yeats, Donne and others'
13 - 'Eliot and other poets'
14 - 'Pope's Moral Essays. Epistle IV'
15 - Untitled poem
16 - Obituary: John Hastie Speirs
3 - Printed matter; books, periodicals, articles (annotated/signed)
4 - Photographs and prints
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