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MS 3541 - Professor George Mackenzie Dunnet, Regius Professor of Natural History: papers
1 - Research papers, Zoological
2 - Environmental Liaison Group
3 - Expeditions
4 - Other Publications
1 - A Further Record of the Flea Tarsopsylla Octodecidentata (KOL.) in Scotland
2 - R.J. Berry and V.M.L. Muir 'The Natural History of Man in Shetland', Journal of Biosocial Science
3 - George Dunnet, 'Fleas (Siphonaptera) from Mammals in Aberdeenshire' reprinted from The Scottish Naturalist
4 - B. Forman, 'The Spiders of Aberdeenshire', 'The Harvestmen (Phalangida) of Aberdeenshire', The Scottish Naturalist
5 - Statistics for Biologists: a course booklet for Ecology: Individuals, populations, and communities
6 - George Leslie and W.A. Herdman, The Invertebrate Fauna of the Firth of Forth
7 - Ronald M. Allan, 'Fleas (Siphonaptera) from Birds in North-East Scotland', reprinted from The Scottish Naturalist
8 - J. Wilson Smith, 'The Cruden Water', reprinted from The Transactions of The Buchan Club
9 - D. Chitty, 'What Regulates Bird Populations?': review, Ecology
10 - Draft provisional order: Scottish Office, Cromarty Firth Port Authority
11 - Nature Conservancy, A Prospectus for Nature Conservation within the Moray Firth
12 - Aberdeen Peoples Press. No. 15 (Mid January, 1974)
13 - Aether, produced partly on behalf of the Aberdeen University Environment Protection Society, 2.2
14 - Newsletter: The Conservation Society, North-East Scotland Branch, 9 (1974)
15 - Aberdeen Harbour: the Official Handbook
16 - Aberdeen University Bird Club, Bulletin, 37 (1976)
17 - Hugh Watson, Balmedie Beach Shells, Book Two
18 - Aul' Ellon
19 - World Conservation Strategy, Grampian Region: Report of the Braemar Workshop December 1982
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