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MS 3541 - Professor George Mackenzie Dunnet, Regius Professor of Natural History: papers
1 - Research papers, Zoological
1 - Bibliography of zoological publications, with summaries and notes
2 - 'Tundra as a Homeostatic System': unpublished paper, with covering letter to GB
3 - Photographs of Fulmar Sites at Sands of Forvie National Nature Reserve
4 - Penguins: manuscript notes, offprints and photocopies
5 - Seabirds: manuscript notes and reports, with offprints, photocopied articles, and one acetate
6 - Pycroft's Petrel: Burrow records and data on birds and eggs
7 - Papers of John Ollason
8 - Salmon Bill Advisory Committee: correspondence, newscuttings and notes
9 - Eynhallow Fulmars: observation data, photographs, newscutting, correspondence,and draft chapter
10 - Proposals for the model of the population of seals on the coastal shelf of the North Sea
11 - MSc Herbivore Diet Reprints
12 - Age in birds: notes and observation data
2 - Environmental Liaison Group
3 - Expeditions
4 - Other Publications
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