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MS 3508 - Records of Grampian Regional Transport Ltd. (formerly Grampian Regional Transport, Aberdeen Corporation Tramways/Transport and Aberdeen District Tramways Company)
1 - Aberdeen District Tramways Company
2 - Aberdeen Corporation Tramways/Transport
3 - Grampian Regional Transport
1 - Legislative and regulatory
2 - Management and municipal affairs
3 - Administration and operational records
4 - Publicity and corporate affairs
1 - Scrapbooks of newspaper cuttings
2 - Publications: public information
3 - Published material: Fleetbook no.14 :"Buses of Eastern Scotland" edited by Alan Millar
4 - Commemorative and official events
1 - Royal Silver Jubilee Visit timetable and programme of events
2 - Open Day: King Street depot
3 - Open Day: King Steet depot
4 - Grampian Scottish: Bus services guide for World Bowls Championship.
5 - Records arranged by form
4 - Grampian Regional Transport Ltd.
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