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MS 3471 - Alexander Logie Stalker, Professor of Pathology papers
1 - Research papers
2 - Conferences
3 - Reprints
1 - Reprints of papers by Alexander Logie Stalker
2 - Reprints of papers by Pathology Department staff, University of Aberdeen
1 - Disfibrinogenaemia and Primary Hepato-Cellular Carcinoma
2 - The thymus in systematic sclerosis
3 - Programmed learning in histopathology
4 - The modification of a medical museum as an aid to undergraduate teaching
5 - The value and mechanism of the colloidal gold test
6 - Anti-lymphocytic serum
7 - Reaction of blood lymphocytes to trauma and healing
8 - Massive adrenal necrosis in rats caused by 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene and its inhibition by metyrapone
9 - Familial Erythroleukaemia: A Cytogenetic and Haematological Study
10 - Red Cell Changes in Hyperthyroidism
11 - Experimental research on the course of the optic fibres
12 - On a new pathogenic streptothrix
13 - An Experimental Enquiry into the Nature of the Substance in Serum which influences Phagocytosis
14 - On Phagocytosis and bactericidal action
15 - Aneurysm of the Hepatic Artery
16 - A Hypernephroma of Atypical Structure
17 - A Case of Primary Carcinoma of the Kidney
18 - Experimental "allergic" encephalomyelitis
19 - Experimental "allergic" encephalomyelitis. II. - On the nature of the encephalitogenic agent
20 - Mortality from carcinoma of the cervix uteri in Britain
21 - Peroxidase Activity in Non-parenchymal Cells isolated from Rat Liver: A Cytochemical Study
22 - Hepatic Prolyl Hydroxylase in Human Liver Disease
23 - Cedema induced in the rabbit by infarction of the kidneys and by the injection of renal extracts after nephrectomy
24 - Gastro-duodenal lesions in anuric animals
25 - The Production of Serious Effusions in Nephrectomised Animals by the Administration of Renal Extracts and Renin
26 - Tuberculosis in Children
27 - Tuberculosis in man and the lower animals
28 - Spirochaeta Pallida (Spironema Pallidum) in syphilis
29 - The localisation of spirochaetes in the papules of yaws
30 - A bacteriological investigation of epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis
31 - A case of Parinaud's Conjunctivitis, with a discussion of its pathology, especially in relation to the presence of the plasma-cell
32 - Tuberculosis in children
33 - A survey of the rise and progress of the science and art of dentistry
34 - Gas cysts of the intestine
35 - Broncial Anthrax
36 - The etiology of dissecting aneurysm
37 - Multiple Myeloma, and its Association with Bence Jones' Albumose in the Urine
38 - Histologically non-malignant angioma, with numerous metastases
39 - The morbid anatomy of tuberculosis in man
40 - Introductory Lecture delivered at the Opening Meeting of the Class of Pathology in the University of Aberdeen on 15 October 1914
41 - Miliary Aneurysms in Relation to Cerebral Haemorrhage
42 - The Incidence of Tuberculosis
43 - Tumors of Mediastinum and Lung
44 - Dissecting aneurysms
45 - Tuberculosis
46 - Trasylol (aprotinin) as an anti-tumour agent
47 - Cytotoxic effect of alcohol on liver cells and fibroblasts in vitro
48 - A case of alkaptonuria
49 - Case of 'Hodgkin's Disease', with paraplegia and other somewhat rare complications
50 - Further Experiments on the Prodction of Hyperplasia in the Alveolar Epithelium of the Lung of the Rabbit
51 - Epithelial Proliferation in the Lung of the Rabbit, brought about by Intrapleural Injections of Solutions of Electrolytes - A Physico-Chemical Interpretation of the Phenomenon
52 - The Effects of Repeated Intrapleural Injections of Electrolytes in the Rabbit - Acquired Insensitiveness of the Lung Epithelium to a Proliferative Stimulus: the Bearing of the Observations on Tissue Resistance
53 - A Mixed Tumor (Renal Blastocytoma) of the Parovarium
54 - Tumors of bone: responsibilities of the pathologist
55 - Some Observations of the Healing of Experimental Wounds in the Skin of the Rabbit
56 - An experimental study of the healing of wounds, with special reference to the action of heart extract powder (doljanski)
57 - The dynamics of parenchymatous embolism in relation to the dissemination of malignant tumours
58 - The invasive growth of malignant tumors: An experimental interpretation based on elastic-jelly models
59 - Histometry of lymphoid infiltrate in the thyroid of primary thyrotoxicosis patients
3 - Reprints of papers by staff of the University of Aberdeen's medical, surgical and forensic medicine departments and colleagues in Aberdeen hospitals and public health departments
4 - Signed reprints of papers by non-University of Aberdeen staff
4 - Other printed papers
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