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MS 3470 - Papers of the Fraser Family of Castle Fraser and Inverallochy
1 - The Estate papers of Castle Fraser and Inverallochy: Castle Fraser
2 - Castle Fraser
3 - The Estate papers: Inverallochy Estate
4 - Papers of members of the Fraser family of Castle Fraser and Inverallochy: Lord Charles Fraser of Inverallochy (c.1662-1716)
5 - Papers of members of the Fraser family of Castle Fraser and Inverallochy: Charles Fraser of Castle Fraser and Inverallochy (Auld Inverallochy) (c1705-1787)
6 - Papers of members of the Fraser family of Castle Fraser and Inverallochy: Major-General Alexander Mackenzie Fraser (1758-1809)
1 - Correspondence and other papers relating to Major General A Mackenzie-Fraser as commanding officer of the 78th Regiment, and to Ross-shire politics and local affairs.
1 - Memorial to lawyers in Edinburgh (Messrs Erskine and Bolland)
2 - Acknowledgement, made in Guernsey, by James Palladin, Drum-Major of the 78th
3 - Letter together with an account sent by Messrs Ross and Ogilvie to Captain Alexander Mackenzie
4 - Legal opinion by Robert Blair regarding the effect of Mr Udney's death on Mrs Udney's marriage settlement
5 - Letter: Messrs Ross and Ogilvie to Major Mackenzie
6 - Letter and account: John Ogilvie of Ross and Ogilvie to Lieutenant Colonel Mackenzie in Guernsey
7 - Notebook and transcription: A. Mackenzie
8 - Account: 78th Regiment
9 - Return: 78th Regiment
10 - Invoice: 78th Regiment
11 - Letter: Rev William Mackenzie to Colonel Alexander Mackenzie in Guernsey
12 - Letter: H Donaldson, army agent to Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Mackenzie
13 - Account: wines supplied by William and George Bell to the officer's mess of the 78th Regiment, Guernsey
14 - Statement of Lieutenant-Colonel A Mackenzie's account with Ross and Ogilvie
15 - Memorandum: Finlay McCrae of the 78th Regiment to Colonel Alexander Mackenzie
16 - Copy of instructions by George Don, Deputy Adjutant-General, to commanders of brigades
17 - Letter: Robert Brownrigg to Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Mackenzie
18 - Certificate signed by officers of the 1st Fencible Regiment testifying the exemplary character of Sergeant Lachlan
19 - Pay lists of Sergeant M'Kinzie and a party of the 2nd Battalion 78th Regiment
20 - Letter: Mr Adam to Lord Seaforth
21 - Letter from H Donaldson, London
22 - Letters: Mr Dundas, Horse Guards
23 - Letter: Robert Brownrigg, Saville Row, to Major-General Cuyler at Portsmouth
24 - Letter: Rev John Bethune, Dornoch
25 - Memorandum: debts due to the General from various officers
26 - Bill for wine and beer supplied by Dring and Co., Calcutta
27 - Letter: W. Adam, York House, to the Hon Mrs Adam
28 - Certificate testifying that the bearer, Private Angus Murray, had not been settled in his account from 24th June 1794 to 3rd March 1796 inclusive
29 - Return: officers of the 78th embarked at Portsmouth for the Cape of Good Hope
30 - Return of arms received from various companies
31 - Account for groceries and sundries supplied to officers and to the mess of the 78th Regiment
32 - Return of arms delivered to Major York at the Cape of Good Hope
33 - Letter: Major-General J.H. Craig at Cape Castle
34 - Letter: Major-General J.H. Craig
35 - Copy of a letter from the General to the Duke of York
36 - Letter: Peter Squair
37 - Letter: Simon Fraser
38 - Return: Casualties of the 78th Regiment for 1794
39 - Return: Casualties of the 78th Regiment for the year 1795
40 - "State of errors discovered by C Mackenzie, late Captain in the 78th Regiment in his company abstracts from 25 June to 24 August 1795, as transmitted to him by Captain Adams, paymaster"
41 - Return of casualties of the 78th Regiment for 1796
42 - Copies of three letters and a memorandum from the War Office to Colonel Mackenzie and to H. Donaldson
43 - Return of grenadier caps in store held by the 78th Regiment at Fort William [Bengal]
44 - Account sent to the General from David Ross, Calcutta
45 - Personal account of Colonel Mackenzie's expenditure for the month of February, while in India
46 - Letter: D. Ross, Calcutta, to Colonel Mackenzie
47 - Letter: H. Donaldson to Colonel Mackenzie in Bengal
48 - Bill from Dring, Cleland and Co., Calcutta
49 - Letter to Colonel Mackenzie from Quarter-master Archibald McDougall
50 - Cash account of personal expenditure for March
51 - Letter from C. Robertson, Calcutta
52 - Account from Dring and Co for personal expenses
53 - Note from the Military Auditor-General to Mr Edmiston
54 - Letter from David Ross, Calcutta, dealing with the Colonel's accounts
55 - Alexander Mackenzie's cash account with Lambert Ross and Co., Calcutta
56 - Account of Colonel Mackenzie's personal expenses for April 1797
57 - Copy of a letter from General Stuart to Lt Colonel Cliffe
58 - Account of balances due to members of the Commandant's company of the 78th
59 - Letter from J Thornhill regarding rates of passage money
60 - Letter from D. Ross in Calcutta to Colonel Mackenzie regarding preparations for Manilla expedition
61 - Letter from D. Ross in Calcutta
62 - Copy of letter from Colonel Mackenzie to Colonel Cliffe
63 - Current account of Colonel A. Mackenzie's personal expenses for May 1797
64 - Letter from D. Ross, Calcutta
65 - Copy of a letter from Colonel A. Mackenzie to D. Ross in Calcutta
66 - Copy of a letter by Colonel Mackenzie to Messrs Dring and Co.
67 - Copy of a letter from Colonel Mackenzie to D. Ross
68 - Copy of a letter from Colonel Alexander Mackenzie to D. Ross
69 - Letter from Messrs Dring and Co. to Colonel Mackenzie
70 - Letter from David Ross to Colonel Mackenzie
71 - Letter from David Ross to Colonel Mackenzie
72 - Holograph Will made by Private John McKasket, with receipt
73 - Account for Colonel A Mackenzie's personal expenses for June 1797
74 - Copy of a letter written by Colonel Mackenzie to Lt.-Colonel Cliffe regarding Lieutenant Ferguson
75 - Letter from H. Donaldson to Colonel Mackenzie
76 - Cash account of Colonel A McKenzie for personal expenses for July 1797
77 - Letter from Major John Mackenzieon the subject of his exchange with Colonel Robertson
78 - [Number not used]
79 - [Number not used]
80 - Letter from Ensign H.B. Nicholls of the 78th Regiment
81 - Colonel Mackenzie's Mess and Treasurer's book and Treasurer's Accounts
82 - Letter from Ensign H.B. Nicolls
83 - Letter from Ensign H.B. Nicolls
84 - Cash account for Colonel A Mackenzie's personal expenses for August 1797
85 - Letter from Colonel A Mackenzie to Mr Donaldson
86 - Letter from Lambert Ross and Co.
87 - Letter from Colonel A Mackenzie to David Ross
88 - Receipt from Lambert Ross and Co.
89 - Copy of an interchange of letters between Colonel Mackenzie and D. Ross regarding investment
90 - Copy of the cash account of Colonel A Mackenzie for September 1797
91 - Receipt from Lambert and Ross, Calcutta
92 - Letter from D. Ross to the Colonel
93 - Receipt for 165 frocks from Dring and Co.
94 - Letter from Colonel Cameron enclosing copies of endorsements made on Company's notes
95 - Specimen endorsement contained in MS 3470/6/1/94
96 - Copy of a letter written by Colonel A Mackenzie to Messrs Lambert Ross and Co. regarding endorsements
97 - Receipt from Lambert Ross and Co.
98 - Letter from D. Ross to Colonel A. Mackenzie regarding endorsements
99 - Copy of a letter by Colonel A Mackenzie to Donald Ross
100 - Receipt from Lambert and Ross
101 - Letter: D. Ross to Colonel Mackenzie
102 - Cash account of Colonel A Mackenzie
103 - Letter: C. Robertson, Calcutta to Colonel A Mackenzie
104 - Copy of a letter from Colonel A Mackenzie to Lambert Ross and Co
105 - Colonel A Mackenzie's current account
106 - Return: casualties of the 78th Regiment
107 - Letter:Lambert Ross and Co. to the Colonel
108 - Letter: David Ross to the Colonel
109 - Letter: D. Ross to Colonel Mackenzie
110 - House steward's account
111 - Letter from D. Ross
112 - Letter: D. Ross to the Colonel
113 - Account of the Colonel's house-steward for February
114 - Letter from C. Robertson
115 - Letter: D. Ross to the Colonel
116 - Folio volume: copies of Colonel A Mackenzie's letters to the authorities, both at home and in India
117 - Letter from Captain J.H. Brown of the 78th Regiment at Allahabad
118 - Account: Dring & Co.
119 - Account of extra clothing: Allahbad
120 - Account: Dring & Co
121 - Account by C. Robertson
122 - Letter: David Ross
123 - Letter: David Ross to the Colonel
124 - Account: Colonel Mackenzie's household
125 - Contractor's account
126 - Account of cash received from Lall Gee and others
127 - Letter: Lambert and Ross
128 - General Order of the Governor in Council dismissing Major-General Geils
129 - Letter: Lambert, Ross and Co.
130 - Letter: Lambert, Ross and Co.
131 - Letter: Colin Robertson to the Colonel
132 - Account: Mr C. Robinson
133 - Letter: Lambert, Ross and Co.
134 - Desk account: Alexander Mackenzie
135 - Account: shoes supplied by Mr Bell
136 - Account: Colonel A Mackenzie with Quarter-Master A McDougall
137 - Letter: David Ross
138 - Contractor's account
139 - Letter: David Ross
140 - Letter: Lambert and Ross to the Colonel
141 - Account for the maintenance of Colonel Mackenzie's household in India
142 - Letter: G Lumsden to the Colonel
143 - Letter: Lambert and Ross
144 - Proceedings of a court of enquiry into the death of an Indian native
145 - Letter: Lambert and Ross to the Colonel
146 - Letter: Lieutenant-Colonel Malcolm
147 - Letter: J Lumsden to the Colonel
148 - Letter: Lambert, Ross and Co.
149 - Letter: James Laidlaw
150 - Letter: Colonel Robert Blair to Major Parkhill
151 - Invoice for epaulets and other regimental appointments
152 - Letter: D Ross
153 - Letter: G Lumsden
154 - Letter: G Lumsden to the Colonel
155 - Copy of letter: Colonel Mackenzie to Colonel Cliffe
156 - Letter: D Ross to the Colonel
157 - Letter: Lieutenant Byres to the Colonel
158 - Letter: Colonel Cliffe to Colonel Mackenzie
159 - Letter: Lambert and Ross to the Colonel
160 - Letter: D Ross to the Colonel
161 - Letter: D Ross to the Colonel
162 - Letter: Colin Robertson to the Colonel
163 - Letter: Lambert and Ross to the Colonel
164 - Letter: D Ross
165 - Letter: Lambert and Ross
166 - Letter: David Ross
167 - Letter: D Ross
168 - Notes on Mahratta War treary
169 - Return of casualties in the 78th Regiment for the year 1798
170 - List of liquors left with Colonel Mackenzie at Cawnpore
171 - Letter from Lambert Ross and Co.
172 - Letter from David Ross
173 - Statement of account for fodder and other items
174 - Receipt for price of bungalow in Cawnpore
175 - Sketch map (tracing) of the route from Bibiepore to Cawnpore
176 - Memorandum on the appointment of a Quartermaster
177 - Copy of letter regarding the case of Captain Doyle
178 - Copy of letter to Mrs Wishart
179 - Cash account with Lambert and Ross
180 - Letter from Lambert and Ross regarding consignment of clothing
181 - Letter from Thomas Harriott with statement of account
182 - Copy of General Baird's report on the capture of Seringapatam
183 - Letter from Lambert and Ross ragarding damage to consignment of clothing
184 - Letter from J Lumsden regarding subscription to decennial loan
185 - Statement of Colonel Mackenzie's cash account with A McDougall
186 - Letter from C and R Oliphant
187 - Letter from Lambert Ross and Co.
188 - Letter of recommendation from William Adam
189 - Letter from Lambert and Ross regarding decennial loan
190 - Return of casualties of the 78th Regiment
191 - Letter from D Ross
192 - Letter from Quarter-Master Sergeant McCrae regarding the decennial loan
193 - Letter to the Colonel enclosing bills paid to Dr Feeeman's executors
194 - Letter from Captain Bull acknowledging payment for set of tables
195 - Letter from Lambert and Ross enclosing statement of account
196 - Letter from David Ross regarding Quarter-Master Sergeant McCrae's decennial loan subscription.
197 - Letter from Lambert and Ross regarding the Colonel's decennial loan subscription
198 - Letter from David Ross about loan payments and damaged clothing
199 - Accounts between Colonel Mackenzie and Major A Adams
200 - Bill of Exchange payable to Lieutenant A Wishart
201 - Copy letter from Colonel Mackenzie to Major Adams regarding delay in payments to the 78th Regiment
202 - Note regarding boots
203 - Letter acknowledging receipt of payment to the 10% loan.
204 - Letter from D Ross regarding Lord Mornington
205 - Letter from D Ross returning promissory notes
206 - Copy of letter to Lieutenant-Colonel Cliffe regarding Colonelcy of the 10th Regiment
207 - Private letter-book of Colonel Mackenzie as Commanding Officer of the 78th Regiment
208 - Letter from D Ross regarding payment for Mr Baird's ensigncy
209 - Receipt for 110 rupees from Sergeant John Macdonald
210 - Letter: Major Adams to the Colonel
211 - Letter: Colonel William Scott to the Colonel
212 - Letter from Sergeant John Finlayson
213 - Account of cash balances due to deceased men of the 78th Regiment.
214 - Receipt for £9 from Private Donald Macdonald
215 - List of members of the 78th Regiment subscribing towards infirmary in Inverness
216 - Statement of demands on Captain Cochrane
217 - Statement of drafts made for cash received from sundry soldiers of the 78th Regiment
218 - Duplicate of letter by Sir James Craig regarding conflicting claims for prize money
219 - Bill for 8 pieces of cloth
220 - Letter from James Cuming regarding arrears of half-pay
221 - Account between General Macdowell and Colonel Mackenzie for sundry regimental and personal items
222 - Memorandum on arrears due to men of the 2nd Battalion
223 - Letter from Lieutenant A Wishart
224 - Bill of exchange in favour of Lieutenant Wishart
225 - Letter to Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Mackenzie with vote of sword and spurs
226 - Bundle of papers relating to the regimental accounts of the 78th while in India
227 - Regimental returns and other papers relating to a review of the 78th Regiment
228 - Letters and minor papers regarding Lieutenant Cumming's arrears of half-pay
229 - Letter from Sir James Craig
230 - Letter from L Mackintosh
231 - List of articles delivered to Captain Ferguson's cousin
232 - Letter from David Ross, with Ensign Ross's resignation
233 - Letter: Sir James Craig to the Colonel
234 - Letter: Sir James Craig
235 - Letter: Lieutenant-Colonel J R Mackenzie to Colonel A. Mackenzie
236 - Letter: J Cuming
237 - Letter to the Colonel from Robert Ferguson
238 - Account of purchases of swords belonging to the late Major-General St Legers
239 - Letter: C M Crommelin to the Colonel
240 - Letter: David Ross of Lambert, Ross and Company
241 - Memorandum of Colonel Mackenzie's cash account with Lambert Ross and Company
242 - Description of the Company's promissory notes
243 - Copy of the findings of a General court-martial
244 - Letter: William Robertson to Colonel A. Mackenzie
245 - Letter: Colin Mackenzie to Colonel A. Mackenzie
246 - Statement of cash account
247 - Letter: A. McDougall, Quartermaster of the 78th Regiment to Mr Josh Nutting
248 - Letter: Major D Parkill to the Colonel
249 - Letter: General Sir James Craig to Colonel Mackenzie
250 - Return of the 78th Regiment as at 16 June
251 - Account: Lieutenant Duncan Macrae with H Donaldson
252 - Statement of account: Colonel A. Mackenzie with Lieutenant-Colonel J. R. Mackenzie
253 - Names of invalids of the 78th Regiment
254 - Letter: William Kinloch to Colonel A. Mackenzie
255 - Account to Colonel Mackenzie from Hyde and Marter
256 - Letter: Colonel A. Mackenzie to Rt. Hon. Wm. Windham
257 - Letter: Colonel A. Mackenzie to H. Donaldson
258 - Letter: Colonel A. Mackenzie to the Duke of York
259 - Account of duties paid on the importation of wines
260 - Copies of correspondence by the Colonel with the War Office
261 - Account showing payments due by Colonel A Mackenzie to his brother Kilcoy
262 - Letter: Colonel A Mackenzie to William Scott
263 - Copy of letter: Colonel Mackenzie to Captain Duncan McRae concerning accounts
264 - Letter: Colonel A Mackenzie to Alexander Manson
265 - Account claimed from Colonel Mackenzie by East India House
266 - Notebook
267 - Letter: Colonel A Mackenzie to Lieutenant Robert Gray McKay
268 - Statement of account
269 - Letter: Henry Calvert, Adjutant-General, to Colonel Mackenzie
270 - Copy of letter: Colonel Mackenzie to Colonel Calvert
271 - Letter: Colonel Mackenzie to Colonel Calvert
272 - Letter: Colonel Calvert to Colonel Mackenzie
273 - Vouchers and other papers
274 - Statement
275 - Memorandum: observations on the Ross-shire bill and objections thereto
276 - Bill for coals supplied to Major Gordon by Cooper and Granville
277 - Letter: Lieutenant F. Fraser
278 - Letter: Major Price Gordon to Colonel Mackenzie
279 - Copy of letter: Colonel Mackenzie to Colonel Brownrigg
280 - Letter: R. Buckton to Colonel Alexander Mackenzie
281 - Account for hats supplied to Colonel Mackenzie
282 - Index to the record book of the 78th Regiment
283 - Nominal roll of the 78th Regiment including casualties since 18 June 1801
284 - Circular letter: Colonel Harry Calvert to Colonel Mackenzie
285 - Copy of letter: Colonel Alexander Fraser to H. Buckton
286 - List of non-commissioned officers with dates of appointment
287 - List of N.C.Os of the 78th Regiment
288 - Letter: Quarter-master Duncan Macrae
289 - Letter: Lord Seaforth in H.M.S Topaze to the Colonel
290 - Copy of letter: Colonel Alexander Mackenzie to Colonel Brownrigg
291 - Return of casualties: 78th Regiment
292 - Monthly return: 78th Regiment
293 - March return: 78th Regiment
294 - Return of casualties in the 78th
295 - Copies of letters: Alexander Mackenzie
296 - Copy of letter: Colonel Alexander Fraser to J. Salway
297 - Copy of letter: Colonel Alexander Fraser to Colonel Brownrigg
298 - Copy of letter: Colonel Alexander Fraser to General Hewit
299 - Letter: Colonel Robert Brownrigg
300 - Letter: Captain O.L. Yeoman to Colonel Mackenzie
301 - Notebook: Orderly Book
302 - Copy of a petition: Colonel Brownrigg
303 - Letter-cover: Mr Buckton
304 - Letter: H. Buckton
305 - Memorandum
306 - Warrant: Great Coats
307 - Letter: John Dalrymple
308 - Letter: Lord Seaforth to H. Donaldson
309 - Receipt: mourning sword
310 - Current account: Colonel Alexander MacKenzie
311 - Current account: Colonel Alexander MacKenzie
312 - Bill: C. and W. Bingley to Mrs (Helen) Mackenzie
313 - Memorandum: Mr Jeremy Proby to Mr Parsons
314 - Receipt: W. Salway
315 - Letter: Mr C. Smollett to Colonel Mackenzie
316 - Letter: Colonel R. Brownrigg
317 - Letter: D. Munro to Colonel A. Mackenzie
318 - Copy of letter: Colonel Mackenzie to Colonel R. Brownrigg
319 - Letter: Colonel R. Brownrigg
320 - Letter: Colin Mackenzie to Colonel A. Mackenzie
321 - Letter: James Brodie to Colonel A. Mackenzie
322 - Letter: Colonel R. Brownrigg to Colonel Mackenzie
323 - Receipted bill: clothing
324 - Receipted bill: shoes
325 - Letter: William Forster to Mrs Mackenzie
326 - Bill: Knox and Wilson
327 - Unsewn notebook
328 - Copies of letters: Colonel Mackenzie to Colonel Brownrigg
329 - Copies of letters: Colonel Mackenzie to Charles Lockhart and Lady Elibank
330 - Letter: James Brodie
331 - Letter: H. Donaldson to Colonel Mackenzie
332 - Bundle of receipts, vouchers etc.: Colonel Mackenzie's personal accounts
333 - Account: Wakelin and Garrard
334 - Bill: Andrew Wood to Colonel McKinzie
335 - List: Colonel Mackenzie's clothes
336 - Monthly return of the 78th Regiment
337 - Monthly return and list of casualties
338 - Letter: Mr Charles Lockhart to Colonel Mackenzie
339 - Copy of letter: Colonel A. Mackenzie to William Dundas
340 - Letter: Hugh Squair
341 - Letter: George Juitt
342 - Copy of letter: Colonel Mackenzie to Colonel Brownrigg
343 - Inventory: linen and furnishings
344 - Account: Colonel Mackenzie from William Forster
345 - Bundle of returns and papers: clothing and arms
346 - Letter: Colonel Walter Cliffe to Colonel Mackenzie
347 - Letter: Rev William Mackenzie to Colonel Mackenzie
348 - Copy of a letter from Colin Mackenzie on behalf of Colonel Mackenzie, to Ross and Ogilvie
349 - Letter: R. Turner to Miss Eliza Fraser
350 - Copy of letter: William Mackenzie and Colonel Mackenzie
351 - Letter: Ross and Ogilvie to Colonel Mackenzie
352 - Draft of Will: Colonel Mackenzie
353 - Copy of letter: Colonel Mackenzie to Ross and Ogilvie
354 - Letter: Arthur Forbes
355 - Letter: Robert Miller to Colonel Mackenzie
356 - Letter: Benjamin Ross
357 - Letter from Roderick Mackenzie to Colonel Mackenzie
358 - Copy of letters: Colonel Mackenzie to Mr Donaldson and Mr Miller
359 - Orders: including court-martials
360 - Copies of letters
361 - Letter from H. Donaldson
362 - Letter: Lieutenant A. Wishart to Colonel Mackenzie
363 - Letter: Colonel J. Mackenzie to Colonel Mackenzie
364 - Copy of letter: Colonel Mackenzie to H Donaldson
365 - Return of the 78th Regiment
366 - Return of the 78th Regiment: casualties
367 - Letter: Corporal Donald Fraser
368 - Copy of letter: Colonel A. Mackenzie to H. Donaldson
369 - Letter: Lord Seaforth to Major-General Mackenzie Fraser
370 - Letter: John Matheson
371 - Receipt: Colonel Mackenzie
372 - Letter: Colonel A. Mackenzie from W. Ramsey
373 - Copy of letter: Colonel Mackenzie to H. Donaldson
374 - Copy of letter: Mr Ramsey by Colonel Mackenzie
375 - Certificate: death of Private Ewers
376 - List: officers of the 78th Regiment
377 - Letter: Colonel Mackenzie from W. Wynyard
378 - Return of the 78th Regiment
379 - Notebook: Orders issued
380 - Orders Issued: Brigadier-General Oakes
381 - Notebook: orders
382 - Draft of a letter
383 - An appreciation: Egypt to the British
384 - Letter: how emigration to Nova Scotia could be stopped
385 - Copy of draft letter: to Major-General Hewitt
386 - Note: bonds
387 - Letter: Arthur Forbes
388 - Letter: D. Ross to Colonel A. Mackenzie
389 - Letter of condolence
390 - Letter: Dr Alexander Stewart to Colonel MacKenzie
391 - Letter: Vicary Gibbs to the Colonel
392 - Copy of letter: Colonel to William Dundas
393 - Letter: Major-General George Hewitt to Colonel Alexander Mackenzie
394 - Copy of letter: Colonel to Edward Hay
395 - Account: Captain Jabez McKenzie
396 - Letter of condolence: to the Colonel from Mrs Mary Mackenzie
397 - Letter: Lieutenant Colin Campbell
398 - Copy of letter: Colonel to James Grant Esq
399 - Letter: Colonel from Captain Edward Hay McKenzie
400 - Letter: Adjutant James Roy
401 - Letter: Norman Macleod
402 - Receipt: Colin Mackenzie
403 - Letter: James Grant
404 - Bill: stockings
405 - Letter: Colonel from Duncan Campbell
406 - Copy of letters: Colonel to Redcastle and Mr Alexander Brodie
407 - Letter: H. Donaldson
408 - Letter: Robert Smith
409 - Letter: H. Donaldson
410 - Two Printed Lottery Tickets
411 - Letter from H. Donaldson
412 - Letter: Captain William Campbell
413 - Letter: H. Donaldson
414 - Letter: Lieutenant Cameron
415 - Letter: H. Donaldson, London
416 - Letter: Lieutenant Cameron, Fort George
417 - Letter: Lady Seaforth
418 - Letter: Lieutenant Basil Fisher, London
419 - Copies of letters to H. Donaldson
420 - Letter: Sir Charles Ross
421 - Letter and draft application: H. Donaldson
422 - Letter: H. Donaldson, London
423 - Letter: Duncan Macrae, Fort William
424 - Monthly return of the 78th regiment
425 - Letter: H. Donaldson, London
426 - Copy of a letter to Sir Charles Ross, Edinburgh
427 - Copies of three letters to H. Donaldson
428 - Letter: Alexander Adams
429 - Letter: H. Donaldson, London
430 - Letter: James Nutting
431 - Letter: Major William Kent
432 - Letter: Mr Macdougall, Glasgow
433 - Letter: Capt. William Campbell, Inverness
434 - Copy of a letter: Duncan Macrae, Fort William
435 - Copy of a letter by Colonel Mackenzie, with another letter enclosed
436 - Letter: H. Donaldson, London
437 - Receipt from William Forbes, James Hunter & Co.
438 - Letter: H. Donaldson
439 - Letter: Captain William Campbell, Inverness
440 - Letter: Norman Macleod of Islandroich
441 - Letter: Colonel Brownrigg, Horse Guards
442 - Letter: Captain G.P. Tucker
443 - Letter: Major John Macleod, Carlisle
444 - Letter: Captain William Campbell, Inverness
445 - Letter: Sir Charles Ross
446 - Letter: Sir George Mackenzie
447 - Letter: William Kennedy
448 - Letter: Colonel John Mackenzie, Aberdeen
449 - Letter: Captain F.G. Smollett, London
450 - Letter: Lieutenant Wishart, Edinburgh
451 - Copy of a letter: Colonel Alexander Mackenzie, Edinburgh
452 - Letter: Lieutenant McDougal, Dumbarton
453 - Letter: H. Donaldson, London
454 - Copy of an affidavit sworn by Alexander and Hugh Swainson