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MS 3361 - Papers of Burnett family of Leys (Crathes Castle papers)
1 - Section I
2 - Section II
3 - Section III
4 - Section IV
1 - Inspection and valuation of the houses on Leys estate
2 - Rental of estate of Leys
3 - Rent collection book
4 - An address book
5 - Diary of an Oxford undergraduate
6 - Estate account book
7 - Leys estate cash book
8 - Photograph album
9 - Leys estate journal
10 - Diary
11 - Diary
12 - Diary
13 - Diary
14 - Leys estate cash book
15 - Leys estate cash book
16 - Diary
17 - Diary
18 - Diary
19 - Diary
20 - Diary
21 - Diary
22 - Diary
23 - Diary
24 - Diary
25 - Rental memorandum book
26 - Estate improvements ledger
27 - Estate ledger
28 - Estate cash book
29 - Estate rental book
30 - Estate cash book
31 - Estate labourers time and wages book
32 - Estate rental book
33 - Estate cash book
34 - Estate rental book
35 - Estate cash book
36 - Estate labourers time and wages book
37 - Account book
38 - Estate rental book
39 - Estate ledger
40 - Ledger for wood from Crathes
41 - Estate rental book
42 - Estate rental book
43 - Estate ledger
44 - Estate cash book
45 - Estate ledger
46 - Estate ledger
47 - Private ledger, R Burnett
48 - Estate cash book
49 - Leys wet letterbook
50 - Alexander E Burnett's executry
51 - Crathes timber supplied
52 - Ledger no. 1889-1907
53 - Cash book no. 5
54 - A working plan for part of the woodlands
55 - Notebook containing memoranda
56 - Weather journal
57 - Diary kept by Robert Burnett
58 - Notes made by Alexander Burnett of lectures on logic
59 - Copy journal kept by Mrs Burnett
60 - Rental of barony of Leyis
61 - Photographs of Crathes Castle
62 - Book of plans of estate of Crathes and Trustach
63 - Crathes game book
64 - Crathes game book
65 - Crathes game book
66 - Crathes game book
67 - Crathes game book
68 - Crathes game book
69 - Crathes game book
70 - Crathes game book
71 - Crathes game book
72 - Crathes game book
73 - Crathes game book
74 - Photographs of trains
75 - Photographs of trains
76 - Leys estate rental book
77 - Crathes wages book
78 - Weekly states, labour and cash
79 - Photograph album
80 - Sketchbook
81 - Book of contents of the estates
82 - Notes on estate matters
83 - Book containing cuttings and printed ephemera
84 - Indian photographs including military groups
85 - Newspaper cuttings
86 - Photograph album
87 - Cuttings, cartoons from punch
88 - Leyes barony court book
89 - Estate rental
90 - Estate ledger
91 - Estate ledger
92 - Estate cash book
93 - Estate ledger
94 - Estate cash book
95 - Estate cash book
96 - Estate cash book
97 - Estate ledger
98 - Estate cash book
99 - Estate ledger
100 - Estate ledger
101 - Estate cash book
102 - Estate cash book
103 - Estate rental
104 - Estate ledger
105 - Estate rental
106 - Estate cash book
107 - Estate rentals
108 - Estate fishing book
109 - Estate fishing book with photographs
110 - Estate game book
111 - Estate fishing book
112 - Estate fishing book
113 - Estate fishing book
114 - Estate fishing book
115 - T. G. A. Burnett game book
116 - Estate game book
117 - Estate fishing book
118 - Photograph album, Lady Burnett
119 - Campfield cash book
120 - E. Carr photograph album
121 - Scrap book Sir Robert
122 - Country Life supplement of Crathes 1937
123 - Family scrap book
124 - Family scrap book
125 - Large folder containing cartoons etc
126 - Ordnance survey map of estate 1867
127 - Photograph album India 1907
128 - Folder of prints etc
129 - North British Advertiser supplement 1844
130 - Theatrical scrap book
131 - Theatrical scrap book
132 - Theatrical scrap book
134 - Railway photograph album
135 - Sir Robert Burnett v Great North of Scotland Railway Co
136 - Railway scrap book
137 - Scrap book containing photographs
138 - Book of drawings c.1825
139 - Scrap book with photographs
140 - Diary of Elizabeth Ramsay
141 - Diary of Elizabeth Ramsay
5 - Section V
6 - Section VI
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