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MS 3290 - Robert Laws of Livingstonia, missionary and Amelia Laws, nurse: papers
1 - Correspondence to Robert Laws from Maggie Gray and other family members
2 - Correspondence of Amelia Nyasa Laws to her family.
3 - Letters and diary of the Rev. Dr. Robert Laws of Livingstonia
4 - Newspaper cuttings concerning Robert Laws
5 - Correspondence of Amelia Nyasa Laws, mostly concerning her father's legacy
6 - Material concerning commemorations of the Rev. Robert Laws of Livingstonia
7 - Miscellaneous material collected by Amelia Nyasa Laws concerning her father Robert Laws
1 - Papers relating to monumental inscriptions in the Laws family
2 - Address by Amelia Nyasa Laws to the church in Malawi
3 - Note of arms extracted from Burke's 'General Armory'
4 - Programme for annual conference of Women's Foreign Mission, with service of dedication of missionaries
5 - 'Laws of Livingstonia' by Robert Dunnett
6 - Letter to the Rev. Alexander Caseby from Andrew Walls, Department of Religious Studies, Aberdeen
7 - Correspondence concerning John R. Riebe and permission to quote from 'Reminiscences of Livingstonia'
1 - Letter to Oliver and Boyd, publishers, from John R. Riebe
2 - Extract from 'The Romance of Africa' by John R. Riebe
3 - Letter to Dr. Amelia Nyasa Laws from Oliver and Boyd, publishers
4 - Letter to Amelia Nyasa Laws from John R. Riebe, Illinois
5 - 'Regeneration: the Birth from Above', by John R. Riebe
8 - Bundle of notes by Amelia Nyasa Laws on her father's papers
9 - Case of Haemoglobinuric Fever with Dysenteric Complications
10 - Copy case history of Robert Laws, suffering from smallpox
11 - Note concerning folding bookcase belonging to Robert Laws
12 - Photograph of map of Africa drawn by Robert Laws
13 - Religious articles possibly by the Rev. Dr. James Gordon Gray
14 - Letter to Robert and Maggie Laws from the Rev. Dr. James Gordon Gray
15 - Paraphrase of Psalm 137 by H. Farmer
16 - Passage with reference to accusations of profiteering amongst missionaries
17 - Correspondence from Amy Gray to Maggie Laws, her sister
18 - Survey of Livingstonia Mission Estate
19 - Note of hymn numbers for a service at sea
20 - Business cards relating to Laws family, London
21 - Menu, programme and toast list for the luncheon at the presentation of Freedom of the City, Aberdeen
22 - Note on building of Overtoun College, Livingstonia
23 - Notes by Amelia Nyasa Laws on administration following death of Robert Laws
24 - Compliments slip from the secretary of the Scottish Institute of Missionary Studies
25 - Form in connexion with removal of Robert Laws' body from England
26 - Marriage notice of Isabel B. Murray and Robert H. Napier, B.D.
8 - Financial papers connected with the Rev. Dr. Robert Laws of Livingstonia
9 - Entries from letter book of Robert Laws
10 - Newspaper cuttings concerning the Mau Mau, Kenya
11 - Papers connected with Livingstonia Schools
12 - Letters from Robert Laws of Livingstonia to his daughter, Amelia Nyasa Laws
13 - Letters from Maggie Laws to her daughter, Amelia Nyasa Laws
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