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MS 3290 - Robert Laws of Livingstonia, missionary and Amelia Laws, nurse: papers
1 - Correspondence to Robert Laws from Maggie Gray and other family members
2 - Correspondence of Amelia Nyasa Laws to her family.
3 - Letters and diary of the Rev. Dr. Robert Laws of Livingstonia
4 - Newspaper cuttings concerning Robert Laws
5 - Correspondence of Amelia Nyasa Laws, mostly concerning her father's legacy
6 - Material concerning commemorations of the Rev. Robert Laws of Livingstonia
1 - Papers connected with commemorations collected by Dr. Amelia Nyasa Laws and the Rev. Alexander Caseby
2 - Papers collected in connexion with commemorations of the Rev. Dr. Robert Laws
1 - Extract from records of the Arts Class, 1868 - 1872, University of Aberdeen, regarding Robert Laws
2 - Newspaper cutting with review of 'Laws of Livingstonia' by W.P. Livingstone
3 - Petition for contributions to presentation to Robert Laws
4 - Letter to Amelia Nyasa Laws from R. Everton, Central Office of Information
5 - 'Yuraia Chirwa - Livingstonia's Oldest Friend'
6 - 'City of Aberdeen Freedom Ceremonies' address by Lord Provost
7 - Letter to Robert Laws from the Foreign Mission Offices, United Free Church of Scotland
8 - Extract minute of the Church of Scotland Foreign Mission Committee
9 - Letter to Amelia Nyasa Laws from the Chancery of the Order of St. Michael and St. John concerning her father
10 - Transcription of monumental inscription of Laws family
11 - Transcription of modified monumental inscription in St. Machar's churchyard, Aberdeen
12 - Account for gravestone paid by Amelia Nyasa Laws
13 - Excerpt from minutes of Royal Scottish Geographical Society concerning Dr. Robert Laws
14 - Newspaper cutting with photograph of Robert Laws
15 - Postcard of doors at Imperial Chemical Industries, London
16 - Note by Amelia Nyasa Laws on letter from Chirveyu Chimbezi from Chifira
17 - Note by Amelia Nyasa Laws on letter from Chirveyu Chimbezi from Chifira
18 - Letter to Amelia Nyasa Laws from the Rev. L. Gray, Aberdeen
19 - 'The First Voyage Round the Lake', a passage concerning Robert Laws' arrival in Nyasaland
7 - Miscellaneous material collected by Amelia Nyasa Laws concerning her father Robert Laws
8 - Financial papers connected with the Rev. Dr. Robert Laws of Livingstonia
9 - Entries from letter book of Robert Laws
10 - Newspaper cuttings concerning the Mau Mau, Kenya
11 - Papers connected with Livingstonia Schools
12 - Letters from Robert Laws of Livingstonia to his daughter, Amelia Nyasa Laws
13 - Letters from Maggie Laws to her daughter, Amelia Nyasa Laws
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