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MS 3182 - Aberdeen and Northern Friendly Society papers
1 - Board of Directors Minutes book
1 - Board of Directors Minutes book
2 - Board of Directors Minutes book
3 - Board of Directors Minutes book
2 - Minute book (various meetings)
3 - Minute book (weekly committee)
4 - Minute book used by various committees
5 - Minute book (finance, property and special committee meetings)
6 - Minute book (property committee)
7 - Minute book (social meetings committee)
8 - Resolutions passed by the Board of Management
9 - House properties accounts
10 - Annual reports and Balance sheets (incomplete)
11 - Annual returns and valuations with related papers
12 - Manuscript Reports, Abstracts and Balance sheets and journal notes
13 - Actuarial reports on quinquennial valuations of the Society
14 - Legal and business papers concerning the Society
15 - Miscellaneous loose printed papers concerning the Society
16 - Bound volumes of miscellaneous materials
17 - Specimens of Contribution cards (burial branch)
18 - Miscellaneous pieces concerned with the history of the society
19 - Acts to consolidate and amend the law relating th Friendly Societies
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