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MS 3107 - Papers of Professor Thomas Gordon, Professor Robert Eden Scott and their associates including discourses and questions of the Aberdeen Philosophical Society
1 - Discourses presented to the Aberdeen Philosophical Society
2 - Questions discussed by the Aberdeen Philosophical Society
3 - Discourses and Questions of Thomas Gordon, being for the most part copies or amended versions of items in 3107/1 and 3107/2
4 - Papers of Thomas Gordon, unrelated to Aberdeen Philosophical Society
5 - Letters and papers of Robert Eden Scott (1770 - 1811), grandson of Thomas Gordon
1 - Miscellaneous legal documents
2 - Miscellaneous academic papers and related correspondence
3 - Graduation Orations and Valedictory Addresses
4 - Student public orations
5 - Papers relating to the Greek class
1 - Inaugural address to the first Greek class on the occasion of the illness of the professor, with additional note
2 - Inaugural address for the second Greek class
3 - Notes for address to the second Greek class
4 - Inaugural address for the third Greek class
5 - List of passages of poetry used in the Greek class
6 - Notes for Homer's 'Odyssy' for class
7 - Valedictory address to the bajan Greek class, in English
8 - Of the Greek dialects
9 - Anacion
6 - Class registers
7 - Miscellaneous literary manuscripts
8 - List of vessels arriving insured to A. F. and R[obert] E[den] S[cott]
9 - Papers relating to the election of the subprincipal at King's College
6 - Miscellaneous academic papers of uncertain provenance or authorship, including pieces by Thomas Gordon and Robert Eden Scott
7 - Miscellaneous letters and papers of uncertain provenance
8 - Paste-downs and binding fragments from unidentified local sources
9 - Miscellaneous notes by or associated with Professor W.L Davidson, who worked on papers in MS 3107
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