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MS 3107 - Papers of Professor Thomas Gordon, Professor Robert Eden Scott and their associates including discourses and questions of the Aberdeen Philosophical Society
1 - Discourses presented to the Aberdeen Philosophical Society
2 - Questions discussed by the Aberdeen Philosophical Society
3 - Discourses and Questions of Thomas Gordon, being for the most part copies or amended versions of items in 3107/1 and 3107/2
1 - A discourse upon memory and its influence in forming characters among men
2 - A second discourse on Memory, how it is distinguished from imagination, and its influence in forming character
3 - A third discourse upon the Memory, in which it is considered as a source of ideas
4 - Of the philosophy of Language and Grammar
5 - Of the permanent signs of thought as used in language and particularly the origin and progress of writing
6 - A discourse concerning the Alphabet
7 - What is the origin of Polytheism?
8 - What is the apparent figure of the heavens? and what are the causes of that appearance?
9 - Whether the current coin of the nation ought to be debased by alloy, or raised in its value, so that there shall be no profit in exporting it or melting it down?
10 - Discourses and Questions of Thomas Gordon
11 - How are vis inertia and weight to be distinguished and in what do they agree?
4 - Papers of Thomas Gordon, unrelated to Aberdeen Philosophical Society
5 - Letters and papers of Robert Eden Scott (1770 - 1811), grandson of Thomas Gordon
6 - Miscellaneous academic papers of uncertain provenance or authorship, including pieces by Thomas Gordon and Robert Eden Scott
7 - Miscellaneous letters and papers of uncertain provenance
8 - Paste-downs and binding fragments from unidentified local sources
9 - Miscellaneous notes by or associated with Professor W.L Davidson, who worked on papers in MS 3107
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