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MS 30 - James Beattie, Professor of Moral Philosophy and Logic, poet, essayist and moral philosopher: papers
1 - James Beattie's copy letters
2 - Correspondence to James Beattie
3 - Reference number not used
4 - Reference number not used
5 - Reference number not used
6 - Reference number not used
7 - Reference number not used
8 - Reference number not used
9 - Reference number not used
10 - Reference number not used
11 - Undated letters and fragments from James Beattie
12 - Correspondence from James Beattie and Mary Beattie to James Dun
13 - Letter from James Beattie to David Garrick
14 - James Beattie's day book: volume 1
15 - James Beattie's day book: volume 2
16 - Journals and diaries by James Beattie
17 - The Hermit: An Elegy by James Beattie
18 - Allegory against Hume by James Beattie
19 - Essay on Laughter by James Beattie
20 - Evidences of Christian Religion by James Beattie
21 - Verses and other items written by James Beattie
22 - Notes in James Beattie's hand on various subjects
23 - Notes on Hebrew by James Beattie
24 - Correspondence of special interest
25 - Mary Beattie's correspondence
26 - James Hay Beattie's correspondence
27 - Montagu Beattie's correspondence
28 - Undated correspondence to James Beattie
29 - Correspondence between various individuals in Beattie's social circle.
30 - Correspondence to, and regarding, Lord Hailes
31 - Notes and correspondence regarding James Beattie's health and regarding his death
1 - Notes by Dr William Cullene [Cullen] on Beattie's health
2 - Copy of Agreement or contract between Dr Beattie and George Glennie
3 - Letter from the Bishop of London to George Glennie
4 - Copy of a letter from the Dutchess of Gordon to George Glennie in answer to a notification of Dr Beattie's death
5 - Letter from George Glennie to Mary Glennie
6 - Notes and correspondence regarding James Beattie's health and regarding his death
7 - Notes and correspondence regarding James Beattie's health and regarding his death
8 - Notes and correspondence regarding James Beattie's health and regarding his death
9 - Notes and correspondence regarding James Beattie's health and regarding his death
10 - Notes and correspondence regarding James Beattie's health and regarding his death
11 - Notes and correspondence regarding James Beattie's health and regarding his death
32 - James Hay Beattie's journal of his visit to London
33 - Versions by James Hay Beattie
34 - Verses and epitaphs ascribed to James Hay Beattie
35 - Essays by Montagu Beattie
36 - Copy correspondence from James Beattie and Mrs Beattie to Dr Dun and Mr Alexander Cooper
37 - Copy correspondence from Professor George Glennie to Sir William Forbes
38 - Correspondence from Sir William Forbes to Professor Glennie
39 - Correspondence from Sir William Forbes to Professor Glennie
40 - Correspondence on the settlement of the publisher's account for Forbes's Life of Dr Beattie
41 - Statements of accounts between James Beattie and Sir William Forbes
42 - Letters by Dr Hugh Blair and Lady Elliot mentioning James Beattie
43 - Extracts from letters of William Cowper with references to Beattie, with letter from Joshua Steele
44 - James Beattie's copy of poems and fragments by Thomas Gray
45 - Miscellaneous papers referring or relating to James Beattie
46 - Hints for an Answer to Dr Priestley's Remarks on the Essay on Truth
47 - List of Books belonging to James Beattie, Aberdeen
48 - Transcripts of correspondence
49 - Essay on Slavery and copy of lectures on moral philosophy and logic
49a - Lecture notes on moral philosophy by James Beattie, student unknown
50 - Receipt for the sum of £50 due to James Beattie as Professor of Moral Philosophy in Marishcal College
51 - Letter from James Beattie to Thomas Percy
52 - Miscellanea relating to James Beattie, his family, the disposal of his papers, and other matters
53 - Lists of James Beattie's letters compiled by Professor Bernard Fabien
54 - Index to the names contained within James Beattie's day books
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