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MS 2937 - Dr Alexander Allan Cormack, author: papers including original papers of Susan Scott Carnegie, philanthropist
1 - Letters and papers of Susan Scott Carnegie
2 - Letters and papers of different members of the family and descendants of Susan Carnegie
3 - Letters and papers of Dr Alexander Allan Cormack
1 - Extracts from Susan Carnegie's letter book
2 - Transcripts of manuscripts
3 - Death certificate of James Carnegie
4 - Swedish account of George Carnegie
5 - Miscellaneous notes about Susan Carnegie and her family
6 - "An historic outline of the George Smith Bounty" by Dr Alexander Allan Cormack
7 - Correspondence and research notes relating to the Chalmers family
8 - Correspondence and research notes relating to "Colin Campbell"
9 - Miscellaneous correspondence, mostly concerning his research
10 - Galley proofs and illustrations for Dr Cormack's 'Two Aberdeenshire Spas'
11 - Papers relating to application for a Carnegie Trust fellowship by Dr Alexander Allan Cormack
12 - Articles on various subjects
13 - Photographs collected by Dr Cormack in his research
14 - Miscellaneous off-prints and short publications
15 - Token coins for Montrose Lunatic Asylum
16 - "The Carnegie Family in Gothenburg"
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