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MS 2667 - Amalgamated Engineering Union (Aberdeen District) papers
1 - District Secretary's Cash Books
2 - Minute books (of District and other committees)
3 - Miscellaneous minute books
4 - Memoranda of agreements
5 - Other miscellaneous agreements and memoranda
6 - Candidates for office
7 - Final Appeal Court Proceedings Reports
8 - Financial Reports A.E.U.
9 - Half yearly Reports, with General Secretary's remarks
10 - A.E.U. Literature
11 - National Committee: Reports of Proceedings
1 - Report of National Committee Proceedings: 28th at Blackpool
2 - Report of National Committee Proceedings: 29th at Hastings
3 - Report of National Committee Proceedings: 30th at Brighton
4 - Report of Recalled National Committee Proceedings: 30th at York
5 - Report of National Committee Proceedings: 31st at Scarborough
6 - Report of Recalled National Committee Proceedings: 31st at London
7 - Report of National Committee Proceedings: 33rd at Brighton
8 - Report of National Committee Proceedings: 34th at Blackpool
9 - Report of Recalled National Committee Proceedings: 34th at Clapham
10 - Report of Second Recalled National Committee Proceedings: 34th at Eastbourne
11 - Report of Recalled National Committee Proceedings: 1953 at Clapham
12 - Report of Second Recalled National Committee Proceedings: 1953 at Clapham
13 - Report of Third Recalled National Committee Proceedings: 1953 at Clapham
14 - Report of National Committee Proceedings: 35th at Blackpool
15 - Report of National Committee Proceedings: 37th at Blackpool
16 - Reports of Recalled National Committee and Recalled Rules Revision Meeting: 1955 at Manchester
17 - Report of National Committee Proceedings:38th at Eastbourne
18 - Report of recalled National Committee Proceedings: 1956 at Clapham
19 - Report of National Committee Proceedings: 39th at Eastbourne
20 - Report of National Committee Proceedings:40th at Great Yarmouth
21 - Report of National Committee Proceedings:41st at Eastbourne
22 - Reports of National Committee,Rules Revision and Recalled Rules Revision Proceedings: 42nd and 9th at Blackpool.
23 - Report of National Committee Proceedings: 43rd at Eastbourne
12 - Amalgamated Engineering Union (Aberdeen District):Quarterly reports
13 - Rules Revision Meetings:Reports of Proceedings
14 - Annual Amalgamated Engineering Union Women's Conference : Reports of Proceedings
15 - Annual Amalgamated Engineering Union Youth Conference:Reports of Proceedings
16 - Journal of the Amalgamated Engineering Union
17 - Woman's Angle
18 - Minutes and reports
19 - Minutes and Reports of National Joint Councils, Local or Scottish committees
20 - Circulars: Issued by Executive Council or General Secretary of Amalgamated Engineering Union to district secretaries, branches etc.
21 - Correspondence: By and with District Secretary regarding claims, disputes, hours, members, references, wages, etc.
22 - Reports of Proceedings at Annual Meetings of the Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions.
23 - Reports of Proceedings at special conferences between the Engineering and Allied Employers' National Federation and the Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions.
24 - Reports of Proceedings at conferences between the Shipbuilding Employers' Federation and the Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions.
25 - Minutes of meetings of Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions and Railway Shopmen's National Council
26 - Minutes of meetings of Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions and Railway Shopmen's National Council, employees side.
27 - Minutes and correspondence of Aberdeen District Committee and Secretary of Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions.
28 - Collection of Government pamphlets and publications
29 - Collection of miscellaneous journals, leaflets and pamphlets.
30 - Scottish Trades Union Congress literature
31 - United States Information Service or Dept. of Labor: literature repecting automation in industry, aspects of American trade unionism, etc.
32 - Collections of press-cuttings regarding engineering affairs, disputes and wages, etc.
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