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MS 2664 - Communist Party, Socialist, and Trades Union Literature
1 - Literature collected by James Milne, Secretary of Aberdeen Trades Council (fl 1967 - 1968)
2 - Literature collected by William Leslie, Aberdeen (fl 1968)
3 - Literature collected by James Clunie, MP (fl 1950)
4 - Literature collected by Aberdeen Trades Council
5 - Literature collected by Aberdeen Communist Party
1 - Congress resolutions and reports of the Communist Party of Great Britain
2 - Annual conference reports, resolutions, agendas and other papers of the Labour Party and its Scottish Council
3 - Communist and socialist pamphlets, leaflets and other related material
4 - Communist and socialist literature on various countries
1 - Life in Aberdeen.Today and tomorrow
2 - American armed intervention in Korea
3 - Atom train. Guide to the travelling exhibition on atomic energy
4 - The bank of England and the nation
5 - Social insurance and allied services. The beveridge report in brief
6 - Books against barbarism
7 - British soldier in India. The letters of Clive Branson
8 - British soviet unity campaign
9 - British soviet week
10 - A short history of British trade unionism
11 - Britain's workers. Leaders in the struggle for socialism
12 - Burns belongs to the people
13 - The first business accounting brigade
14 - The developing crisis of world capitalism. The revolutionary crisis and the tasks of the comintern
15 - Capitalism in crisis. Why it happened: facts and figures
16 - Stand ready! The call of the first international children's congress to all proletarian children
17 - One year of the rule of terror in Chile
18 - Chapei in flames. Terror in workers' Shanghai and after?
19 - China fights for freedom
20 - China in defence of world peace
21 - Handbook of citizen's rights. A guide to the law for the man in the street
22 - Civil liberties defended. Case book of the national council of civil liberties
23 - Coal. Facts from the Reid report
24 - The colonies: the way forward. A memorandum issued by the Executive Committee of the Communist Party
25 - The Communist Party in war time. The record of activities and documents issued up to March 15th, 1940
26 - The Communist Party and the national front
27 - Britain's health services. A memorandum issued by the Communist Party of Great Britain
28 - The Communist Party of the Soviet Union
29 - The Communist Party. Its theory and practice
30 - The Communist Party and the war. A record of hypocrisy and treachery to the workers of Europe
31 - Communist Party and Labour Party. Letters on affiliation
32 - The role & character of the young communist league. Statement issued by the Communist Party of Great Britain
33 - But they shall be free. Scottish affairs. A memorandum presented by the Scottish Committee of the Communist Party to the Royal Commission
34 - The Communist Party. 35 Years
35 - Comrades in arms! Britain and the U.S.S.R.
36 - The resolutions of the XVII party conference. Forward to the second five year plan of socialist construction
37 - 24th congress of the CPSU. What the congress discussed and decided
38 - Correspondence between Mahatma Gandhi and P. C. Joshi
39 - Cotton at the cross - roads. The working party's report explained
40 - It belongs to the people. "The paper of the people - daily worker"
41 - The front line by Hob - Nob. Deep shelter (govt). Buy and read the Daily Worker - postcard
42 - Citrine & others v Pountney. The daily worker libel case. Full summary with extracts from verbatim evidence of this historic 6 - day trial
43 - 'Our fighting fund. Violet Lansbury's news letter'
44 - 'The Daily Worker and The War': A reprint of thirty selected leading articles from June 15, 1940 up to January 21, 1941
45 - Letter of 18 February 1941 from Prof. J. B. S. Haldane to M.P. George Issacs
46 - 'The Daily Worker and Its Machine - Men'
47 - Defend the daily worker. Raise the ban
48 - Daily Worker Readers' Leagues information service. The Daily Worker in support of freedom for the colonies
49 - Daily Worker Leagues - Campaign notes, July 3 1942
50 - National deputation day. July 29th to protest against the continued suppression of the "daily worker"
51 - Daily Worker Leagues - Campaign notes, August 19 1942
52 - Letter from N. Williamson, organising secretary, Aberdeen "Daily Worker" Readers' League
53 - 13 years of anti fascist struggle
54 - 'The War Office and the Daily Worker'
55 - Daily Worker - advertisement for the newspaper
56 - 'Daily Worker to members of the communist party': Speakers' notes
57 - Dimitrov accuses the nazis at the reichstag fire trial
58 - Economic survey for 1947
59 - Britain's plan for prosperity. Outline of an economic plan to solve the crisis and lay the foundations for a prosperous Britain
60 - Why you should vote no
61 - The factory acts in danger
62 - The great film lock - out
63 - Finland. The criminal conspiracy of Stalin and Hitler
64 - Statement concerning Finnish - Russian relations and the circumstances leading to the invasion of Finland by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on November 30, 1939
65 - Facts on formosa
66 - How unemployed miners help to build socialism. German miners in the don bas
67 - What we saw in Germany. With the Red Army to Berlin
68 - Twenty years. German Democratic Republic. The achievements of the first German workers' and farmers' state
69 - GDR recognition now. Arguments and documents
70 - We are successfully implementing the programme of the Eighth SED Congress
71 - Military junta unleashes terror in Chile. GDR suspends relations
72 - The GDR's fervent solidarity with the courageous Chilean people
73 - The role of the masses in socialist construction
74 - Health and the "blitz"
75 - Houses for the people
76 - Ideology and co - existence
77 - Moscow's reply to the I. L. P.
78 - India! We call on the people of Britain!!
79 - The political situation
80 - The white paper examined
81 - Attack on inflation. A policy for survival. A guide to the government's programme
82 - The Innsbruck story
83 - The deceived testify. Concerning the plight of immigrants in Israel (letters, statements, diary notes, interviews)
84 - Japanese imperialism stripped. The secret memorandum of Tanaka, Premier of Japan
85 - Justice outlawed. Administration of law in German - occupied territories
86 - Reply to Khrushchov. Resolution of the central committee of the Communist Party of Brazil
87 - For socialism and peace. The labour party's programme of action
88 - Labour's immediate programme. The labour party's plans to bring real prosperity and peace to all
89 - Labour and the popular front (statement by the national executive committee of the labour party)
90 - The war and after. Labour's home policy
91 - The old world and the new society. A report on the problems of war and peace reconstruction
92 - The future of local government. The labour party's post - war policy
93 - Summary of the Beveridge report on social insurance and allied services - labour party bulletin
94 - Labour party bulletin guide to war pensions, allowances and grants
95 - The colonies. The labour party's post - war policy for the African and Pacific colonies
96 - Shall communism smash the labour party?
97 - National service for health
98 - Wings for peace. Labour's post - war policy for civil flying
99 - Interim report on organisation and finance
100 - Let us face the future. A declaration of labour policy for the consideration of the nation
101 - The London traffic combine. A study of the finances and ramifications of the London traffic combine
102 - Men and motors today ... a policy for the industry
103 - The menshevik trial. The text of the indictment of the counter - revolutionary menshevik organisation
104 - Middle East
105 - The millionaire press
106 - The case for nationalisation and control
107 - The stench of Nazism
108 - This is the enemy. A book of facts, figures, and pictures about fascism
109 - The offices, shops and railway premises act 1963. A general guide
110 - Peace is our answer
111 - The acreocracy of Perthshire. Who owns our land?
112 - Poems from Clydeside
113 - Democratic Poland answers
114 - Note of the Soviet Government to the Government of the U.S.A. Statement of the special commission for the establishment and investigation of the circumstances of the shooting of Polish officers, prisoners of war, in the Katyn forest by the German fascist invaders
115 - Harry Pollitt. A tribute
116 - Partners in crime. The Anglo - Portuguese alliance past and present
117 - The press and the war. Report by the press freedom committee of the national council for civil liberties
118 - What's holding up production?
119 - More on the historical experience of proletarian dictatorship
120 - Report of the international scientific commission for the investigation of the facts concerning bacterial warfare in Korea and China
121 - Reports on investigations in Korea and China
122 - Not one minute longer!
123 - Scotland's schools. A memorandum issued b the Scottish district of the Communist Party of Great Britain
124 - The agony against Spain. Socialist appeal to British democracy. Spanish envoys tell the facts
125 - A catholic looks at Spain
126 - Socialism and peace. A reply to the I. L. P.
127 - Soviet education as we saw it
128 - 7,000 miles through the Soviet Union. The report of the delegation of the British - Soviet society
129 - Report of the union delegation to the U.S.S.R.
130 - Scottish miners delegation in the Soviet Union
131 - Russia with our own eyes. Full report of the British workers' delegation 1950
132 - Russia to-day - Britain to-morrow. Report of the British factory workers' delegation to Soviet Russia for the twelfth celebration of the revolution, November, 1929
133 - Kolkhozniki. Collective farmers on themselves
134 - The Soviet law on marriage. Full text of the code of laws on marriage and divorce, the family, and guardianship
135 - Russia in pictures with some official statistics
136 - Russia's story told in pictures
137 - The union of soviet socialist republics (U.S.S.R.). The strength of our ally. Facts, figures and photographs with 31 pictorial statistics
138 - Soviet youth at war
139 - The soviet worker looks at the war. Selections from the Moscow fortnightly "war and the working class"
140 - New powers of soviet republics. Verbatim report of debate on Molotov's proposals in soviet parliament
141 - Constitution (fundamental law) of the union of soviet socialist republics. As amended and supplemented by the first, second, third, sixth, seventh and eighth sessions of the supreme soviet of the U.S.S.R.
142 - Soviet - Polish relations. A collection of official documents 1944 - 1946
143 - Soviet writers reply
144 - Falsifiers of history (historical information). Communique of soviet information bureau
145 - Sport in the USSR
146 - The soviet union at the fifth session of U.N.O., 1950 september 20 - October 23
147 - The building of socialist society in the U.S.S.R.
148 - "Soviet youth in the struggle for peace" exhibition
149 - A. A. Gromyko, speech at closing session of conference of foreign ministers' deputies, June 21st; Y. A. Malik, speech on U.N. radio, June 23rd; Pravda editorial, for a policy of averting war and preserving peace, June 24th.
150 - Man conquers nature. The new soviet construction schemes. Text of speeches at Battersea town hall meeting, January 13, 1952
151 - Targets of the seven - year plan for soviet economy 1959 - 1965. Theses of N. S. Khrushchov's report to the 21st congress of the C.P.S.U. on the targets of the seven - year plan
152 - Soviet man in space
153 - Soviet economy
154 - Soviet Jews: fact and fiction
155 - The USSR and international cooperation in space research
156 - Stalin's men - "about turn!"
157 - A subversive guide to the economic league
158 - The record on suez
159 - A town and country plan for Surrey
160 - New weapons against tuberculosis. An explanation of mass x-ray examination and the new financial allowances
161 - Defend democracy. Communist activities examined. Two statements of policy by the trades union congress general council
162 - The threat to wages
163 - Wartime profits
164 - Workers & wool
165 - The essential work order
5 - Daily Worker, Labour Monthly and other periodicals & newspapers
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