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MS 2664 - Communist Party, Socialist, and Trades Union Literature
1 - Literature collected by James Milne, Secretary of Aberdeen Trades Council (fl 1967 - 1968)
2 - Literature collected by William Leslie, Aberdeen (fl 1968)
3 - Literature collected by James Clunie, MP (fl 1950)
4 - Literature collected by Aberdeen Trades Council
5 - Literature collected by Aberdeen Communist Party
1 - Congress resolutions and reports of the Communist Party of Great Britain
2 - Annual conference reports, resolutions, agendas and other papers of the Labour Party and its Scottish Council
3 - Communist and socialist pamphlets, leaflets and other related material
1 - Profit rules. Laws which help capitalism and hinder co - operation
2 - Art for the millions (amateur art in the Soviet Union
3 - Individualism and co - operation
4 - Russia's second front in 1914 - 1916
5 - The Polish conspiracy. Full story of the Polish - Goebbels Plot to save Hitler, April 11 - April 30, 1943
6 - Workers in Stalin's Russia
7 - Thomas Monger and Johann Liebhardt. Heroes of socialist construction
8 - Full employment in a free society. A summary by Sir William Beveridge
9 - My plan for 2,000,000 workless
10 - Outline of the functions and work of the ministry of labour and national service. Report of speech delivered by Ernest Bevin
11 - Russia's enemies in Britain
12 - Soviet millionaires
13 - Health and medicine in Soviet Russia
14 - Provocateurs I have known
15 - Corruption. Comments on the Lynskey tribunal
16 - Conservatism to-day. A political creed for youth
17 - Bombers over London
18 - Scotland and Westminster. An exposure of London domination - and a plea for a Scottish socialist government
19 - War for freedom or finance?
20 - Hitlerism in the highlands
21 - Leninism. An address delivered at the Memorial Meeting held on the eighth anniversary of the death of Lenin, Moscow, 1932
22 - Socialist reconstruction and the struggle for technique
23 - The international situation
24 - Spain
25 - Jobs, homes and security. Post-war Britain and the way to socialism
26 - Introduction to marxism
27 - The real rulers of Scotland
28 - The left song book
29 - Russia's way to victory. What it means to us
30 - Act now: an appeal to the mind and heart of Britain
31 - Lenin's ideas - our lodestar
32 - I cannot die. A story of Bengal
33 - On exercising all - round dictatorship over the bourgeoisie
34 - Finland. Interim report of the labour delegation
35 - Hands Off Indonesia
36 - American Spider
37 - A reader's guide to the study of marxism
38 - Planning of world trade
39 - How to obtain full employment
40 - World socialism restated
41 - Labour, nationality and religion
42 - Party organisation
43 - When the fire burns red. A booklet of poems
44 - From Peking to Chungking
45 - Japan in Manchuria
46 - Our debt to our Soviet ally. How can we repay that debt?
47 - Assault on China
48 - Unity and peace - the united front of the struggle for peace
49 - The working class against fascism. Speech in reply to the discussion
50 - What you can do against fascism and war
51 - The Scottish Tories. A political exposure
52 - Education and post - war reconstruction
53 - How workers become engineers in the U.S.S.R.
54 - The fate of Europe
55 - The British labour movement
56 - The part played by labour in the transition from ape to man
57 - The Bakuninists at work. Review of the uprising in Spain in the summer of 1873
58 - A Soviet automatic plant
59 - Religion in the U.S.S.R.
60 - Church and state in Eastern Europe
61 - England for all
63 - The polished ploughshare. How far can science help the farmer?
64 - H - bombs on the Midlands. A memorandum presented to the Birmingham city council
65 - Nations in the USSR. Some features of the peoples' life in the Soviet Eastern republics
66 - Speeches in parliament
67 - The war and the workers
68 - Wages and the cost of living. Sir John Anderson answered by William Gallacher, M.P.
69 - Scotland needs 150,000 jobs. A memorandum on Scotland's reconversion problem
70 - Why the food shortage?
71 - Towards communism
72 - What is the socialist way forward
73 - Discipline or disaster?
74 - Between two wars. The British coal mining industry. Retrospect and prospect
75 - The state system of the Polish people's republic
76 - The case for the daily worker
77 - Blast. Everybody's bomb story mentions it and Prof. J. B. S. Haldane, F.R.S. explains it
78 - Russian quiz. The answer to all your questions concerning the Soviet Union today, together with useful appendices
79 - Alex Gossip
80 - The ... Polish conspiracy??
81 - Final report by the right honourable Sir Neville Henderson G.C.M.G. on the circumstances leading to the termination of his mission to Berlin, September 20, 1939
82 - Co - operation in the Soviet Union
83 - Hitler means war. Essential passages from "Mein Kampf"
84 - Communism and liberty
85 - The Soviet - Finnish campaign, December 1st, 1939 to March 13th, 1940
86 - The Soviet trade unions. Fifty questions answered
87 - Man's worldly goods. The story of the wealth of nations
88 - Problems of trade unionism
89 - Liberate Spain from Franco
90 - One of the 25,000
91 - Frederick Engels in Manchester
92 - Marxism and the individual
93 - Socialist reconstruction of Moscow and other cities in the U.S.S.R.
94 - Lenin's book "what the 'friends of the people' are and how they fight the social - democrats"
95 - Soviet trade unions administer the state social insurance fund
96 - America - go home!
97 - Freedom and the communists
98 - Book publishing under tzarism (the "zerno" publishing house)
99 - Forced labour in the United States
100 - Wages and income tax
101 - Why the slump? A talk with Fred and Jock
102 - Communism and the intellectuals
103 - Improvement of industrial management in the U.S.S.R. Report and reply to discussion at the seventh session of the Supreme Soviet, 7 - 10 May 1957. With the text of the New Law
104 - The Soviet Union - faithful friend of the peoples fighting for independence. Speeches of N. S. Khrushchov during his Asian tour February - March 1960
105 - Children in the Soviet Union
106 - Marxism and modern art. An approach to social realism
107 - Soviet health service
108 - The jassy - kishinev operation
109 - The collective agreement in the U.S.S.R.
110 - Lenin's mother
111 - Unity with India against fascism
112 - Towards the world's highest living standards. 7 - year plan for Soviet people's prosperity
113 - The basis of the technological economic plan of reconstruction of the U.S.S.R.
114 - Revolutionary essays
115 - The second international in dissolution
116 - The labour party, the war and the future
117 - Is this an imperialist war?
118 - The secret battalion. An examination of the communist attitude to the labour party
119 - With Chinese communists
120 - Care of the blind in Soviet Russia
121 - Letters from afar including the farewell letter to the swiss workers
122 - The three sources and three component parts of marxism
123 - Opportunism and the collapse of the second international
124 - "Left - wing" communism, an infantile disorder
125 - Marxism and revisionism
126 - Revolution
127 - The party of socialism
128 - Social insurance at the Tryokhgornaya textile mill
129 - Magnitogorsk. The magnitogorsk metallurgical combine of the future
130 - Social democracy - stepping - stone to fascism or Otto Bauer's latest discovery. Address delivered to Executive Committee of the Communist Youth International, December 1932
131 - Wage - labour and capital (1925)
132 - Wage - labour and capital (1942)
133 - Value, price and profit: addressed to working men
134 - The principles and purpose of co - operative trade
135 - Germany today and Germany tomorrow
136 - The fight for steel
137 - Socialist competition of the masses
138 - China. An outline for study
139 - The economic organisation of Soviet Russia. A brief sketch of the organisation and the present situation of industry in Russia
140 - Science and man's progress [a press conference]
141 - Crime in the U.S.S.R. 50 questions answered
142 - The new phase in the Soviet Union (report to the Enlarged Presidium of the Executive Committee of the Communist International, February 25, 1930)
143 - Russia and the war. Molotov's speech to the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, October 31st, 1939
144 - Molotov's speech to the sixth session of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R., March 29th, 1940
145 - Molotov on the future of Germany. Two statements made in Paris by the Minister for Foreign Affiars of the U.S.S.R.
146 - Stalin. A biographical sketch of the man who leads the U.S.S.R.
147 - The red army. Fifty questions answered
148 - God and the atom
149 - Shakespeare's idea of history
150 - Soviet economy. Twelve questions answered
151 - UCS - the fight for the right to work
152 - Social progress in New Zealand
153 - Fire over Warsaw
154 - The nation's food. Labour's nutrition policy
155 - The planting of the seed. Out of the dark into the dawn. An account of the founding of the Irish Transport and General Workers' Union and the role it played in the period up to the rising in 1916
156 - The A to Z of the Soviet Union. Facts and figures on every aspect of Soviet life. A pocket reference book
157 - Twenty years. The policy of the communist party of Great Britain from its foundation July 31st, 1920
158 - There are no aryans. A popular study of the bogus race doctrines of the Nazis (and others) in the light of reason and scientific facts, with special reference to anti - semitism
159 - Capitalism or socialism in Britain? An examination of the crisis of capitalism in Britain and the issues before the working class
160 - We fight for life
161 - The political and social doctrine of communism
162 - India - what must be done
163 - India in travail
164 - India
165 - Legal limitations on co - operative progress
166 - 1842 - 1942. Karl Marx. His apprenticeship to politics
167 - The Irish crisis (1921)
168 - For the benefit of the people. The distribution of wealth in the U.S.S.R.
169 - Urgent questions of the day. Unemployment movement, factory organization, fluctuating membership
170 - Which way for the workers? Harry Pollitt communist party versus Fenner Brockway independent labour party
171 - We can stop war!
172 - How to win the war
173 - Wages. A policy
174 - The world in arms!
175 - Coal. What the government, the public and the miners can do to meet the needs
176 - How to win the peace
177 - Britain's problems can be solved
178 - The communist case. Trade unionists - what next?
179 - Labour - what next?
180 - The people on the march
181 - The communist party and the labour party
182 - How to save Germany? (A few remarks in connection with "Russia and her western neighbours", by Prof. George Keeton and Dr. Rudolph Schlesinger)
183 - Together against Hitler
184 - Light on Korea
185 - The truth about the U.S.S.R.
186 - Stop the M.L.F.
187 - Keep the unions free
188 - Carr's bill - and how to kill it. A class analysis
189 - Ultra - leftism in Britain
190 - Labour on the march
191 - Communism: an outline for everyone
192 - Essentials of communist theory
193 - China
194 - Science, technology and economics under capitalism and in the Soviet Union
195 - Voice of the people
196 - The death camps
197 - Victory year 1945
198 - The national policy of the Soviet Union
199 - Dnieprostroi. The biggest dam in the world
200 - The secret empire
201 - Who owns Britain?
202 - Germany again! The sinister shadow of Franz Josef Strauss
203 - Creative freedom and the Soviet artist
204 - Bolshevik smugglers (an incident in the civil war)
205 - Hate
206 - Freedom
207 - Wreckers!
208 - Why a labour government? A reply to some centrist critics
209 - Three years that shook Hitler [1941 - 1944]
210 - Social security
211 - East - west trade
212 - Stalin. 3 speeches
213 - Stalin's historic speech. Report on the work of the central committee to the eighteenth congress of the communist party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks) delivered March 10th, 1939
214 - Stalin says ... Stalin speaks!
215 - On the national question
216 - Stalin's speech. Full official text. The twenty - fifth anniversary of the Soviet state
217 - Concerning Marxism in linguistics
218 - Economic problems of socialism in the U.S.S.R.
219 - From Stalingrad to Kusbas [or Kuzbus]. Sketches of the socialist construction in the USSR
220 - The crisis in Czechoslovakia
221 - Adventure or eclipse (man and the atom)
222 - Speech by M. A. Suslov, member of the presidium of the central committee of the C.P.S.U. [Communist Party of the Soviet Union] at the 20th congress of the communist party of the soviet union, February 16 1956
223 - Fifteen million new apartments
224 - Marxism and poetry
225 - Marxism and war
226 - Wartime and post war controls
227 - Black record. Germans past and present
228 - Trade unions and the development of physical culture and sports in the U.S.S.R.
229 - The progress of Soviet science
230 - Soviet trade unions today
231 - Concerning the 50th anniversary of the communist party of china
232 - Clear out Hitler's agents! An exposure of Trotskyist disruption being organised in Britain
233 - The forced labour swindle
234 - The voice of free Poland
235 - Is soviet communism a new civilisation?
236 - Co - ordination. A case for co - operative discipline
237 - From Dick Whittington to Act of Parliament
238 - Housing in the U.S.S.R.
239 - Religion in the U.S.S.R.
240 - That second front. Why - how - when & where. A survey of the strategic and political factors
241 - Britain, U.S.S.R. and world peace
4 - Communist and socialist literature on various countries
5 - Daily Worker, Labour Monthly and other periodicals & newspapers
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