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MS 2636 - Papers of and relating to Francis Carney Diack: collection realting to ogam, Pictish or Latin inscriptions and sculptured stones in Scotland
1 - Ackergill disc
2 - Circular ogam at Logie
3 - Ogam stone at Insh
4 - Pictish stone at Logie Elphinstone
5 - Stones in Meigle Museum
6 - Beanshill stone
7 - Drumfours stone
8 - Letter by W.D Simpson, Aberdeen to F.C. Diack
9 - Clephanton stones
10 - Unidentified stone bearing the letters TCEG/ECGCA
11 - Unidentified inscription
12 - Ogam stone
13 - Stone at Yarrow
14 - Unidentified inscribed stone
15 - Unidentified Inscribed stone
16 - Unidentified Inscribed stone
17 - Unidentified Inscribed stone.
18 - Unidentified
19 - Unidentified ogam stone
20 - Unidentified ogam stone
21 - Unidentified ogam stone
22 - Unidentified stone
23 - Latin inscription
24 - Inscription on stone at Fordoun
25 - Inscripton
26 - Unidentified print
27 - Stone of Destiny
28 - Unidentified ogam stone
29 - Stone with Latin inscription
30 - Postcard from R.S.G Anderson to Diack
31 - Unidentified scene
32 - Stone rubbing
33 - Unidentified inscribed stone
34 - Cat-Stane; Kirkmadrine slab; Stone from Whithorn Priory and ogam stones
35 - Pictish symbols in Fife and Morayshire
36 - Roman Stone at Fordoun;Drostan Stone and other pictish and ogam stones
37 - Cat-stone; Grantown sculptured stone; Newton stone and other stones
38 - Relation between certain ? Pictish and Latin words; inscription beginning BVAH; Part of the inscription of the Newton stone; Ogam alphabet; Newton Stone; Wheel ogam
39 - 6 lantern slides including inscribed cross and inscription from Whithorn Priory and ogam stones
40 - 2 Plates of the BVAH Inscription
41 - Parcel of "dislecta membra"
42 - Plaster cast of unidentified inscription
43 - Unidentified ogam inscription
44 - Drawing of the inscription at Fordoun with rubbings of the stone
45 - Rubbings of part of the inscription on the Newton stone
46 - Card-index files dealing with place names
47 - Plaster cast bearing inscription D. M. Arica ...
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