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MS 2131 - Thomas Reid, Professor of Moral Philosophy papers (The Birkwood Collection)
1 - Manuscripts and notebooks
2 - Manuscripts
3 - Manuscripts (notes on reading and letters)
4 - Manuscripts (lecture notes)
5 - Manuscripts (mathematics)
6 - Manuscripts
7 - Manuscripts
8 - Manuscripts
I - Manuscripts
1 - 'Pneumatology may be divided into two great Branches...Psychology...Natural Theology...'
2 - 'I shall spend this hour Gentlemen in...laying before you something relating to your Studies in General and to your Manners and Behaviour.;. 'I think one of the finest similes in the whole Eneid of Virgil...' ;. 'Eloquence.' ; 'We have endeavoured in these lectures to point out...the connection between Body and Mind...'
3 - 'We are now to consider the Various kinds of Eloquence ....'
4 - 'A Second Question regarding the Passions in Eloquence ....'
5 - 'The various kinds of Speech which we have hitherto considered...'
6 - 'It may be observed that notwithstanding the great Number of Pulpit orators in all Christian Countrys, yet fewer have attained to the highest pitch in that kind than almost in any other kind of eloquence...'; 'We have defined Eloquence... '
7 - 'Eloquence of Popular Assemblys.'
8 - 'We have considered the Various Heads of Eloquence...'
9 - 'We have divided eloquence into different species...'
10 - 'I began in the last Lecture to Speak of the Second part of the business of the Orator, to wit Disposition...'
11 - 'The Task or Business of an Orator has been divided by the Ancient writers on Eloquence'
12 - 'Purity of Words.'
13 - 'The Two Kinds of Eloquence, Serious and Facetious.'
13a - 'Eloquence.'
14 - 'Eloquence the Art of Speaking so as to answer the design of the Speaker...'
15 - 'Of the Fine Arts or Arts of Taste'; 'Pneumatology Part 3'.
16 - 'Opinion of Buffier concerning Language'; 'Musick'.
17 - 'I shall now make a Reflection or two upon a Theory which has been applied to account for this Successive Train of thought in the human mind ....'
18 - 'In the Structure of a Sentence there are certain good Qualities...'
19 - 'Anecdotes and Bons Mots.'
II - Manuscripts
III - Manuscripts
IV - Manuscripts
V - Manuscripts
VI - Manuscripts
VII - Volume entitled 'Reid's Essays', transcribed from original notes
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