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MS 2131 - Thomas Reid, Professor of Moral Philosophy papers (The Birkwood Collection)
1 - Manuscripts and notebooks
2 - Manuscripts
3 - Manuscripts (notes on reading and letters)
4 - Manuscripts (lecture notes)
5 - Manuscripts (mathematics)
6 - Manuscripts
7 - Manuscripts
I - Manuscripts [arithmetic and algebra]
II - Manuscripts
III - Manuscripts
IV - Manuscripts
V - Manuscripts
VI - Manuscripts
VII - Manuscripts
VIII - Manuscripts
1 - 'The Cycle of the Moon multiplyed into the Indiction...’
2 - 'Prop. 1 There is no aberration of the Axis of a Telescope, whether of Air or Water, from Terrestrial Objects seen by it...’
3 - 'Of the Aberration of the fixed Stars.'
4 - 'Given the year of the Suns Cycle (a) of the Moons (b)and that of the Indiction (c). Required the year of the Julian period.'
5 - 'Angles which the Hour Circles make with PS'; various calculations;
6 - 'To Describe the Terrestrial Sphere and the several Circles belonging to it...’
7 - 'Ad Calculum Ecelipsium Solis.'
8 - 'Glasgow College...From the West Window of my Room...'; observations on a comet.
9 - 'Suppose the Rays of Light that give the Different Colours to have Different Velocities...'
10 - 'Some Observations, concerning the Astronomical tables anexed to Whistons Ast. Praelect...'
11 - 'A Calculation for an Horizontal Dial.'
8 - Manuscripts
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