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MS 2131 - Thomas Reid, Professor of Moral Philosophy papers (The Birkwood Collection)
1 - Manuscripts and notebooks
2 - Manuscripts
3 - Manuscripts (notes on reading and letters)
4 - Manuscripts (lecture notes)
5 - Manuscripts (mathematics)
6 - Manuscripts
I - Manuscripts
1 - 'Of Imagination.'
2 - 'Of the Train of Thoughts in the Human Mind.'
3 - 'The relations of simple terms were by the Schoolmen divided into 12 pairs ....'
4 - 'It is justly observed by the ingenious Loke that the Understanding is like the Eye...'
5 - 'It may be observed that Heat and Cold and other Secondary Qualities of Body are nearly allied to those which Mr Locke calls powers...'
6 - 'B. But in reality this is not all that Philosophers mean by Ideas.'
7 - 'Whether it be better that every Verdict of a Jury should be unanimous...'
8 - 'Q. Whether every Action deserving moral Approbation must be done from a persuasion of its being morally good?'
9 - 'Ch. 5. Is Justice a Natural or an Artificial Virtue?'
10 - 'It seems to have been received as a Maxim among Philosophers...that every thing is possible which we can distinctly conceive... '; 'The Reasoning in this Dissertation I think is just...’ ;. 'The ambiguity of the Word Conceive may have contributed to the easy Reception of this as a Maxim.'
11 - 'Q. 12. Are the Objects of the human Mind properly divided into impressions and Ideas....'
12 - 'Q. Wherin does Moral Character consist...'
13 - 'Q. What are the best Expedients for preventing an extravagant rise of servants Wages.'
14 - ‘Q. Whether it is best that Courts of Law should be different from Courts of Equity.'
15 - 'Teyler's Theological Society.'
16 - 'There is hardly any Question that hath been more keenly disputed among Philosophers both in Ancient and Modern Times than that about the Liberty of human actions.'
17 - 'Minutes of a Philosophical Club.'
18 - 'Among the various objects of thought and reflexion there is none that is more familiar...than Self...'
19 - 'The Objects of human knowledge are innumerable but the Avenues by which it enters into the Mind are but few...'
20 - 'That part of Pneumatology which I am presently upon may be considered as a kind of Anatomy or Dissection of the human Mind. '
21 - 'The Definition of Mind.'
22 - 'Consciousness.'
23 - 'That we see objects at first single when our eyes are properly directed...'
24 - 'A second Class of simple Perception is that which arises from Taste...; 'Of the operation of Understanding about its Perceptions and Notions'; 'Of the Will and Active powers of Mind.'
25 - 'I apprehend we all agree in this that there is in Man a faculty we call the Moral Sense...'
26 - 'Pneumaticks...'; 'But it may be asked whether this reasoning which had led man so generally to believe a future State of Existence is really conclusive...'
27 - 'The last Question concerning the Soul in General that I intend to consider...'
28 - '...satiated it often turns into Aversion. Acquired Appetites...'
29 - 'Were the mind of man endowed with the Powers of Understanding and Action onely...'
30 - 'The attempts of the Ancients with regard to first Principles have not Succeeded.'
31 - 'That although every individual of the human kind has a certain Sphere of power...'
32 - 'Primus in orbe Deos fecit Timor.'
33 - 'That the love of sensible pleasure is the only principle of Action which is natural and original to us.'
34 - 'Definitions of some words relating to our Active Powers.'
35 - 'Willing what - A simple Idea of Reflection...'
II - Manuscripts
III - Manuscripts
IV - Manuscripts
V - Manuscripts
7 - Manuscripts
8 - Manuscripts
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