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MS 2131 - Thomas Reid, Professor of Moral Philosophy papers (The Birkwood Collection)
1 - Manuscripts and notebooks
2 - Manuscripts
3 - Manuscripts (notes on reading and letters)
4 - Manuscripts (lecture notes)
5 - Manuscripts (mathematics)
I - Manuscripts [mathematics]
II - Manuscripts [mathematics]
1 - 'Resolved that in Arithmetical Multiplication the Multiplicand may be any quantity...’
2 - 'Planted the Northermost Row of my Potatoes...Algebraic equations.
3 - 'Of the Quadrature of the Parabola.'
4 - 'The Side of an Octahedron is the Chord of 90 [degrees]...'
5 - 'If two powers applyed to the spokes...'
6 - 'Lemma...If Q is an indeterminate Quantity compounded of any number of given Quantitys...'
7 - 'If X represent the velocity where with any variable quantity X does flow...'
8 - 'May not Velocity of Motion be doubled or trebled of itself.'
9 - 'Postulate 1. Quantities may be continually increased or diminished.'
10 - ‘Def. 1. A Quantity which continues always the same without increase or Diminution.’
11 - ‘Dem. of Prop. 6. If x=zy then x=yz..'
12 - Algebraic equations. ‘If e be supposed equal to the least root of the given Equation then one of the values of y will be 0...’
13 - ‘Of the Resolution of Affected Equations...’
14 - ‘Prop.1. To compose an Equation that shall have any number of Roots required...’
15 - ‘Suppose a+b be a binomial whose two parts are incommensurable...’
16 - ‘Problem. To find as many ternaries of whole numbers...’
17 - ‘1. Every square number is either an odd number or is divisible by 4...’
18 - ‘A proposition in Surveying...’
19 - Algebraic calculations. ‘Quaere. Whether any method can be fallen upon in Algebra of using Data which cannot be turned into an Equation...’
20 - ‘Def. A quadratic Equation is an Equation consisting of three Terms...’
21 - ‘Equations must have more roots than one when there are more Quantitys than one which have the same relation to the Data...’
22 - ‘Prop. Dividatur Circuli circumferentia in sex partes equales...’
23 - 'Problem. Suppose I purchase a house for 1000 £ and receive 60 £ yearly of rent...'
24 - 'Def. A Parabola is a curve line of such a Nature that the right line...'
25 - 'Principles of geometry.'
26 - 'Prop. Let n/m be a proper fraction in its lowest terms...'
27 - 'Q. The sum of the Series 1,+1/2+1/4...'
27a - A diagram.
28 - 'Prop. Supposing that the upper part a bridge is to be horizontal...'
29 - 'Prob. To construct a Sundial for Lat. 57o 12'...'
30 - 'In Schemate Prop. 47.1 Elem. recta FC...'
31 - 'De Hyperbola'; 'I apprehend for the future it will be more proper to call what is commonly called the Doctrine of Conic Sections, the Doctrine of Curves of the first Order.', and other sections on mathematical topics.
32 - 'The simplest Series of Numbers, whose third differences are equal ....'
32a - 'If to a series of Ordinates whose third differences are equal, the same fixed quantity be added...'
33 - Table. 'In the preceeding page is a Table of the Figurate Numbers.'
34 - 'Def. An Ellipsis is a plain figure terminated by one Curve...'
35 - 'Trigonometricae planae Elementa'
36 - 'Of the doctrine of the Sphere.'
37 - 'Of the Application of Trigonometry.'
38 - 'Of Figurate Numbers.'
39 - 'Of the Helex of Archimedes.'
40 - 'Of the Series of the Products of Numbers.'
41 - 'Cubic Equations.'
42 - Miscellaneous computations.
43 - 'Def. I take the word, multiple, in so large a Sense '
44 - 'Prop. 2. The same things being supposed, let the number of any pair...'
45 - 'Problems supplementary to Trigonometry.'; 'A method of extracting the square and cubic roots...' ; Prop. A right line being given...The principle of making a sun dial upon any plain...' ; 'Of Arithmetical Progressions '
46 - 'Observations on the Elements of Algebra.'
47 - 'Observations on the elements of Euclid.'; 'Read. Euclides ab omni...'
48 - 'A Geometrical Locus.'
49 - 'Of our reasoning concerning Chance.'
50 - 'Of the Summing of Infinite Series.'
51 - 'The preceeding account If ma + c = nb, Supposing, a, b and c known whole Numbers...'
52 - 'Problem. The Diameter of a Circle being given, and a point in that Diameter ....'
53 - A diagram.
54 - 'Appendix to the 5 Propositions of Sir Is. Newtons Treatise of the Quadrature of Curves...’
55 - 'As all Visible Objects are seen by Rays of Light which pass from the Object to the Eye...'
56 - 'The Circle whose radius is r - q is called by Dr Jurin the false image.'
6 - Manuscripts
7 - Manuscripts
8 - Manuscripts
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