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MS 2131 - Thomas Reid, Professor of Moral Philosophy papers (The Birkwood Collection)
1 - Manuscripts and notebooks
2 - Manuscripts
3 - Manuscripts (notes on reading and letters)
I - Notes on reading
II - Notes on reading
III - Manuscripts [mainly letters and notes written on letters]
1 - Letter to Reid from Js Darling; 1 p. 'Q. Whether Men in all their Actions are Determined necessarily or Not.'
2 - 'Q. What is the Reason that in all measure of Ratios there is one particular Ratio whose Measure serves as the Modulus of that System.' ; Note referring to disturbance in one of Reid's Classes.
3 - 'My Lord, I feel some compunction for having been so tardy in answering your Lordships Letter...' 4 pp. Draft of a letter to Lord Kames.
4 - 'My Lord, I am very glad to understand...that you got safe home...' 5 pp. Draft of letter to Lord Kames.
5 - 'Dear Sir, I beg leave to introduce...Mr Anderson, Professor of Natural Philosophy here.' [Letter to R. Price]
6 - 'What is the Natural State of Man.'
7 - 'Dear Sir, Tis with great pleasure we reflect upon the aggreable hours we past in your Company at London.'
8 - 'Dear Sir, I have been in your debt as a correspondent.'
9 - 'To Prof. Robeson. Dear Sir, Before I received your Letter...I had looked over your Dissertation on the Motion of Light.'
10 - 'Mathematics...by...Rev. Mr Will West of Exeter.' 3 pp.; on back of letter to Reid concerning meeting of the Glasgow Society of the Sons of Ministers of the Church of Scotland.
11 - 'Prop. The axis of a Telescope...' 3 pp.; on back of letter presenting Dr MacLeod's compliments.
12 - 'Table of differences between...' 1 p.; on back of fragment of a letter
13 - 'I am very glad to hear that Dr Simpson (whom I reverence as the father of the Mathematicians now alive)...’
14 - ‘Dear Sir, I have so long delayed...observations upon your [Simpson’s] edition of the data of Euclid.' 3 pp. 'Speakers for the Lords Address 1794...for the Commons Address...for the Amendment...Commons Amendment.'
15 - 'Dear Sir...I finished the Calculation of the Problem with respect to the Earth's Figure.'
16 - 'My Lord, I am very uncertain whether I can give your Lordships satisfaction...' 3 pp.; Letter to Lord Kames.
17 - 'Properties of the Capinian Curve.' 4 pp.; on back of letter from James Oswald, sent with copies of Muralt's work.
18 - Drafts of letter introducing Mr Patrick Wilson, author or paper on the 'aberration of light.'
19 - 'The Pole of the Earth, according to Dr Bradley.'
20 - 'Things to be considered in treating of the various Principles of Action.' 3 pp.; on back of note from Mr Anderson and notes on the nature of 'Beauty'.
21 - 'The Philosophers whose sentiments concerning Ideas we have hitherto considered ....' 4 pp.; on back of note from Dr Wilson.
22 - ‘We may here observe that what Berkeley calls the Ideas of the Minds own Framing are not Sensations.’ 2pp.; on back of note from Mr Findley
23 - 'As to the first point, that the Soul has its Seat in the Brain.' 4 pp.; on back of funeral notice of James Baillie, Professor of Divinity, Glaegow.
24 - 'Aristotle taught that all the Objects of our Thought come originally by the five Senses...' 2 pp.; on back of note from Archibald Arthur, Librarian of Glasgow
25 - 'Sir, We presume to send you a copy of our Proposals for publishing an Astronomical and Geographical Grammar.' 2 pp.; on back of notes on 'Bayle. Response aux Question d'un Provencal'
4 - Manuscripts (lecture notes)
5 - Manuscripts (mathematics)
6 - Manuscripts
7 - Manuscripts
8 - Manuscripts
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