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KINGS - King's College Archives
1 - College administration
2 - Property and buildings
3 - Finance
1 - Financial accounting
1 - Bonds, tickets, obligations and decrees
2 - Cash books
3 - Collations
4 - Discharges
5 - Edilis/Estates accounts
6 - Experimental room accounts
7 - General accounts
8 - Hutton and Murray accounts
9 - Library accounts
10 - Mortification accounts
11 - Procuration accounts
12 - Rental accounts
1 - Accounts, vouchers and Bishop's rents
1 - Accounts of James Sandilands, rent collector
2 - Accounts of the Bishopric of Aberdeen and Murray
3 - Accounts of George Gordon
4 - Accounts of William Smith
5 - Accounts of the collectors of the Bishop's rents
6 - Vouchers of Richard Gordon's accounts
7 - Copy of petition to divide Bishop's rents
8 - Accounts
2 - Bishop's rents and vacant stipends
3 - Land rentals
4 - Rental 1637 - 1638
5 - Rental 1685 - 1686
2 - Endowments and Funds
4 - External relations
5 - Library
6 - Staff
7 - Students
8 - Lectures and curriculum
9 - Papers of staff and students
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