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UNIVERSITY 591 - University of Aberdeen: class photograph collection
1 - Class photographs
1 - Agriculture Class Photographs
2 - Arts Class Photographs
1 - 1856 - 1860
2 - 1859 - 1863
3 - 1860 - 1864
4 - 1861 - 1865
5 - 1862 - 1863
6 - 1862 - 1866
7 - 1863 - 1867
8 - 1864 - 1868
9 - 1865 - 1869
10 - 1866 - 1870
11 - 1869 - 1873
12 - 1875 - 1879
13 - 1877 - 1881
14 - 1878 - 1882
15 - 1880 - 1884
16 - 1881 - 1885
17 - 1882
18 - 1883 - 1887
19 - 1885 - 1889
20 - 1887 - 1891
21 - 1889 - 1893
22 - 1890 - 1894
23 - 1893 - 1897
24 - 1894 - 1898
25 - 1897 - 1901
26 - 1901 - 1905
27 - 1902 - 1906
28 - 1905 - 1909
29 - 1907 - 1911
30 - 1908 - 1912
31 - 1909 - 1913
32 - 1910 - 1914
33 - 1911 - 1915
34 - 1913 - 1917
35 - 1914 - 1918
37 - 1919 - 1923
39 - 1922 - 1925
40 - 1924 - 1927
41 - 1925 - 1928
42 - 1926 - 1929
43 - 1928 - 1931
44 - 1930 - 1933
45 - 1933 - 1936
46 - 1935 - 1938
47 - 1936 - 1939
3 - Divinity Class Photographs
4 - Law Class Photographs
5 - Medical Class Photographs
6 - Science Class Photographs
7 - Unidentified Class Photographs
2 - Academic and departmental photographs
3 - Student magazine editorial staff
4 - Events
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