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UNIVERSITY 1437 - University of Aberdeen Department of Natural History: lantern slides
1 - Lantern slides of or relating to oestology, arachnids, cestoda, trematoda, nematoda, reptiles and mammals
2 - Lantern slides of or relating chiefly to animal and human anatomy
1 - Anatomical slides concerning animals, including humans and molluscs.
2 - Anatomical slides, most of which concern human illnesses
3 - Anatomical slides, mainly concerned with polychaeta (especially their parapodium), bombinators (toads), triton taeniatus (common striped newt) and drosophila (fruit fly).
4 - Anatomical slides, most of which either concern Drosophila (fruit fly), gypsy moths or human population statistics.
5 - Anatomical slides, several of which are concerned with chromosomes and Drosophila.
6 - Anatomical and botanical slides, many concerned with genetics.
1 - Slide showing hierarchical diagram relating to genetics.
2 - Slide showing four sets of diagrams 'illustrating the results of a cross between pigeons with 12 tailfeathers and a race of fantail pigeons with from 28 to 38 tail feathers'.
3 - Slide showing three photographs of rabbits demonstrating 'reversion in rabbit coat color'.
4 - Slide showing three sets of diagrams concerned with genetics and diversity of results.
5 - Slide showing five sets of cellular entities demonstrating 'One of Vogt's dye experiments, showing the disappearance of the mesoderm through the blastopore.'
6 - Slide showing a table relating to plant characteristics.
7 - Slide showing 'arrangement of parts of the second (white) and third (stippled) chromosomes in Drosophila melanogaster and D. artificialis.'
8 - Slide showing hierarchical diagram of the crossing of the 'Rosecomb' and 'Peacomb' varieties of chickens.
9 - Slide showing 'Spermatozoon of 'Rana esculenta''.
10 - Slide showing diagrams regarding the mating of neutral females with all-male cultures.
11 - Slide showing a vertical bar chart illustrating probability, but it is unknown to what this probability refers.
12 - Slide showing three figures and text describing the 'crossing-over between two X chromosomes'.
13 - Slide showing a bar chart providing a 'Histogram of Number of Deaths from Scarlet Fever for Various Ages'.
14 - Slide showing a table regarding 'brown palp'.
15 - Slide showing a line chart demonstrating 'Frequency-polygons of the Binomial (0.9 + 0.1)n for Various Values of n.'
16 - Slide showing a table demonstrating a 'comparison of the mutability of the normal allelomorphs of white (Wa and Wr) in two geographical races of drosophila melanogaster'.
17 - Slide showing three diagrams regarding 'the equality of nuclear division during cleavage' in terms of Triton Taeniatus.
18 - Slide showing a line chart regarding 'sex-determining substances'.
19 - Slide showing Figure 3 which concerns X and Y chromosomes and sex determination.
20 - Slide showing a diagram concerning 'Kreuzungsschema zur Feststellung kleiner Vitalitatsmutationen'.
21 - Slide showing a hierarchical diagram illustrating the results of 'P1 red [female] = (RX) (RX) x (rY) (rY) = white [male].'
22 - Slide showing 'Table 7. - Tests of translocations for viability in homozygous condition'.
23 - Slide showing list regarding hen-feathered male and female and cock-feathered male combinations.
24 - Slide showing Fig. 90 - three diagrams of unidentified subject.
25 - Slide showing a diagram concerning X and Y chromosomes.
26 - Slide showing a diagram from a book regarding comparative physiology of yellow stock and green stock.
27 - Slide showing Mendel's hypothesis.
28 - Slide showing a chart demonstrating 'Relative Vitalitat der [two males] (Zahl der [two males] in Prozenten der normalen [two females] in schwach ubervolkerten (ausgezogen) und stark ubervolkerten (punktiert) unbestrahlten ,,CIB"-B-Kreuzungen, und in schwach (unterbrochen-punktiert) ubervolkerten F2-,,CIB-B"-Kreuzungen von rontgenbetrahlten (6000 r) P-[two males].'
29 - Slide showing 'schema der Chromosomenstruktur einer reziproken Translokation des III. und IV. Chromosoms bei Drosophila melangaster, die einen ,,Positions-effekt" des normalen Allels von hairy (h) im III. Chromosom hervorruft.'
30 - Slide showing six pictures illustrating 'the influence of environment upon bodily rigour'.
31 - Slide showing a line chart demonstrating the 'Frequency-distribution of Australian Marriages, classified according to the Bridegroom's Age.'
32 - Slide showing a line chart demonstrating 'frequency distributions of cranial index (breadth as percentage of length), S in Sweden (after Lamborg and Linders, R in Russia (Smolensk district, after Tchepowkovsky), I in Piedmont (after Livi).'
33 - Slide showing a diagram of 'the evolutionary divergence of X and Y chromosomes, shown by the pachytene pairing and metaphase association, following two series according to the relative positions of centromeres and differential segments (white in X, black in Y).'
34 - Slide showing a table illustrating 'mutations in different directions at the white locus in drosophila melanogaster' (fruit fly).
35 - Slide showing a table illustrating 'viability of some mutations and their combinations in Drosphila funebris, expressed in percentage of the viability of wild type'.
36 - Slide showing a line chart concerning irradiation doses and mutation.
37 - Slide showing 'graphische darstellung der elementarvorgange beim auftreffen con kurzwelliger strahlung auf leicht-atomiges material'.
38 - Slide showing 'Schematische Darstellung der Erklarung des ,,Positionseffektes" durch Anderung nicht der betreffenden Gene selbst, sondern deren unmittelbaren Umgebung, die von den Genen mitbestimmt wird, aber auch auf ihre Wirksamkeit eine Ruckwirkung ausubt'.
39 - Slide showing a list of combinations regarding zygotes.
40 - Slide showing a line chart containing a 'curve plotted for the Bar and Infrabar series'.
41 - Slide showing 'a diagram to show the shifting of male intersexuality in Hok-replacement-experiments'.
42 - Slide showing two diagrams of hen-feathered males, one who has been castrated, one who has not.
43 - Slide showing two line charts; fig. 6.1 illustrating the 'frequency-polygon for Head-breadths of 1000 Cambridge Students', and fig. 6.2- a 'histogram for the same data as fig. 6.1.'
44 - Slide showing a line graph illustrating the 'Mean M, Median Mi and Mode Mo of the Ideal Moderately Asymmetrical Distribution'.
45 - Slide showing a hierarchical graph of 'normal and abnormal (giving black symbols) methods of sex-inheritance in Habrobracon.'
46 - Slide showing a line graph of unknown subject.
47 - Slide showing a table illustrating 'the nature of interracial differences'.
48 - Slide showing a line graph demonstrating the 'normal curve of error as an approximation to the binomial distribution'.
49 - Slide showing a line chart concerning unknown subject.
50 - Slide showing a line chart concerning perolin, brewers and peptone.
51 - Slide showing a table listing 'chromosome numbers in the phanerogama'.
52 - Slide showing table 23: 'Frequency distribution for Corolla length in a cross-between varieties of Nicotiana longiflora'.
53 - Slide showing a table concerning dizygotic and monozygotic birth status (born dead or alive).
54 - Slide showing figure 72: 'Scheme illustrating inheritance of weight in a cross between Sebright bantam [female] and Gold-penciled Hamburgh [male].'
55 - Slide showing eight photographs of Abraxas grossulariata moths.
56 - Slide showing a chart illustrating results of crosses between impure yellow and pure green seeds.
57 - Slide showing a diagram regarding crosses between yellow male, black female, tortoise female, black male and yellow female.
58 - Slide showing four diagrams regarding cleavage stages in snails.
59 - Slide showing 'Spaltfuss - Pearsons Fall Keine Blutsverwandtschaft'.
60 - Slide showing two graphs: Fig. 6.14: 'An Ideal Distribution of the U-shaped Form' and Fig. 6.15: 'Cloudlines at Greenwich in July: 1715 Observations. (table 6.14.)'.
61 - Slide showing a photograph of a 'homozygous Creeper embryo which has lived beyond the lethal period, showing marked changes in legs (only toes showing), wings (less reduced), head and eyes.'
62 - Slide showing a bar chart demonstrating the 'osmotic pressures of bloods of various animals compared with those of fresh and sea waters.'
63 - Slide showing a table listing 'reverse mutations in Drosophila Melanogaster.'
64 - Slide showing a line graph demonstrating 'the results for female and male inter-sexuality'.
65 - Slide showing four diagrams of chromosomes.
66 - Slide showing a table listing 'the relative viability of the strains of Drosophila funebris of different geographical origin (from Timofeeff-Ressovsky)'.
67 - Slide showing a diagram concerning drosophila melanogaster?
68 - Slide showing a diagram of a 'nine-banded Armadillo (Tatusia novemcincta)'.
69 - Slide showing Fig. 6.6: 'Frequency-distribution of Stature for 8585 Adult Males born in the British Isles. (Table 6.7)' and Fig. 6.7: 'Ideal Distribution of the Moderately Asymmetrical Form'.
70 - Slide showing a line graph demonstrating 'Proportionalitat der Rate geschlechtsgebundener Letalfaktoren zur Ionisationsrate der Radiumbestrahlungsdosen bei Drosophila melanogaster'.
71 - Slide showing 'a diagram to illustrate crossing-over of two conjugating threads'.
72 - Slide showing 'diagrams of the sex-chromosomes (above) the male rat, and (below) the male Praying Mantis'.
73 - Slide showing photographs of seven moths or butterflies, demonstrating a 'series of increasing male intersexuality: above normal'.
74 - Slide showing ten photographs of moths or butterflies, which demonstrate 'a series of increasing female intersexuality of the Gifutype'.
75 - Slide showing a table regarding unknown subject.
76 - Slide showing a diagram concerning P1, F1 and F2, and mating probabilities.
77 - Slide showing a bar chart demonstrating the 'frequency-distribution of the Annual Values of certain Estates in England in 1715; 2476 Estates'.
78 - Slide showing a table regarding species, number of families and number of genes.
79 - Slide showing an unexplained bar chart.
80 - Slide showing a table providing a 'summary of F2 results in inheritance of seed color in peas'.
81 - Slide showing a table concerning 'curly dichaete [males] (from Brown Palp [female] Ex 1 x star curly dichaete [male]) x oregon [females].'
82 - Slide showing a diagram concerning drosophila melanogaster?
83 - Slide showing a line graph containing 5 labelled lines concerning 'p' and 'q', 'frequency' and 'number of successes'.
84 - Slide showing a line graph demonstrating 'the normal curve of error'.
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