Hierarchy Browser

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Expand 1 - Quintin Kennedy1 - Quintin Kennedy
Expand 2 - Thomas Innes2 - Thomas Innes
Expand 3 - Dr Alexander Geddes3 - Dr Alexander Geddes
Expand 4 - Principal Alexander Gordon4 - Principal Alexander Gordon
Expand 5 - Philip Perry5 - Philip Perry
Expand 6 - Abbe Paul MacPherson6 - Abbe Paul MacPherson
Expand 7 - Paul MacLachlan7 - Paul MacLachlan
Expand 8 - Henry Gall8 - Henry Gall
Expand 9 - John Gray9 - John Gray
Collapse 10 - William Wallace10 - William Wallace
Expand 1 - Catholic Church1 - Catholic Church
Expand 2 - Who are Catholics2 - Who are Catholics
Expand 3 - Catholic beliefs and rituals3 - Catholic beliefs and rituals
Expand 4 - Notes on Mass4 - Notes on Mass
Expand 5 - Latin Mass5 - Latin Mass
Expand 6 - Purgatory6 - Purgatory
Expand 7 - Purgatory and hell7 - Purgatory and hell
Expand 8 - The Catholic Church, Catholics8 - The Catholic Church, Catholics
Expand 9 - On being a Catholic, Catholicity9 - On being a Catholic, Catholicity
Expand 10 - National Church10 - National Church
Expand 11 - Church topics11 - Church topics
Expand 12 - Miracles12 - Miracles
Expand 13 - Miracles13 - Miracles
Expand 14 - Fasting14 - Fasting
Expand 15 - Baptism, penance15 - Baptism, penance
Expand 16 - Saints, images, angels16 - Saints, images, angels
Expand 17 - Evangelical Railway17 - Evangelical Railway
Collapse 18 - Sacrifice18 - Sacrifice
Expand 19 - Prayer, apparitions and revelations19 - Prayer, apparitions and revelations
Expand 20 - Communio in divinis20 - Communio in divinis
Expand 21 - Charms, relics, pilgrimages, holidays and festivals21 - Charms, relics, pilgrimages, holidays and festivals
Expand 22 - The Bible22 - The Bible
Expand 23 - Protestant Bible23 - Protestant Bible
Expand 24 - Sabbath keeping and Presbyterian fast days24 - Sabbath keeping and Presbyterian fast days
Expand 25 - Religious prejudice and toleration25 - Religious prejudice and toleration
Expand 26 - Church of England26 - Church of England
Expand 27 - Church of England27 - Church of England
Expand 28 - Protestantism28 - Protestantism
Expand 29 - Heretics, Methodists and Quakers29 - Heretics, Methodists and Quakers
Expand 30 - Reformation30 - Reformation
Expand 31 - Faith31 - Faith
Expand 32 - Faith32 - Faith
Expand 33 - Christian doctrine33 - Christian doctrine
Expand 34 - Religion34 - Religion
Expand 35 - Religion35 - Religion
Expand 36 - Confession, repentance, forgiveness of sin36 - Confession, repentance, forgiveness of sin
Expand 37 - Absolution37 - Absolution
Expand 38 - Absolution38 - Absolution
Expand 39 - Power of the keys39 - Power of the keys
Expand 40 - Power of the keys40 - Power of the keys
Expand 41 - Inquisition41 - Inquisition
Expand 42 - Inquisition42 - Inquisition
Expand 43 - Inquisition43 - Inquisition
Expand 44 - Inquisition44 - Inquisition
Expand 45 - Inquisition45 - Inquisition
Expand 46 - Inquisition46 - Inquisition
Expand 47 - Inquisition47 - Inquisition
Expand 48 - Good works48 - Good works
Expand 49 - Good works49 - Good works
Expand 50 - Crime and morals50 - Crime and morals
Expand 51 - Theology for babes51 - Theology for babes
Expand 52 - Seven candlesticks; merits of Bible tracts; infidels52 - Seven candlesticks; merits of Bible tracts; infidels
Expand 53 - Preacher in the Wrong Box53 - Preacher in the Wrong Box
Expand 54 - Ragged schools54 - Ragged schools
Expand 55 - Ragged schools; Catholic schools55 - Ragged schools; Catholic schools
Expand 56 - Education56 - Education
Expand 57 - Letters on religion to Lord John Scott57 - Letters on religion to Lord John Scott
Expand 58 - Letters on religion to Miss Pringle, a Protestant lady58 - Letters on religion to Miss Pringle, a Protestant lady
Expand 59 - Miscellaneous letters on religion59 - Miscellaneous letters on religion
Expand 60 - Controversy60 - Controversy
Expand 61 - Controversy, prejudice and persecution61 - Controversy, prejudice and persecution
Expand 62 - Quartodecimam controversy; Easter62 - Quartodecimam controversy; Easter
Expand 63 - Notes and remarks63 - Notes and remarks
64 - Controversial extracts
Expand 65 - Miscellaneous notes, mainly historical65 - Miscellaneous notes, mainly historical
Expand 66 - Miscellaneous notes66 - Miscellaneous notes
Expand 67 - Miscellaneous notes on theological and religious issues67 - Miscellaneous notes on theological and religious issues
Expand 68 - Miscellaneous notes68 - Miscellaneous notes
Expand 69 - Miscellaneous notes69 - Miscellaneous notes
Expand 70 - Miscellaneous notes70 - Miscellaneous notes
Expand 71 - Miscellaneous notes71 - Miscellaneous notes
Expand 72 - Miscellaneous notes72 - Miscellaneous notes
Expand 73 - Progress of religion73 - Progress of religion
Expand 74 - Printed pamphlets74 - Printed pamphlets
Expand 75 - Printed pamphlets75 - Printed pamphlets
Expand 76 - Personal papers76 - Personal papers
77 - Bound volume of pamphlets
Expand 78 - Printed pamphlets related to foregoing MS notes by William Wallace78 - Printed pamphlets related to foregoing MS notes by William Wallace