Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse SCA CA - Colleges AbroadSCA CA - Colleges Abroad
Collapse 2 - Scots College, Douai2 - Scots College, Douai
Expand 1 - Litterae Hortatoriae Clementis VIII pro Seminario Scotorum Duaci1 - Litterae Hortatoriae Clementis VIII pro Seminario Scotorum Duaci
Expand 2 - Benefactions of the Curle family2 - Benefactions of the Curle family
Collapse 3 - Administration of the college3 - Administration of the college
4 - Lettres Patentes du Roi...portant confirmation du College des Ecossois de Douay
5 - Royal Letters Patent confirming college property acquired before 1749
6 - Account book
7 - Register of students at the Scots College, Douai (copy)
8 - Transcripts of royal letters
Expand 9 - Documents regarding efforts to safeguard college property after the French Revolution9 - Documents regarding efforts to safeguard college property after the French Revolution
Expand 10 - John Farquharson's attempt to recover the college10 - John Farquharson's attempt to recover the college
Expand 11 - Bishop Alexander Paterson's attempt to recover the college11 - Bishop Alexander Paterson's attempt to recover the college
Expand 12 - Letters of M Vandeville regarding college property12 - Letters of M Vandeville regarding college property
Expand 13 - Correspondence regarding the administration of college property13 - Correspondence regarding the administration of college property
Expand 14 - Scots students at St Edmund's, Douai14 - Scots students at St Edmund's, Douai
Expand 15 - Toulouse Droit de Confirmation15 - Toulouse Droit de Confirmation
Expand 16 - Droit de Confirmation16 - Droit de Confirmation
Expand 17 - Toulouse droit de confirmation17 - Toulouse droit de confirmation
Expand 18 - Toulouse droit de confirmation18 - Toulouse droit de confirmation
Expand 19 - Toulouse droit de confirmation19 - Toulouse droit de confirmation
Expand 20 - Miscellaneous documents20 - Miscellaneous documents
21 - Notice sur le Mausolee de Barbe Moubray et Elizabeth Curle, Dames d'Honneur de la Reine Marie Stuart
Expand 3 - Scots College, Rome3 - Scots College, Rome
Expand 4 - Scots College, Spain [Madrid and Valladolid]4 - Scots College, Spain [Madrid and Valladolid]