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MS 474 - David Skene. M.D.: Entomological Descriptions
1 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Aptera
2 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Note on Salicis Viminalis
3 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Pupae et Larvae Inventae in Avis Cadavere
4 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Hymenoptera
5 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Of the insect diptera et neuroptera
6 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Coleoptera
7 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: De Asteriis Abredonensibus
8 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Letter from Mrs Turner to David Skene
9 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Coloptera
10 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Asterias
11 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Pupa Gregaria in urtuca urente
12 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Nereis Pelagica
13 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Peregrina in Musae[o] Meo
14 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Aves Peregrini in Musaeo Meo
15 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Note on Specimens from Africa
16 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: List of Insects
17 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Note on contents of 'cave bottles', 'crystal vials' and 'bottle mark't sal. volat. ammon.'
18 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Part of a letter from Harriot Leith to David Skene
19 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Description of insects page 2
20 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Aptera
21 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Lepidoptera
22 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Hisotira Phalaenae quae Tinea Pellionella
23 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Lepidoptera
24 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Letter from Mrs Sary Chaple to David Skene
25 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Diptera
26 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Herriptera
27 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Diptera
28 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Letter from an unnamed correspondent to David Skene
29 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Aptera
30 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Hemiptera
31 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Coleoptera
32 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Diptera
33 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Coleoptera
34 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Diptera
35 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Aptera
36 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Letter from C. F[raser] of Castle Fraser to David Skene
37 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Coleoptera
38 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Legidoptera
39 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Hymenoptera
40 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Part of a letter from an unnamed correspondent in Badenscoth to [David Skene]
41 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Coleoptera
42 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Lepidoptera
43 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Hymenoptera
44 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Coleoptera
45 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Hymenoptera
46 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Lepidoptera
47 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Hymenoptera
48 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Aptera
49 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Description of an Unspecified Animal
50 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Letter from Mr Osburn to David Skene
51 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Lists of Specimens written over Botanical Drawings
52 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Extracts from H.L. Duhamel du Monceau's 'Physique des Arbers'
53 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Insecta Optera
54 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Letter from A Skene to David Skene
55 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Aves
56 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Vermes Zoophyta
57 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Passeres
58 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Descriptions of Two Unidentified Insects
59 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Note of contents of 'cave bottle' and 'mustard bottle'
60 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Animalia Microscopica
61 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Avis Falce
62 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Extracts from H.L. Duhamel du Monceau's 'Physique des Arbers'
63 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Catologues Zoophytum quae Scotiae Indigenae et in Musaeo meo Asservata Sunt
64 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Observations concerning Corallines
65 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Vermes
66 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Of the Lepas
67 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Animalia Scotiae Indigenae in Museo Meo Spiritu Vini Asservata
68 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Emberiza Nivalis
69 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Notes on the height of the Welsh Mountains
70 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: Of Metallic Substances
71 - Papers of David Skene: Entomological Descriptions: 'No 11 Notes upon Coal: the chief terms of art in use amongst the Scots miners with many of those used in England
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