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Collapse MS 3819 - Professor John R. Mallard, Professor of Medical Physics: publications and associated papersMS 3819 - Professor John R. Mallard, Professor of Medical Physics: publications and associated papers
Collapse 1 - Professor John R. Mallard: publications and associated papers1 - Professor John R. Mallard: publications and associated papers
Expand 1 - Professor John R. Mallard: early papers1 - Professor John R. Mallard: early papers
2 - Dosage variations in the cones and Gregory Technique for intracavitary irradiation of the bladder
Expand 3 - Radioisotopes: Article and Lecture series3 - Radioisotopes: Article and Lecture series
4 - Seeds of pure Beta-ray emitter (Yttrium-90) for Radiation Hypophysectomy
5 - Radiation Sialitis following Radioiodine therapy
6 - Radiation Sialitis following Radioiodine therapy: Correspondence
7 - Choice of Radioisotopes for therapy
8 - Simple techniques to show the distribution of colloidal gold 198 in body cavities
9 - Protection against ionizing radiations
10 - A method of correction for extrathyroidal radioactivity
11 - Protection thyroid-uptake measurements upon staff handling radioactive iodine
12 - Variations in thyroid functions in normal subjects
13 - The use of iodine 132 in studies of thyroid function
14 - A quantitative automatic body scanner for the localisation of radioisotopes in vivo
15 - Potassium perchlorate in thyrotoxicosis
16 - The distribution and radiation dosimetry of zinc-65 in the rat
17 - A tritium counter designed for routine laboratory use
18 - Radioactive arsenic 72 for brain-tumour scanning
19 - A scanning machine for presenting pictorially and quantitatively the distribution of radioisotopes in vivo
Expand 20 - Radio-isotopes: uses and distribution20 - Radio-isotopes: uses and distribution
21 - Brain tumour detection using radioactive arsenic
Expand 22 - International Liaison Committee of Medical Physics: Report and formation of new organization22 - International Liaison Committee of Medical Physics: Report and formation of new organization
23 - The technique and dosimetry of pituitary implantation using sources of Y90
24 - Continuous monitoring of blood pressure by intra-arterial catheterization of the radial artery using a watch-type aneroid manometer
Expand 25 - The management of the Gliomata: Radioisotope Localization techniques25 - The management of the Gliomata: Radioisotope Localization techniques
26 - The dosimetry of Yttrium-90 sources suitable for pituitary implantation: comparison of theoretical and experimental results
27 - The experimental determination of the dose distribution around Yttrium-90 sources suitable for pituitary implantation
28 - A nitric oxide induced electron spin resonance signal in polymethacrylates
29 - An electron spin resonance cavity for the detection of free radicals in the presence of water
30 - Clinical applications of a gamma camera
31 - The performance of a gamma camera for the visualization of radioactive isotopes in vivo
32 - Evaluation of intra-articular colloidal gold AU 198 in the treatment of persistant knee effusions
33 - Some long-focusing "Depth-Independent" collimators for in-vivo radioisotope scanning
34 - Use of long cavities for aqueous biological tissue samples in an electron spin resonance spectrometer
35 - Differences observed between electron spin resonance signals from surviving tumour tissues and from their corresponding normal tissues
36 - Scattering of gamma rays
37 - An analysis of quantitative colour display for scanning
38 - Scanning techniques for brain-tumour localization
39 - Medical radioisotope scanning
40 - An 80 Mc/s electron spin resonance spectrometer for aqueous samples
41 - Distribution of 99mTc and tumour/brain concentration in rats
42 - Advantages resulting from the addition of a versatile multichannel analyser to an electron spin resonance spectrometer
Expand 43 - Scanning: developments in techniques43 - Scanning: developments in techniques
44 - Fundamental aspects of radioisotope scanning
45 - The quantitative analysis of scintiscan displays of the brain, improvements to a gamma camera and a phantom technique to intercompare the performance of radioisotope scanning machines
46 - The performance of analogue read-out systems for scintiscanning
47 - On the combination of an electron spin resonance spectrometer and a multichannel analyser: correspondence
48 - Electron spin resonance in surviving rat tissues
49 - A small gamma camera: Improvements in the resolution, a setting-up procedure and a digital print-out
50 - Electron spin resonance in biological tissues
Expand 51 - High-resolution gamma camera research51 - High-resolution gamma camera research
52 - Dielectric absorption of microwaves in human tissues
53 - Medical physics: what is it?
54 - Characteristics of display systems in scanning and a simple phantom procedure to evaluate over-all scanner performance
55 - Theoretical considerations of conditions for high resolution radioisotope scanning: correspondence
Expand 56 - Responses of Collimators56 - Responses of Collimators
57 - Dielectric absorption of microwaves in human tissues
58 - Visualization in scanning
59 - A proposal to standardise the evaluation of all counters
Expand 60 - The aber-gammascope: article and conference summary60 - The aber-gammascope: article and conference summary
61 - Physical aspects of Scintiscanning
62 - A statistical model for the visualisation of changes in the count density on radioisotope scanning displays
63 - Temperature and saturation effects in the ESR spectra of whole tissues
64 - Principles of scanning and current physical problems
65 - The collywobbler: a moving collimator image-processing device for stationary detectors in radioisotope scanning
66 - Electron spin resonance in biological tissues
67 - Uptake of Zn65 in the human prostrate
68 - Sensitivity and resolution in radioisotope scanning: a report to the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements
69 - WANTING - Sensitivity and resolution in radioisotope scanning: a report to the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements
70 - Conditions for high resolution radioisotope scanning: correspondence
Expand 71 - Scanning research and departmental research overview71 - Scanning research and departmental research overview
72 - Detection, localization and differential diagnosis of tumours
73 - Electron spin resonance spectrometry on the whole mouse in vivo: a 100MHz spectrometer
74 - Description of anomalous E.S.R. signals from normal rabbit liver
Expand 75 - Data processing of radioisotope images and H.P.A. Pesidential articles75 - Data processing of radioisotope images and H.P.A. Pesidential articles
Expand 76 - The radionuclide and radioisotope imaging process76 - The radionuclide and radioisotope imaging process
77 - The radionuclide imaging process and factors influencing the choice of an instrument for brain scanning
78 - Use of short-lived radionuclides and high spatial resolution studies in nuclear medicine
79 - Radionuclide imaging: with particular reference to display performance
Expand 80 - Abstract from conference presentation and a government report80 - Abstract from conference presentation and a government report
81 - An analysis of tomographic scanning systems
82 - Towards a fine-resolution image-intensifier gamma-camera: The Aber-gammascope
Expand 83 - Scanning advances: article and exhibition83 - Scanning advances: article and exhibition
Expand 84 - Display systems: research and analysis84 - Display systems: research and analysis
Expand 85 - Medical Physics: Training programmes and Department structure85 - Medical Physics: Training programmes and Department structure
86 - Observations on ratemeter controlled colour dot scan displays
87 - A study of electron spin resonance spectra of whole blood from normal and tumour bearing patients
88 - Transverse axial radioisotope tomography
Expand 89 - Ultrasonic fetal cephalometry: two articles89 - Ultrasonic fetal cephalometry: two articles
90 - Measurement of the sensitivity of gamma ray imaging systems
Expand 91 - Radioisotope imaging: the end of the beginning91 - Radioisotope imaging: the end of the beginning
92 - A proposed model for the visual detection of signals in radioisotope display images
Expand 93 - 18th Ampere congress: Invitation and paper93 - 18th Ampere congress: Invitation and paper
94 - Experiences with isotope transverse section tomography
Expand 95 - Research into collimators and displays95 - Research into collimators and displays
Expand 96 - Transverse section tomography and lectures96 - Transverse section tomography and lectures
Expand 97 - Transverse section tomography and lectures97 - Transverse section tomography and lectures
98 - The measurement of the performance of the display system of a radioisotope imaging device: the multi-element band display
Expand 99 - Medical imaging: conference reports99 - Medical imaging: conference reports
Expand 100 - Effects of radiation on amino acids100 - Effects of radiation on amino acids
Expand 101 - Radionuclide transverse tomography of brain and trunk101 - Radionuclide transverse tomography of brain and trunk
102 - Plasma total iron-binding capacity measured by electron spin resonance
Expand 103 - Physical aspects of tumour imaging103 - Physical aspects of tumour imaging
104 - Lyoluminescence dosimetry with some saccharides
105 - Electron spin resonance as a useful technique in the management of Hodgkin's Disease
106 - ESR Signals from Iron transferrin and Caeruloplasmin in the Presence of Ferrous Ions
Expand 107 - The Performance of Multi-element band Displays in Radioisotope Imaging107 - The Performance of Multi-element band Displays in Radioisotope Imaging
Expand 108 - Assesment of  Display system Performance of Clinical isotope Imaging devices108 - Assesment of Display system Performance of Clinical isotope Imaging devices
Expand 109 - On the Mechanism of Lyoliminescence in Alkali Halides109 - On the Mechanism of Lyoliminescence in Alkali Halides
Expand 110 - The Lyoluminescence of Amino Acids, Proteins, Nucleic Acids and its applications. 110 - The Lyoluminescence of Amino Acids, Proteins, Nucleic Acids and its applications.
Expand 111 - Progress in Lyoluminescence Dosimetry using Saccharides111 - Progress in Lyoluminescence Dosimetry using Saccharides
112 - Diagnostic value of Computerised Isotopic Section Renal Scanning
Expand 113 - An example of the Contribution of Radioisotope Axial Tomography to the Diagnosis of Acoustic Neuromas113 - An example of the Contribution of Radioisotope Axial Tomography to the Diagnosis of Acoustic Neuromas
114 - Value of Radioisotope Axial Tomography in the Diagnosis of a Cystic Malignant Glioma
115 - The Aberdeen Section Scanner
Expand 116 - Nomenclature in Scanning investigation116 - Nomenclature in Scanning investigation
Expand 117 - Physics and Engineering in Medicine -The Same Orbital - O.K?117 - Physics and Engineering in Medicine -The Same Orbital - O.K?
Expand 118 - NMR imaging: Image recovery under magnetic fields with large non-uniformities 118 - NMR imaging: Image recovery under magnetic fields with large non-uniformities
119 - Guest of Honour, Radio Broadcast
120 - Comparison of Isotope Brain Imaging including Emission Tomography with the E.M.I Transmission Tomogram
Expand 121 - Results of Prospective Trials for Clinical Evaluation Isotope Section Scanning (Radionuclide Emission Tomography) of Brain and Liver121 - Results of Prospective Trials for Clinical Evaluation Isotope Section Scanning (Radionuclide Emission Tomography) of Brain and Liver
122 - The Influence of size and radiopharmaceutical concentration ratio on the detection of abnormalities in clinical radionuclide imaging
123 - The New Bacon-Slicing Machine -A Non-Invasive Gadget for Human Beings
124 - Magnetism and Cancer
Expand 125 - Nuclear Imaging 125 - Nuclear Imaging
Expand 126 - Imaging by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and its Bio-Medical Implications 126 - Imaging by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and its Bio-Medical Implications
Expand 127 - Some aspects of the History of Nuclear Medicine in the United Kingdom127 - Some aspects of the History of Nuclear Medicine in the United Kingdom
128 - Surface Modes of Vibration on the Nuclei of HeLa Cells-A new mechanism of biological damage?
Expand 129 - Cranial Scintigraphy: Value of adding Emission Computed Tomographic Sections to conventional Pertechnetate Images (512 cases)129 - Cranial Scintigraphy: Value of adding Emission Computed Tomographic Sections to conventional Pertechnetate Images (512 cases)
Expand 130 - Changes in NMR relaxation times of adjacent muscle after implantation of malignant and normal tissue130 - Changes in NMR relaxation times of adjacent muscle after implantation of malignant and normal tissue
Expand 131 - An instrument to gather computed tomogram data from a radiotherapy simulator131 - An instrument to gather computed tomogram data from a radiotherapy simulator
Expand 132 - In vivo NMR imaging in medicine:the Aberdeen approach, both physical and biological132 - In vivo NMR imaging in medicine:the Aberdeen approach, both physical and biological
Expand 133 - Medical Imaging by Nuclear magnetic resonance - a review of the Aberdeen physical and biological programme133 - Medical Imaging by Nuclear magnetic resonance - a review of the Aberdeen physical and biological programme
134 - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging and its Bio-Medical Applications- Past, Present and Future
135 - The Aberdeen phased array: a real-time ultrasonic scanner with dynamic focus
Expand 136 - A Clinical Trial of the Value of a Tomographic Section view to Identify Liver Abnormalities by Radionuclide Imaging, with special reference to metastatic disease136 - A Clinical Trial of the Value of a Tomographic Section view to Identify Liver Abnormalities by Radionuclide Imaging, with special reference to metastatic disease
Expand 137 - Radionuclide emission imaging: single-photon techniques including radiopharmaceutical developments137 - Radionuclide emission imaging: single-photon techniques including radiopharmaceutical developments
138 - A preliminary investigation of 67Ga Citrate distribution in Hyperferraemic patients
Expand 139 - Identification of liver disease by radionuclide tomographic imaging - results of a prospective clinical trial and potential for further improvement139 - Identification of liver disease by radionuclide tomographic imaging - results of a prospective clinical trial and potential for further improvement
Expand 140 - Investigation of long-term in-vivo tracer distribution patterns using an ultra-high sensitivity scanning system140 - Investigation of long-term in-vivo tracer distribution patterns using an ultra-high sensitivity scanning system
141 - WANTING - Instrumentation for Lyoluminescence Dosimetry
142 - Lyoluminescence Dosimetry: Physiochemical basis and applications
143 - A study of the effects of ultrasound on Helacells and other biological materials by means of opical microscopy with a view in the longer term to treating malignant tissues
144 - Lyolumiescent Dosimetry of Incorporated Low Energy Beta Emitters and of Auger Electrons
145 - Nuclear Imaging
Expand 146 - A new technique of radiation dosimetry based on lyoluminescence146 - A new technique of radiation dosimetry based on lyoluminescence
147 - Clinical Application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
148 - Oesophageal carcinoma demonstrated by whole-body nuclear magnetic resonance imaging
Expand 149 - Human whole-body NMR tomographic imaging: normal sections149 - Human whole-body NMR tomographic imaging: normal sections
150 - Nuclear magnetic resonance tomogrphic imaging in liver disease
Expand 151 - A clinical trial of the value of a tomographic section view to identify liver abnormalities by radionuclide imaging, with special reference to metastatic disease151 - A clinical trial of the value of a tomographic section view to identify liver abnormalities by radionuclide imaging, with special reference to metastatic disease
152 - Development of Lyoluminescence Dosimetry for High Dose Range
153 - Identification of Liver Disease by Radionuclide Tomographic Imaging- Results of a prospective clinical trial and potential for further improvement
154 - Communication in New Scientist and article in The Times
Expand 155 - Renal Cyst of Tumour? Differentiation by Whole-Body Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging155 - Renal Cyst of Tumour? Differentiation by Whole-Body Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging
156 - Whole-body nuclear magnetic resonance imaging: the first report of its use in surgical practice
157 - The Effects of some Physical Factors on the production of Hyperthermia by Ultrasound in Neoplastic Tissues
158 - The noes have it! Do they?
159 - Design of Ultrasonic Transducers for Local Hyperthermia
160 - Quenching of lyoluminescence by superoxide dismutase and by some radioprotective agents
Expand 161 - Nuclear magnetic resonance observations in alcoholic cerebral disorder and the role of vasopressin                                        161 - Nuclear magnetic resonance observations in alcoholic cerebral disorder and the role of vasopressin
Expand 162 - Whole-body Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Tomographic Imaging: Imaging method and human atlas162 - Whole-body Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Tomographic Imaging: Imaging method and human atlas
163 - The effect of thermal conduction during local hyperthermia induced by ultrasound: A phantom study
164 - The influence of picture element size on the quality of clinical radionuclide images
165 - Nuclear magnetic resonance tomographic imaging in renal disease
166 - The Aberdeen proton NMR imaging program with primary emphasis on relaxation time
Expand 167 - Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of the pancreas167 - Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of the pancreas
Expand 168 - Temperature distributions during local ultrasound induced hyperthermia in vivo168 - Temperature distributions during local ultrasound induced hyperthermia in vivo
Expand 169 - Proton nuclear magnetic resonance imaging - the new form of diagnostic medical imaging169 - Proton nuclear magnetic resonance imaging - the new form of diagnostic medical imaging
Expand 170 - A scanner for single photon emission tomography170 - A scanner for single photon emission tomography
Expand 171 - What is expected in the future of NMR Imaging?171 - What is expected in the future of NMR Imaging?
172 - The construction and assessment of lenses for local treatment of malignant tumours by ultrasound
173 - The Aberdeen Proton NMR Imaging Program with Primary Emphasis on Relaxation Time.
Expand 174 - NMR imaging at Aberdeen: A Historical Perspective174 - NMR imaging at Aberdeen: A Historical Perspective
Expand 175 - Local hyperthermia induced by focussed and overlapping ultrasonic fields - in vivo demonstration175 - Local hyperthermia induced by focussed and overlapping ultrasonic fields - in vivo demonstration
176 - Errors in temperature measurement by thermocouple probes during ultrasound inducing hyperthermia
Expand 177 - Fetal Imaging by nuclear magnetic resonance:a study in goats177 - Fetal Imaging by nuclear magnetic resonance:a study in goats
178 - Proton Imaging in the management of head and neck tumours
Expand 179 - The advantages of tri-planar imaging in the management of malignant disease179 - The advantages of tri-planar imaging in the management of malignant disease
Expand 180 - On piezoluminescence in irradiated alkali halides180 - On piezoluminescence in irradiated alkali halides
Expand 181 - Nuclear magnetic Resonance Imaging - time for tea181 - Nuclear magnetic Resonance Imaging - time for tea
182 - On the use of electron spin resonance technique for radiation dosimetry with alkali halides
Expand 183 - Nuclear magnetic resonance pulse sequence and discrimination of high- and low-fat tissues183 - Nuclear magnetic resonance pulse sequence and discrimination of high- and low-fat tissues
184 - WANTING - Initial Experience with I-123 isoprpyl amphetamine cerebral studies - a comparison with 99m-Tc pertechnetate brain scan, X-ray CT and NMR CT
185 - WANTING - Quantitative assessment of tracer distribution from whole-body counter images
186 - WANTING - Microcomputer based ultra-high sensitivity radionuclide imager
187 - WANTING - Zinc availability in patients of liver cirrhosis
188 - WANTING - Computer supported high-sensitivity imaging in studies of in-vivo radiotracer turnover in human organs: zinc studies
189 - WANTING - A Clinical hyperthermia unit utilising an array of seven focussed ultrasonic transducers
190 - Initial Experience with I-123 Amphetamine Cerebral Studies - A comparison with NMR CT, X-RAY CT and 99m - TC Pertechnetate Brain Scan
191 - WANTING - A clinical instument for ultrasound -induced local hyperthermia
Expand 192 - NMR imaging in Liver Disease192 - NMR imaging in Liver Disease
193 - WANTING - `The thermal and non-thermal effects of ultrasound on tissues and cells and acoustical properties of tissues'
Expand 194 - Relaxation Times, Image Contrast and Tissue Identification194 - Relaxation Times, Image Contrast and Tissue Identification
195 - Choice of optimum settings for a gamma camera pulse height analyser
196 - The Wellcome Foundation Lecture, 1984
197 - The Aberdeen mark II single-photon- emission tomographic scanner: specification and some clinical applications
198 - Third Congress European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 21-24 September 1986 in Aberdeen
199 - RF coils and receiver design for a low-field imager
200 - Signal enhancement for fast saturation recovery images
201 - Composite pulses for NMR imaging
202 - Analysis of bi-exponential spin-spin relaxation data using BMDP statistical package
203 - Longitudinal and transverse relaxation times of paramagnetic solutions as a function of frequency and temperature
204 - Relative interdependence of the proton relaxation times of paramagnetic solutions, gels and tissues on temperature and frequency
Expand 205 - Article from Nature and papers from 1985205 - Article from Nature and papers from 1985
Expand 206 - The George Hevesy Memorial Medal Presentation, Lecture and associated papers206 - The George Hevesy Memorial Medal Presentation, Lecture and associated papers
207 - The Fourteenth Edwards Memorial Lecture 1986
Expand 208 - Magnetic Resonance Imaging of parenchymal liver disease: a comparison with ultrasound, radionuclide scintigraphy and x-ray computed tomography208 - Magnetic Resonance Imaging of parenchymal liver disease: a comparison with ultrasound, radionuclide scintigraphy and x-ray computed tomography
209 - Letter entitled 'Interdisciplinary Fields'
210 - Letter under title 'Problems facing university science' in Nature
Expand 211 - Funding of University Medical Physics Departments211 - Funding of University Medical Physics Departments
Collapse 212 - Not cashing in on inventions212 - Not cashing in on inventions
Expand 213 - A low field NMR imager for clinical use213 - A low field NMR imager for clinical use
214 - Proton-Electron Double Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Free Radical Solutions
Expand 215 - Medical Imaging: A tool of our destiny215 - Medical Imaging: A tool of our destiny
Expand 216 - Field-Cycled Proton-Electron Double-Resonance Imaging of Free Radicals in Large Aquaeous Samples216 - Field-Cycled Proton-Electron Double-Resonance Imaging of Free Radicals in Large Aquaeous Samples
Expand 217 - Prospects for NMR Microscopy 217 - Prospects for NMR Microscopy
Expand 218 - Medical Imaging218 - Medical Imaging
219 - Cerebral Blood Flow measured by SPECT as a Diagnostic Tool in the Study of Dementia
220 - WANTING - Quantitative Assessment of Image representation
221 - Royal Society of Edinburgh Biomedical Research Seminar on 'Quantitative Imaging in vivo'
Expand 222 - Quantitative Imaging in vivo222 - Quantitative Imaging in vivo
Expand 223 - Aberdeen Royal Infirmary: The people's hospital of the north-east223 - Aberdeen Royal Infirmary: The people's hospital of the north-east
224 - The Department of Bio-Medical Physics and Bio-Engineering, University of Aberdeen and Grampian Health Board
225 - Free radicals imaged in vivo in the rat by using proton-electron double-resonance imaging
226 - Some of the factors involved in the Sarvazyan method for recording ultrasound field distributions with special reference to the application of ultrasound in physiotherapy
Expand 227 - Impedence imaging in upper arm fractures227 - Impedence imaging in upper arm fractures
228 - Aura: A new respiratory monitor and apnoea alarm for spontaneously breathing patients
229 - Regional Cerebral Blood Flow Imaging: A Quantitative Comparison of Technetium-99m-HMPAO SPECT with C15 O2 PET
230 - EPR Spectral Information Obtained from Field-Cycled Proton-Electron Double-Resonance Images
231 - Low-field EPR measurements by field-cycled dynamic nuclear polarization
Expand 232 - Production of UV-generated hydroxl free radicals imaged by proton-electron double-resonance imaging with spin trapping232 - Production of UV-generated hydroxl free radicals imaged by proton-electron double-resonance imaging with spin trapping
233 - Theoretical considerations in relation to the treatment of brain tumours by means of local hyperthermia generated by ultrasound fields
234 - Pattern of 2-deoxy-2-[18F]-fluro-D-glucose accumulation in liver tumours: primary, metastatic and after chemotherapy
235 - Historical Aspects of Scottish Initiatives in Biomedical Engineering and Physics
Expand 236 - The Pioneers of Medical Technology236 - The Pioneers of Medical Technology
237 - WANTING - Measurement of blood flow in tibial fracture patients using positron emission tomography
238 - Scottish heritage of MR overlooked
239 - The birth of the international organisations
Expand 240 - Chapter 25  'Medical Physics' in Twentieth Century Physics240 - Chapter 25 'Medical Physics' in Twentieth Century Physics
241 - The Pioneering of Medical Imaging in Aberdeen - particularly Nuclear Medicine and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
242 - The First Century of Hospital Physics 1895-1995: the evolution of Medical Imaging 1945-1995, with Aberdeen's Role 1965-1995
Expand 243 - Medical Imaging,Radioactivity and Magnetic Resonance - a personal voyage243 - Medical Imaging,Radioactivity and Magnetic Resonance - a personal voyage
244 - Aberdeen's Contribution to Medical Imaging
245 - Making the Human Body Transparent: The Impact of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Expand 246 - The Pioneering of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Aberdeen246 - The Pioneering of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Aberdeen
247 - The Evolution of Medical Imaging - from Geiger Counters to MRI - a personal saga
Expand 248 - Conferral of the Freedom of the City of Aberdeen 248 - Conferral of the Freedom of the City of Aberdeen
249 - Develoment of Physics Applied to Medicine in the UK, 1945-1990
250 - The Contribution of Medical Physicists and Doctors in Aberdeen to the Evolution of Modern Medical Imaging: SPECT,PET and MRI - 1965-1992
Expand 251 - Magnetic Resonance Imaging-The Aberdeen perspective on developments in the early years 251 - Magnetic Resonance Imaging-The Aberdeen perspective on developments in the early years
252 - The Heritage of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM)
253 - The Heritage of the Med-Chi
254 - Letter from Professor Peter Wells
255 - Letter from Dr Keith Ison
2 - Complete list of publications and CV (curriculum vitae)