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Collapse MS 3745 - Gordon of Letterfourie estate papersMS 3745 - Gordon of Letterfourie estate papers
Expand 1 - Charters and sasines relating to land transfer on the estates of Letterfourie, Corriedown and Durn1 - Charters and sasines relating to land transfer on the estates of Letterfourie, Corriedown and Durn
Expand 2 - Papers relating to brothers James and Alexander Gordon 6th and 7th lairds of Letterfourie2 - Papers relating to brothers James and Alexander Gordon 6th and 7th lairds of Letterfourie
Expand 3 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Sir James Gordon of Letterfourie, 8th laird3 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Sir James Gordon of Letterfourie, 8th laird
Expand 4 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Sir William Gordon of Letterfourie, 9th laird4 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Sir William Gordon of Letterfourie, 9th laird
Expand 5 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Sir Robert Gordon of Letterfourie, 10th laird5 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Sir Robert Gordon of Letterfourie, 10th laird
Expand 6 - Later papers relating to the history of the Gordons6 - Later papers relating to the history of the Gordons
Collapse 7 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Gordons in Fochabers7 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Gordons in Fochabers
Expand 1 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Francis Gordon, apothecary in Fochabers1 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Francis Gordon, apothecary in Fochabers
Expand 2 - Gordon of Letterfourie: Andrew, Alexander and Francis Gordon: correspondence2 - Gordon of Letterfourie: Andrew, Alexander and Francis Gordon: correspondence
Expand 3 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Dr Andrew Gordon of St Croix3 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Dr Andrew Gordon of St Croix
Expand 4 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Alexander Gordon of St Croix4 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Alexander Gordon of St Croix
Expand 5 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Captain Francis Gordon5 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Captain Francis Gordon
Collapse 6 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to George Gordon6 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to George Gordon
1 - Discharge by George Gordon of a debt by Alexander Smith
2 - List of debts and invenotories, signed by George Gordon
3 - Declaration by George Gordon directions for payments
4 - Letter to George Gordon, regarding contract of marriage between Gordon's niece and David Gordon
5 - List of books belonging to George Gordon
6 - Letter to Anna Gordon from Gordon, Stobhall, asking her to be his sole executrix
7 - Debts due to and by George Gordon, November 1762
8 - Last will and testament by George Gordon
9 - Letter to George Gordon regarding jobs and removal of Procurator
10 - George Gordon's receipt of pensions, unsigned
11 - Letter to Anne Gordon from George Gordon replying to one sent by Gordon younger of Cluny
12 - Part of George Gordon’s account with Robert Cruickshank, 1764
13 - Statement of account between A. Gordon, Stobhall, and G. Gordon, mostly involving payment to and from women
14 - Letter to George Gordon from John Gordon on sister and niece, health and manners
15 - Letter to George Gordon from John Gordon, regarding sent books, previous meetings and court cases
16 - Letter to George Gordon from John Gordon, regarding nephew, Lady Carrington's affairs and Mrs Gordon ilness
17 - Letter to Mr Robison from John Gordon, 1764
18 - Letter to George Gordon from John Gordon, regarding possible arrival of George’s brother’s watch
19 - Letter to George Gordon from John Gordon on possible arrival of Reid and Geddes, illness of Mrs Gordon and more
20 - Letter to George Gordon from John Gordon, pondering mysterious route taken by delivey via Dublin
21 - Letter to George Gordon from John Gordon, regarding travel plans
22 - Letter to George Gordon from John Gordon, regarding Reid and Geddes departure from Banff
23 - Letter to George Gordon from John Gordon, inquiring regarding Reid and Geddes safe arrival, 1764
24 - Account of George Gordon with Robert Cruickshank for spoons, 1764
25 - Receipt for sum received from George Gordon by Davie Betley for taking ‘four young gentlemen’ from Burntisland to Dunkirk
26 - Letter to George Gordon from John Gordon, regarding finding books for him, fearful that Reid’s boxes will be seized
27 - Letter to George Gordon from John Gordon, inquiring of letters and bills sent to Gordon
28 - Letter to George Gordon from John Gordon, regarding financial transactions
29 - Letter to George Gordon from John Gordon, mentioning the visit to Bishop
30 - Note from William Duthy, Huntly, with a note of his financial situation
31 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London. regarding delivery of books and care for young women when they arrive
32 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, regarding dispatches and explaining his nephew is on his way to St Kitts for St Croix
33 - Account in John Gordon’s handwriting with Mr Dian and Nephew
34 - Discharge of money owed by George Gordon, Stobhall, to Margaret Milne, as an annuity
35 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, to be delivered by Mr Frazer, asking for George’s help
36 - Letter to George Gordon, Edinburgh, from ‘H.D.’, Glengarry, regarding noise over bill granted by H.D.’s brother Old Moror to the late Kinlochmoydart
37 - Letter to ?[Smith] from John Gordon, London, passing on word of Mr Frazer’s parents to him and complaining of lack of letters
38 - Letter to George Gordon from ‘H.D.’, Glengarry, confirming safe delivery of bill and glass, and glad to hear of Molly’s marriage
39 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, enclosing a power of attorney from Captain Strachan to his namesake, a Herald
40 - Letter to ? [Smith] from John Gordon, London, glad that he has so much help in the summer
41 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, sorry to hear of Miss MacGenniss’ death
42 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, with news of Captain Strachan who hopes to be introduced to the King as Sir John
43 - Letter to George Gordon from H.D., Glengarry, asking him to forward enclosed letters to London
44 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, sorry to hear of George's illness and explaining Mr Gordon has got into the Imperial Chapel
45 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, regarding travellers delayed by wind, news soon of Lady Carrington's affair
46 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, sorry to hear of George’s illness, visit of Charles Gordon and asking him to use his influence over Smith to help Kennedy
47 - Letter to Mr Smith from John Gordon, London, regarding Mr Kennedy and Charles Gordon's threatening letter
48 - George Gordon’s private account with John Gordon, London, mostly for books
49 - Letter to George Gordon, Edinburgh, from H.D., Glengarry, surprised not to have heard from Gordon or Robison
50 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, regarding accounts and arrival of Mr Reid's trunk of books
51 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, regarding bills, going to Passy for his health
52 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, regarding Dorlet’s letter about accounts, dispatch of Mr Reid’s books
53 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, regarding dispatch of Mr Reid’s books
54 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, regarding recovery of some more of Mr Reid’s books
55 - Letter to George Gordon from H.D., Preshome, regarding arrangements for meeting with Robison and with Mr Tiberios
56 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, hopes he has done with Strachan the herald and hoping to hear from Dorlet about Douai but will send no one until they have firm news
57 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, regarding news from Dorlet and accounts for Sir John Strachan
58 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, complaining about accounts
59 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, regarding Douay's rescue
60 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, regarding two receipts
61 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, introducing Captain Grant and asking for something to be sent to the Captain’s uncle at Douai
62 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, asking for Mr Robison’s assistance for Mr Grant
63 - Letter to Mr Robison from John Gordon, London, distressed that Mr Grant is to be turned out of the house he has only just occupied
64 - Letter to George Gordon from H.D., Glengarry, introducing the bearer and recommending him if Gordon has any cash to send
65 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, regarding receipts, payment form Charles Gordon of Baldorny, expenses for Mr Frazer, still no sign of nephew
66 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, enclosing bills, safe arrival of Mr Frazer at Douay but troubled by two French women who stayed with John and wheedled money from him
67 - Receipt of money paid by George Gordon at Edinburgh to Margaret Milne as annuity
68 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, regarding arrival of bills, Captain Grant’s intention of writing to Edinburgh, and death of Mrs Gordon
69 - Letter to George Gordon from H.D., Glengarry, thanking for bill but regretting that pensions are late
70 - Letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, introducing the bearer
71 - Part letter to George Gordon from his cousin John Gordon of Glencat, London, torn at top, asking him to show a friend around Edinburgh
72 - Account between George Gordon and A. Gordon at Stobhall
73 - Receipt for money paid by George Gordon, Edinburgh, to Anne Gordon, Fochabers
74 - Account of George Gordon with David Forgue for materials and making of a suit
75 - Note of receipt (unsigned) of money for Johny Mcgines quarter’s board and for a new shirt for him, Stobhall
76 - Note of receipt of money paid by George Gordon to George Hay, Stobhall
77 - Letter to George Gordon, care of Ann Gordon, Fochabers, from George Cruickshank, Edinburgh, regarding his own ague, with another letter added on the paper signed ?A.G., implying that the business with the accounts grew out of some animosity against Gordon
78 - Note of receipt of money paid by George Gordon to George Hay, Fochabers
79 - Copy of letter from John Gordon of Glencat sent to his cousin A. Marshall, London, addressed to William Brymer and William Brander, gun maker, London, regarding next step in the Lady Carrington case
80 - Letter to George Gordon, Fochabers, from George Hay, with advice on his financial arrangement and news of buildings in Edinburgh
81 - Disposition and assignation George Gordon to Anne Gordon, his niece, of his estate at his death
82 - Account of the funeral expenses of George Gordon, Fochabers
83 - Part of a hand-written account of the religious history of the reign of Elizabeth I of England and brief accounts of some previous monarchs, much damaged, probably in the hand of George Gordon
Expand 7 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Anna and Susanna Gordon7 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Anna and Susanna Gordon