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Collapse MS 3745 - Gordon of Letterfourie estate papersMS 3745 - Gordon of Letterfourie estate papers
Expand 1 - Charters and sasines relating to land transfer on the estates of Letterfourie, Corriedown and Durn1 - Charters and sasines relating to land transfer on the estates of Letterfourie, Corriedown and Durn
Expand 2 - Papers relating to brothers James and Alexander Gordon 6th and 7th lairds of Letterfourie2 - Papers relating to brothers James and Alexander Gordon 6th and 7th lairds of Letterfourie
Expand 3 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Sir James Gordon of Letterfourie, 8th laird3 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Sir James Gordon of Letterfourie, 8th laird
Expand 4 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Sir William Gordon of Letterfourie, 9th laird4 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Sir William Gordon of Letterfourie, 9th laird
Expand 5 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Sir Robert Gordon of Letterfourie, 10th laird5 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Sir Robert Gordon of Letterfourie, 10th laird
Expand 6 - Later papers relating to the history of the Gordons6 - Later papers relating to the history of the Gordons
Collapse 7 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Gordons in Fochabers7 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Gordons in Fochabers
Expand 1 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Francis Gordon, apothecary in Fochabers1 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Francis Gordon, apothecary in Fochabers
Expand 2 - Gordon of Letterfourie: Andrew, Alexander and Francis Gordon: correspondence2 - Gordon of Letterfourie: Andrew, Alexander and Francis Gordon: correspondence
Expand 3 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Dr Andrew Gordon of St Croix3 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Dr Andrew Gordon of St Croix
Expand 4 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Alexander Gordon of St Croix4 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Alexander Gordon of St Croix
Collapse 5 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Captain Francis Gordon5 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Captain Francis Gordon
1 - List of expenses due by Captain Francis Gordon in two legal cases
2 - List of expenses due by Cornelius Bremmer in legal matters
3 - List of court charges addressed to and signed by Captain Francis Gordon
4 - Copy letter from Soren Lycke, with account of cargo shipped from St Croix, May 1761
5 - Accounts between Soren Lycke, and William Chippindale, May 1761
6 - Certificate stating William Kelly owneship of the Lawrence in New York, November 1762
7 - Receipt for tobacco bought by Captain Francis Gordon from Henry Moir, March 1766
8 - Receipt for nails bought by Captain Francis Gordon from Marcus Skerrett
9 - Receipt for rum bought by the owners of the Lawrence from James Bourke, August 1766
10 - Receipt for beef bought by Alexander Gordon for the Lawrence, from Edmund Terrall
11 - Receipt for sugar bought by Captain Francis Gordon for the Lawrence
12 - Receipt for pork bought for the Lawrence from Alexander Anderson
13 - Certificate relating to Francis Gordon passing exam as skipper
14 - Captain Francis Gordon’s account with Soren Lycke
15 - Receipt for ? bought by Captain Francis Gordon from Jacob Dischingthun
16 - Short document relating to Dr Heering and Captain Francis Gordon
17 - Receipt from Abraham Dermott for pieces of eight from Captain Francis Gordon
18 - Receipt from David Lowe for pieces of eight from Thomas Tucker in payment of Captain Francis Gordon’s debt to Lowe’s mother, August 1767
19 - Agreement by John Henderickson to pay to Captain Francis Gordon a sum from the estate of Jeremiah Smith
20 - Document relating to Captain Francis Gordon and his examinations
21 - Passport issued by King Christian VII for Captain Francis Gordon on the ship Laurentia from Copenhagen bound for St Croix
22 - Account of William McDougall with Thomas Tucker for sugar, paid by Captain Francis Gordon at St Croix
23 - Document relating to Captain Francis Gordon, with a certificate of payment by him, April 1768
24 - Captain Francis Gordon’s account with Soren Lycke, April 1768
25 - Account of delivery of a tea service to Captain Gordon, April 1768
26 - Invoice for various items shipped on the Lawrence, Captain Francis Gordon, for Christopher McEvoy, April 1768
27 - List of men and payments including a balance on a judgemen, June 1768
28 - Account of Francis Gordon with Dr Morgan, July 1768
29 - Account of Thomas Tucker with William Rose relating to Captain Francis Gordon, July 1768
30 - Receipt for sugar bought by Captain Francis Gordon from John Kennedy, July 1768
31 - Captain Francis Gordon’s account with Donald McGillivray & Co. for planks, July 1768
32 - Captain Francis Gordon’s account with Thomas Stevens, July 1768
33 - Captain Francis Gordon’s account with Wood Haynes for goods, August 1768
34 - Record of sales of articles shipped by Soren Lycke of Copenhagen on the Lawrence, August 1768
35 - Account of the owners of the ship Lawrence to Captain Francis Gordon, December 1768
36 - Account of Captain Francis Gordon with Sara Graver, December 1768
37 - Account for Captain Francis Gordon for spices and cloth shipped on his behalf on the Lawrence, December 1768
38 - Account of Captain Francis Gordon with the owners of the ship Lawrence
39 - Court charges in the action of Captain Francis Gordon against J. Palmer, 1769
40 - Letter to Captain Francis Gordon from John Dungan, with invoice for some china and tobacco, March 1769
41 - Account of money owed by Captain Francis Gordon to Wood & Haynes, May 1769
42 - Document, possibly financial, relating to Captain Francis Gordon and apparently drawn up in Christianstad, May 1769
43 - Receipt for rum brought to William Henderson, by Captain Francis Gordon, May 1769
44 - Letter to Captain Francis Gordon, from Francis Markor, regarding a payment, June 1769
45 - Receipt of money paid to A. Walkerberg and W.L. Ursin by Jacob Dilion on behalf of Captain Francis Gordon, July 1769
46 - Receipt for money paid by Captain Francis Gordon to Thomas Durant & Co.
47 - Agreement by John Farrington to return a horse belonging to Captain Francis Gordon, July 1769
48 - Receipt for money paid by Captain Francis Gordon to Jacobus and Anders Craaff, October 1769
49 - Receipt for payment by Captain Francis Gordon to Captain Rogge for calico, crockery and sugar
50 - Copy invoice of articles shipped on the ‘Margaret’ for Guadaloupe and sent to St Croix, signed by Francis Gordon
51 - List of names with quantities of ham and oats and prices
52 - Invoice of four chests of china shipped on the Lawrence, Captain Francis Gordon
53 - Certificate stating that Francis Gordon, appointed Lieutenant in the Imperial Russian Navy, was invalided off by a certificate from the surgeon of the Royal Naval Hospital, March 1770
54 - Copy bonds to pay a sum from the estate of Jeremiah Smith to Captain Francis Gordon for the maintenance of William Wood in Copenhagen, November 1770
Expand 6 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to George Gordon6 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to George Gordon
Expand 7 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Anna and Susanna Gordon7 - Gordon of Letterfourie: papers relating to Anna and Susanna Gordon